Ascarids Flashcards
What are the characteristics of Arachnids?
Nymph and adult : 4 pairs of legs
Larvae : 3 pairs of legs
No antennae
What are the two families of ticks?
Ixodidae - hard tick
Argasidae -soft tick
What are the life cycle stages of a tick?
Egg - larvae - nymph- adult
What are damaging effects of Ixodid ticks
Suck blood
Lesions from mouthparts -> predisposed for infections
Transmission of disease
Tick paralysis
Common name of Ixodes spp?
Black-legged tick
Deer tick
Host of Ixodes spp?
All mammals, birds, humans
Larvae and nymphs feed on mice and adults on deer
Scutum Small dark brown No festoons Long palps Anal groove forms an arch anterior to the anus
Ixodes spp
Blacke legged tick
Life cycle of Ixodes spp?
Three host tick
Females engorge in fall, overwinter and lay eggs in spring
What is the site of infestation of Ixodes spp?
Especially axilla, inguinal region, face, and ears
What is the pathogenesis of Ixodes spp?
Paralysis in animals
Local skin reactions to bites
Transmit Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease)
Common name Dermacentor spp?
D. Variabilis - American dog tick
D. Andersoni - Rocky Mountain wood tick
D. Albipictus - winter or elk tick
D.nitens - tropical horse tick
Hosts of Dermacentor spp?
Larvae and nymph- small rodents
Adult- dog and humans
Rectangular basis capituli
Short palps
Orate scutum festoons
Dermacentor spp
What is the life cycle of Dermacentor spp?
Three host tic
Several months to year
Site of infection of Dermacentor spp?
Skin around head and neck
What tick species transmits Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, cytauxzoonosis, and can cause tick paralysis
Dermacentor spp
What is the common name of Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
Brown dog tick
Kennel tick
Host of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ?
Dog and human
Southern US
Hexagonal basis capituli
Inornate scutum
Short palp
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
What is the life cycle of Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
Three host tick
Adapted to indoor living
What is the site of infestation of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ?
Adult- between toes and ears
Larvae and nymphs- back of neck
What tick species transmits Babesia canis and Eherlichia canis?
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
What are the treatment and prevention methods of ticks in cats and dogs?
Manually remove tick
What tick only infects one host in its life cycle?
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp
Hosts of Rhipicephalus (boophilus) spp?
Cattle and other large hosts
Hexagonal basis capituli
Prominent dorsal ridges
Short palps
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp
What is the site of infestation of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp?
Ventral aspects of body (adults)
Immatures in ears
What tick species cause transmits Bovine piroplasmosis and gallsickness?
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp
Common name of Amblyomma spp?
Lone star tick
Gulf Coast tick
Tropical bone tick
Host of Amblyomma spp?
Long palps
Ornate scutum
Banded legs
Amblyomma spp
What is the pathogenesis of Amblyomma spp?
Painful bite (large mouthparts)
Transmit disease
-hepatozoon americanum
Cytauxzoon felis
What hard tick is reportable ?
Rhipicephalus (boophilus) spp
Common name of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp?
Blue tick
Cattle fever tick
Tropical cattle tick
Soft ticks belong to the order ___________
What are the characteristics of soft ticks (Argasids)
No dorsal Sheila/scutum
Leather tegument, spinose and bumpy
Mouthparts ventrally placed
> 2nymph stages
What are the two genus of Argasidae?
Otobius spp -spinose ear tick
Argas spp- fowl tick
Common name of Otobius spp?
Spinose ear tick
Host of Otobius spp?
Livestock, human, dog
Pathogenesis of Otobius spp?
Ear canal affected seriously in large tick buildup
Heavy infestation leads to anemia
Commonname of Argas spp?
Fowl tick
Host of Argas spp?
Domestic and wild fowl
Soft tick
Leathery, textured body, lateral line/crease
Argas spp
Life cycle to Argas spp?
Engorge rapidly
Survive arid conditions
Transmit pathogens
Microscopic, <1mm long
Body with scales, spines, setae(hairs)
What are the three life strategies of mites?
Burrowing - Sarcoptes and Notoedres
Non-burrowing -Psoroptes, Cheyletiella, Chorioptes
Restricted -Otodectes
Common name of Sarcoptes scabiei
Sarcoptic mange
Itch mite
Scabies mite
Host of Sarcoptes scabiei?
All domestic animals and humans
What are the life cycle stages of Sarcoptes scabiei?
Eggs larvae nymph adult
What are the clinical signs of S. scabiei in dogs?
Begin on hairless areas
Follicular papules
Crust of dried serum and blood
What is the main mode of S. scabiei between swine?
Sows to piglets during suckling
Boars to gilts
What is the pathogenesis of S. scabiei in swine?
Pigs itch -> lose condition
First lesions are wheals; erythema around eyes, snout, external ear, front of hock
Progress to scabs
Crusty lesions ->hyperkeratosis
How do you diagnose a mite infection
Mites from ear wax
Skin scraping
Clinical signs- pruritus
What is the pathogenesis of S. scabiei in cattle?
Scaly skin (mild) Thickened skin (heavy) Downgrading of hides, drop in meat /milk production
A Sarcoptes scabiei infection in what species is reportable?
What is the treatment for Sarcoptes scabiei?
MCL (dog, cattle, and swine)
Treat sows before farrowing
Eprinomectin for lactating dairy cattle
What is the common name of Notoedries cati?
Noteodric cat mite
Hosts of Notoedres cati?
Occasionally dog or rabbit
Site of infestation of Notoedres cati?
Common name of Knemidocoptes spp?
Scaly leg mite
Scaly face mite
Host of Knemidocoptes spp?
Chicken and turkey
Cage bird
Site of infestation of Knemidocoptes spp?
Under scales of leg, comb, wattles, and neck
______________ leads to inflammation and keratinization of skin of legs/face, lameness, or malformation of feet in birds
Knemidocoptes spp
Choriopes bovis hosts?
Cattle, small ruminant, equids
Non-burrowing mite
Rounded mouthparts
Sucker shape at end of stalks
Chorioptes bovis
Site of infestation of Chorioptes bovis?
Tailhead, udder and legs
Common name of psoroptes ovis?
Sheep scab mite
Host of Psoroptes ovis?
Sheep and cattle
Pointed mouthparts
Causes scab mange
Psoroptes ovis
Mouthparts-pierce and chew
Zone of inflammation with serous exudate
Dry crust with moist borders
Itching, restless rubbing, scratching, ragged wool
Psoroptes ovis
What mite species rapidly spreads during winter but is found in axilla, groin, and inner pinna during summer
Psoroptes ovis
What mite infections are reportable?
Psoroptes ovis
Sarcoptes scabiei - cattle
Common name of Otodectes cynotis
Ear mite
Host of Otodectes cynotis
Dog, cat, ferret, fox, rabbit, human
Site of infection of Otodectes cynotis
Dry waxy parchment-like material in ear
Like coffee grounds
Otodectes cynotis
Host of cheyletiella yasguri
Dog and human
Pathogenesis of Cheyletiella yasguri ?
“Walking dandruff” in fur and hair
Diagnosis of Cheyletiella yasguri?
Adhesive tape or scotch tape swab
Common name of Demodex canis? What is the host?
Demodectic mange mite
Follicle mite
Where is Demodex canis found?
Hair follicles and sebaceous glands (entire life cycle)