Protein Synthesis and Protein Functions Flashcards
a region within a protein that can function independently of the total protein within which it is found.
Odontoblasts move towards center of tooth forming the ______
Odontoblast process
_______ secretes hydroxyapatite crystals and mineralizes matrix forming the mantle dentin
Odontoblast process
______ is high in proline, leucine, histidine, and glutamine but contains no hydroxyproline or cystine
the collective protein information found in an organism, tissue, cell, fluid or other definable compartment.
the 3D structure of multiple polypeptide chains; refers to the complete structure of all subunits
Protein quaternary structure
the amino acid sequence of a protein
Protein primary structure
a sequence of amino acids or a sequence in DNA that appears multiple times throughout the proteome or genome, respectively, usually associated with a particular function; can also be formed as structural elements that are not necessarily tied a specific sequence
DNA binding motif consisting of two α helices joined by a short stretch of amino acids.
What 2 genes from amelogenin result in minor differences in the enamel between males and females?
structural motifs that appear in proteins and are formed by the 3D arrangement of amino acids and do not necessarily predict a biological function
supersecondary structure
_____ formed by fibroblast cells from the dental follicle; cells secrete collagen which interacts with fibers on surface of adjacent bone and cementum
Periodontal ligament
T/F: A single protein can have multiple motifs and domains
T/F: Shared motifs usually do not equate to similar functions
Provides cushion so forces of mastication doesn’t fracture bone
Periodontal ligament
common in transcription factors and consists of α helices bound by a looping stretch of amino acids.
the collective genetic information found within an organism.
DNA binding motif consisting of two β strands
Zinc finger
Enamel is formed by
_____ cementum forms first from cementoblasts arising from dental follicle
process by which enamel is formed
Which forms first enamel or dentin?
Enamel is formed from 90% _____ (protein) and 10% ______ (protein)
amelogenin; enamelin
the initial folding a peptide chain that creates α–helices and β-sheets
Protein secondary structure
T/F: Primary and Secondary dentin form through the same process
______ differentiate from cells in the dental papilla; secrete their organic matrix around the area that is directly adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium
______ cementum forms from cementoblasts arising from adjacent area of bone
process by which dentin is formed
the 3D structure of a single polypeptide chain
Protein tertiary structure
structural entities that function essentially independently within a protein and can be built from a specific motif or set of motifs
protein domains