Diptera Flashcards
What are the identifying characteristics of Insects?
3 pairs of legs
Head, thorax, abdomen
What is the live cycle of Diptera
Egg - larva -pupa-adult
What is the Veterinary importance of Diptera (files)
Biological transmission of organisms Mechanical transmission Fly strike (myiasis)
Muscidae contains what group of insects?
Flies of domestic animals
Common name of Musca domestica?
House fly
Hosts of Musca domestica?
Domestic animals and humans
Adults 5.5. 7.5 mm
Light to dark grey
Sticky hairs on pads of legs
Sponging mouthparts
Musca domestica
House fly
Musca autumalis
Face fly
Common name of Musca autumnalis?
Face fly
What is the site of infestation of Musca atumnalis?
Animal secretions and wounds
What is the pathogenesis of Musca autumnalis?
Annoyance (feeds on face secretions)
Mechanical and biological vector
What are the clinical signs of Musca autumnalis ?
Decreased grading
Drop in performance
Eye disorders/conjunctivitis
Common name of Stomoxys calcitrans?
Stable fly/biting house fly
Host of stomoxys calitrans
Most animals and humans
Adults 5.5 -7.5mm
Mouthparts ridged, conspicuous, and forward projecting
Sits on wall head up
Stomoxys calcitrans
What is the life cycle of Stomoxys calcitrans ?
Feed on blood
3mins to finish blood meal
Females lay eggs on decaying matter (damp hay)
Pathogenesis and clinical signs of Stomoxys calcitrans ?
Attacks animals -> head and ear movement, skin twitches, and tail swishes
Transmit disease organisms
What is the treatment and prevention of face fly ad stable fly?
Screens Sanitation Insecticides Treat horse and environment Do NOT treat compost
Common name of haematobia irritans?
Horn fly
Host of haematobia irritans
Smallest blood sucking muscid
1/4 size of stable fly and shorter proboscis
Haematobia irritans
Life cycle of haematobia irritans?
Remain on host except when female lays eggs in fresh feces
Overwinter (pupa diapause)
Site of infection of Haematobia irritans?
Abdomen when raining
Cluster around horns
Pathogenesis of haematobia irritans
Intense irritatin
Impair milk production and weight gain
Transmit cattle helminths
Culicoides spp common name?
Biting midges
Hosts of culicoides spp?
Domestic animals and humans
Mottled wings, short piercing probiscis, antenna long and slender
Pathogenesis of culicoides spp?
Transmit Protozoa, helminth (onchocerca) and virus
Clinical signs of culicoides spp?
Painful bite
Allergic rxn in some horses
Treatment and prevention of culicoides spp?
Decrease standing water
Avid marshy pasture
Treat horse: repellent, insecticide
Common name of Tabanus spp?
Horse fly
Host of Tabanus spp?
Large domestic or wild animal, human, small animals, birds..
Why don’t they just say everything?