Nematode: Rhabditida, Enplida, Oxyurida, And Spirurida Flashcards
Strongyloides spp host?
Dog, cat, equine, ovine
What is the life cycle of Strongyloides spp?
Alternate homogonic and heterogonic phases
Heterogonic- in good environmental conditions the L1 to Adult (male and female)
Homogonic- L3 infect host in bad environmental conditions. Only develop into females. She don’t need no man in her life.
Migrate to lungs, coughed up, swallowed, adult females in small intestine
What are the modes of transduction of Strongyloides Spp?
Per Os
What is the PPP of Strongyloides??
Site of infection of Strongyloides spp?
Small intestine
Pathogenesis of Strongyloides spp?
Inflammation of small intestine
Diarrhea, anorexia, and weight loss.
Skin penetration: erythematous reaction and urticaria
What is the treatment of Strongyloides spp?
Young animals
Dependent on host
T or F: Strongyloides have potential zoonosis
Strongyloides infects what hosts?
Dog and cat
What is the diagnostic stage of Strongyloides stercoralis?
L1 and eggs with L1 in feces
Strongyloides westeri infects what host?
Strongyloides papillosus infects what hosts?
Sheep, goat, cattle
Strongyloides ransomi infects what host?
Adults- small intestine, slender white nematode less than 1cm
Esophagus 1/3 the length of the nematode
Egg- with L1 30x40um
Strongyloides spp
What are the two important superfamilies in the order Enoplida?
Trichinelloidea and Dioctophymatoidea
What is the common morphological feature of Trichinelloidea?
stichosome esophagus, single column of cells in a tube.
What is the common name of Trichuris spp?
What are the hosts of Trichuris spp?
Dog, cat, swine, cattle, ovine
What nematodes have a thick posterior end and a thin anterior end?
Eggs- polar plugs (lemon shaped)
Trichuris spp
What is the site of infection of Trichuris spp?
Cecum and or colon
What is the pathogenesis of Trichuris spp in heavy infection ?
Diphtheritic inflammation (leathery/bumpy) of cecal mucosa
What are the clinical signs of Trichuris spp??
Sporadic disease due to heavy infections most common in dog
Severe infection = diarrhea and weight loss
What are the hosts of Capillaria
Dog, cat, bird
Capillaria obsignata infects what species?
Adult- thin hair-like (1-5cm)
Egg- polar plugs (barrel-shaped)
Capillaria spp
Is the life cycle of Capillaria spp is direct or indirect?
Can be direct or indirect dependent on the species
What are the sites of infection of Capillaria in dogs and cats?
Airways, intestinal tract, and bladder
What is the site of infection of Capillaria in Birds?
Alimentary tract
What is the pathogenesis of Capillaria in dogs and cats?
Non pathogenic, asymptomatic
Be aware of this and eggs, if found in feces -> not causing clinical signs
What are the hosts of Trichinella spp?
Mammals, birds and reptiles
Coiled larvae in striated muscle
How is Trichinella spp transmitted?
Ingesting raw or undercooked pork and game meats
What is the site of infection of Trichinella spp?
Adult-small intestine
Larvae- muscles
What is the pathogenesis and clinical signs of Trichinella spp?
Clinical signs do not occur in animals
Humans exhibit flu like symptoms
What are the methods of diagnosis of Trichinella spp?
Pooled sample digestion
Squash preparation
What is the best method of prevention of Trichinella spp?
Do not allow pigs to eat uncooked meat, scraps or carcasses of animals/rats
What is the common name of Dioctophyme renale?
Giant kindey worm
What are the hosts of Diocophyme renale?
Dog, fox, mink
IH: Earthworm
PH: frog or fish
What is the common name of Oxyuris Equi?
Large pinworm
What is the host of oxyuris equi?
Adults: Long, white and pointed tail
Eggs: single operculum
Oxyuris equi
What is the life cycle of Oxyuris equi?
Adults in dorsal colon.
Females migrate to anus and lay eggs around perinureum
Gelatinous substance
Larvae to L3 in egg-> ingested
Horse with puritus, peri-anal irritation, and broken hair at the base of the tail most likely has what parasite?
Oxyuris equi
The superfamily filariodiea has what common characterisitic?
Indirect life cycle
Females lay mff
Mff are consumed by IH which develop to L3 (infective stage)
Dirofilaria immitus Hosts?
Dog, cat, mammals
IH: Mosquito
Adult- long slender 20-30cm in pulmonary artery
Dirofilaria immitis
What is the life cycle of Dirofilaria ?
Adult- pulmonary artery Produce mff Mosquito pick up mff Develop to L3 in mosquito L3 in salivary gland of mosquito-> bite host L3 develops to L4 quickly L4 migrate in subcutaneous tissues for (2-3months) L5 into capillary to pulmonary artery Adult
What is the site of infection of Dirofilaria ?
Adult- distal pulmonary artery, only in large infection back up to the heart
Larvae-Subcutanous tissue
What is the pathogenesis of Dirofilaria?
Endothelium destroyed Fluid leakage/thrombus formation Tortuous arteries Increased resistance Post-caval syndrome
What obligate intracellular bacteria does heartworm contain that is an important target during treatment?
Wolbacia spp.
Treat with doxycycline
What are the clinical signs of heartworm?
Exercise intolerance
Asymptomatic cough
What methods can be used to diagnose heartworm?
Antigen test: sexually mature adult female Mff test- Ag testing Occult infections Radiology-pulmonary lesions Echocardiography
When should heartworm preventatives be started? What does the preventative target?
6-8wks of age
Test before beginning preventative
MCL-against L3 and early L4
What are the general treatment protocols for heartworm?
Address clinical condition Prophylaxis Doxycycline -Wolbacia Kill mff Manage clinical signs Adulticide
Cage rest
Mosquito control
What is the host of Acanthocheilonema reconditum?
What is the importance of Acanthocheilonema reconditum?
Have mff- must distinguish from heartworm
What is the site of infection of Acanthocheilonmea reconditum?
Mff in blood
What is the host on onchocerca cervicalis?
All equids
What is the site of infection of Onchocerca cervicalis?
Adult-coiled in tissue nodules
Mff in tissue space of skin (often by nuchal ligament)
Itchy dermatitis
What is the common name of Spirocerca lupi ?
Esophageal worm
What are the hosts of spirocerca lupi?
Final host: dog, wolves, coyote, fox
IH: dung beetle
PH: Chicken, bird, lizard
Adult:pink to red in colour and up to 8cm long
Egg: small elongated with L1, thick shelled (paper clip)
Spirocerca lupi