Pronouns Flashcards
Why do we use pronouns?
- To avoid repetition
What function do pronouns perform?
They perform a similar function to a noun
Do pronouns stay they same in all contexts?
No, they will change depending on their usage as either a subject or object.
What is a personal pronoun?
- refer to people or things
- they are often twinned with possessive pronouns .
E.g. I do my work , You do your work , she does her work
What are possessive pronouns?
- they indicate ownership
- This is hers, not yours
- This was was ours but now it is yours
*note: This is my house - my is not a possesive pronoun but an adjective
What are reflective pronouns?
- reflect back to the noun or pronoun
- usually end in self or selves
- mary sees herself in the mirror
- jack cut himself with a razor
What are interrogative pronouns?
- interrogate/ ask questions
- who
- whose
- to whom
- what
- which
What are demonstrative pronouns?
- point out a specific person or thing
- indicated by words, this, that, these, those
E.g. this is not they way we do things
*note: if a demonstrative pronoun is followed by a noun it becomes an adjective
(That picture has to go)
What is an indefinite pronoun?
- refer to people or things in a general way, they are not specific
- you
- one
- they
- someone
- anyone
- no one
- everyone
What is the definition for relative pronouns
-they perform the function of a conjunction by joining or connection one part of a sentence to another
how many common relative pronouns are in use?
- who, whom, whose = people
- that, which, what = animals/objects
what doe relative pronouns usually replace?
-they usually replace nouns/pronouns.
E.g. this is my sister. She is visiting today
(this is my sister who is visiting today)
this is my sister. I am visiting her today
(this is my sister whom I am visiting today)
i felt proud of the girl. Her results were excellent
(i felt proud of the girl whose results were excellent)
I like the boy. I like his honesty.
( What I like about the boys is his honesty)
*note: what allows us to join two sentences without the repetition of the word like
where do we place relative pronouns?
-we place them close to the nouns to which they refer, otherwise the sentence does not make much sense.
E.g. I have a ring in my jewelry box that sparkles (wrong)
I have a ring that sparkles in my jewelry box
What has to precede the relative pronoun which?
A preposition this is done to avoid ending the sentence on a preposition.
E.g. This is the house that i was born in
(this is the house in which i was born)
When to use I and when to use me.
- in order to decide which to use leave out the ‘other person’ and read it as if you are alone in the sentence.
E.g. John and I/me are going to the movies
( i am going to the movies OR me am going to the movies)
= therefore John and I
E.g. Father gave the tickets to John and I/me
( Father gave the tickets to me OR father gave the tickets to I)
= therefore father gave the tickets to John and me
- the pronoun me always follows the preposition between
What is the difference between its and it’s?
It’s = contraction of it is
its = possessive adjective