Program Design: Resistance Flashcards
Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands
Body getting stress placed on it to overcome stress or load
In order to get better at running
Need to go out and run
General Adaptation Syndrome
Concept of body adapting to stress placed on it by growing srtonger
Delayed General Adaptation Syndrome “homeostasis”
No training
Body just existing
Delayed General Adaptation Syndrome “alarm stage”
Shocking the body by starting to train
Delayed General Adaptation Syndrome “resistance”
Body understands training and starts to grow
Delayed General Adaptation Syndrome “exhaustion”
Body degrading…happens after too much resistance stage with no recovery
Volume to load relationship
“Muscle endurance”
Volume: sets: 2-3
Reps: 12-15
Load: 50-66% of 1RM
Rest: 30-60 secs
Volume to load relationship
Volume: sets: 3-5
Reps: 6-12
Load: 67-85% of 1RM
Rest: 30-90 secs
Volume to load relationship “strength”
Volume: sets: 3-6
Reps: 1-6
Load: 86-100% of 1RM
Rest: 2-5 min
Volume to load relationship “power”
Volume: sets: 3-6
Reps: 1-6
Load: 55-100% of 1RM
Rest: 2-5 mins
Rate of perceived Exertion
RPE 1- nothing at all (lying down)-very low intensity
RPE 2- extremely easy-very low intensity
RPE 3- very easy-low intensity
RPE 4- Easy(could do it all day)-low intensity
RPE 5- moderate-moderate intensity
RPE 6- somewhat hard (starting to feel it)-moderate intensity
RPE 7-hard-high intensity
RPE 8-very hard(making an effort)-high intensity
RPE 9-very, very hard-very high intensity
RPE 10-max effort (can not sustain)-very high intensity
RPE in reference to RIR if you can’t get percentage from 1RM
Rate of perceived exertion
Repetitions In Reserve
RPE 5-warm up or light speed work
RPE 6-warm up or light speed work
RPE 7-good speed weight (5-6 reps left)
RPE 8-2-3 reps left, too heavy to maintain bar speed
RPE 9- last rep very tough, but still 1 rep left
RPE 10- max effort (cannot perform another rep)
Upper body muscular strength
OHP-over head push
BP- bench press
BOR- Bent over row
Lower body muscular strength