Protozoa Apicomplexa 2 Flashcards
Commons name of disease caused by Sarcocystis neurona?
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM)
DH to sarcocystis neurona
Intermediate host to Sarcocystis neurona
Cat, skunk raccoon, fishers, armadillo
Aberrant host to Sarcocystis neurona?
What reproduction stages of sarcysitis neurona occurs in the final host vs the intermediate host?
Final host: gametogony
IH: schizogony -> bradyzoite in muscle tissue
Where is sarcocystis neurona found in the aberrant host?
Schizonts develop in horse neurons
in a section of nervous tissue you see rosette organism
What is the pathogenesis of Sarcocystis in its final host, intermediate host, and accidental host?
FH: not pathogenic
IH: vascular endothelium affected by schizonts
Accidental: schizonts in nervous tissue
Clinical signs displayed in hoarse with sarcocystis neurona
CNS, brian, brainstem, spinal cord
Unusual or atypical lameness/ seizures
Difficulty with standing/walking/swallowing
Focal muscle atrophy
What is the most commonly diagnosed infectious neurological disease of equine in America?
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
How can you diagnose EPM?
- clinical signs
- western blot
- PCR of CSF
-histological section of CNS
What is the treatment and prevention methods for Sarcocystis neurona?
Opossum control - prevent opossum defecating where horses are fed
Antiprotozoals can rid horse of S. neuronal organisms but the CNS remains damaged
Host of neospora spp?
Dog, canid
IH: dog, cattle, sheep, goat, and horse
What is the lifecycle of neospora spp?
Oocyst is 12um and colourless
Gametogony in dog (FH)
Sporulated oocyst ingested by IH and encyst extraintestinally
Most cattle and dog infected transplacental (tachyzoite)
Bradyzoite in cysts (neural cells)- infective to FH
Site of infection of Neospora spp?
Final host: intestine
IH: many cells, predilection site CNS
Pathogenesis and lesions of Neospora?
Cells of CNS, liver, muscle and kidney
Tachyzoite cause cell death
Abortion in cattle at 3-9months
Fetus: Brian most consistently affected and encephalitis is the most common lesion
Diagnosis of neospora spp?
Serology on serum and CSF
Tissue sample at necropsy
Treatment and prevention of neospora?
No drug effective against cyst in cattle
Prevent contact with feces from infected dog
Good hygiene
Dispose of aborted fetuses
Vaccinate healthy cow in fist trimester to reduce abortion
Host of cryptosporidium spp>
Cattle are infected by what species of crypto ? How does the age of the cattle differ?
C. Parvum - calves younger than 3 wks
C.andersoni - older calves, weaned, and adult cattle
What species of crypto can infect humans?
C. Parvum
C. Hominis
Oocyst 4-8um, transparent
Small and at microvillar surface of epithelial cells
Neonatal or young animals
How can cryptosporidium be transmitted?
Site of infection of cryptosporidium ?
Epithelium of digestive tract or respiratory tracts
Clinical signs of Crypto ?
Immunocompromised patients at high risk
Diagnosis of cryptosporidium ?
Oocyst in fecal slides -direct smear with stain Concentrated sugar float Acid fast stain => red ELISA IFA
What is the treatment for cryptosporidium ?
Supportive therapy
Host of Hepatozoon spp?
ID: gamonts in blood cell of dog
Hepatozoon spp
What can transmit Hepatozoon spp?
Ambylomma tick
Site of infection of Hepatozoon?
Schizonts in tissues
Gamonts in WBC
Clinical signs of Hepatozoon
H canis- subclinical
H americanum - severe disease, joint pain, myoitis
How can you diagnose Hepatozoon
Parasite in peripheral blood
Biopsy of muscle
What is the treatment and prevetion of Hepatozoon ?
No treatment
Tick control**
What are the two species of Babesia infecting dogs and how can they be differentiated?
B. Canis trophozite or meterozoite (Piromplams) in RBC 4-5um
B. Gibsoni - Piroplasms in RBC only 1-2um
Site of infection of Babesia canis?
Metrozotie in RBC
B. Canis or B. Gibsoni
Treatment and prevention of B. Canis?
Tick control -Rhipicephalus sanguineus
What transmits Babesia
Ripicephalus spp
What is the host of Babesia bigemina?
Rhipicephalus (boophilus) -cattle fever tick
What does Babesia bigemina cause? And who is suseptible ?
Texas cattle fever
Older animals
Chronic infection
Site of infection of Babesia bigemina ?
Diagnosis of Babesia bigemina?
Blood smear (trophozoite and merozoite )
Serology (chronic infection)
Treatment and prevention of babesia bigemina?
Tick control
Host of cytauxzoon
Cat. Bobcat
Merozite in RBC
Cytauxzoon Felis
What transmits Cytauxzoon
Ambylomma tick
Cat ingest tick
Site of infection of Cytauxzoon felis?
macrophage and RBC
Pathogenesis of cytauxzoon?
Fever, anemia, icterus
Developing schizonts cause enlargement of infected cells
Occlusion of blood vessels- heart, liver, lung
Rapid and fatal disease
How do you diagnose Cytauxzoon ?
Peripheral blood smear
Giesma or Wrights stain
Treatment and prevention of cytauxzoon
Tick control
Atovaquane and azithromycin
Supportive care
Host of luecocytozoon spp?
Domestic and wild fowl
Vector of leucocytozoon
Black flies and biting midges
Organism in blood/tissue
Spherical to oval to spindle shaped
Masses of 1-4 elongate structures
Site of infection of Leucocytozoon
Brain, heart, lung, kidney, gizzard, intestine, lymphoid, blood cells..
You sure make it around
Pathogenesis of Leucocytozoon
Listless, anemia, labored breathing, CNS symptoms, death
Pathogenic in young!