prosody Flashcards
the meaning of an utterance is communicated at two broad levels
prosody (suprasegmental)
vowels and consonants
prosody (suprasegmental)
frequency, intensity, and duration changes to show change in message
lexical stress
pattern of stress in the words
number of highly resonant centers
primary stress
highest level
stress acoustic characteristics
higher fundamental frequency
greater duration
greater intensity
how do we raise fundamental frequency?
more force to vibrate quicker
which of the 3 characteristics has greatest effect on a syllable?
higher fo
what contributes to the perception of stress?
pitch and loudness
what does pitch and loudness do when contributing to perception of stress?
helps differentiate between verbs and nouns
pitch rise (question)
signals attitude (sarcasm)
Signals the topic will be held
terminal fall at end (done speaking)
marked breath group
special meaning
unmarked breath group (declination)
no special meaning
what can intonation contour signal?
a question when syntax is a statement
can statements have different pitch contours depending on their meaning?
where are the declinations?
jack and Jill went up the hill.
and Jill
the hill
where are the declinations?
to fetch a pail of water
a pail
where are the declinations?
jack fell down and broke his crown.
fell down
his crown
where are the declinations?
and Jill came tumbling after.
came tumbling
Fo declination
Fo decrease over duration of utterance
segmental duration
vowels longer
tense (longer)
lax (shorter)
phrase final
lengthen syllables at ends of words
which sounds belong to what syllables