Profiling/work violence Flashcards
Suspect-based profiling
- is
- accuracy
- cons of it
aka prospective profiling referts to identifying the psychological and behavioral features of persons who may committ particular crime; built on systematic collection of behavioral, personality, cognitive and demographic data on prev offenders who did sim crimes.
- It is largely actuarial bc it uses stat methods rather than clinical skills
- subject to racial profiling
Racial profiling
is the police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national orgin rather than the behavior of person or info. It is an illegal practice but difficult to prove it occurred
− However, it acounts in part for the disporportionatley represented racial and ethnic minorities in arrest stats
− Racial profiling illustrated dangers and innaccuracies of the profiling process that could affect many
− Not until 1990s that racial profiling began to become nationwide problem
Workplace aggression
encompasses all forms of behavior in which person attempts to harm others at work or their organizations; ranges from subtle and hidden actions to active confrontations or direct destruction of property
Workplace violence
referts to incidents where offender intends to cause serious harm to person or persons within organization
- How many murder at work in 2009?
- highest for? (3)
- although media portrays it as increasing?
- 521
- law officers, security gaurds, bartenders
- large majority of wp homicides do not involve murder between coworkers or supervisors within an organization but occur in robberies and related crimes by ppl outside organization
4 types of offenders: 1. (includes) 2. 3. type? 4.
Type I- no legit relationship to the workplace or victim and usually enters the workplace to commit criminal action (robb) common victims are small, late night retail, convencie stores, restarurants, taxi drivers. Includes terrorist and hate crimes such as the World Trade Center and the Alfred Murrah Fed bombings and attacks on womens or immigration centers
Type II- offender is the customer of some service provided by the workplace an may be either former or current customer
Type III- offender has employment related involvement with workplace. Violence usally done by current or former employee who has had dispute; offender usally referred to disgrunteled employee and often has been fired. When death results from violence, if the victim was higher authority than perp, crime called authority homicide*
Type IV- offender has indircet involvment with workplace bc of relationship with an employee; this type of violence follows the employee into the workplace from the outside
Which type occurs most? (%)
- motive usually
- those at greatest risk with this motive?
- Type I accounts for 80% of total
- robbery
- Workers who exchange cash with customers, work late nights, or alone
Type II usually involves?
health care workers, officers, counselors, school teachers, professors, social workers.
Type III
- is
regarded by media as most sensational and covered the most; mass murder in workplace
Type IV
- represents
spillover of domestic violence or intimate partner violence in workplace, usually women are victims
Homicide in workplace and females
− Homicide is the leading cuase of workplace death for females accoutning for 41% of all female worker fatalities
Offender who’s motive isn’t robbery is often?
- target
- victims
disgruntled employee (type III) who believes job is his life, is a longer, has few friends, lacks support system.
- Target of the attack may be person working within builing or for an organization that symbolizes authority
- Majory of type III vics killed often randomly by disgrunteld employees who were fired or felt mistreated
High risk work Enviro
− Autocratic work enviro such as those in large impersonal bureaucratic organizations can be a problem; however no work place immune
Similar to mass murderers, authority homicide offenders are?
- Authority offenders tend to be?
- their age?
- history of violence
white males who have few social supports, socially isolated, blame others, often depressed
−Very often offender expects to die at scene
- preoccupied with weapons, often accumulate max lethality weapons
- Mostly middle aged (over 30 under 60)
- offenders tend to have history of violent behavior and drug abuse, and will vocalize or act out their violent intentions prior to authority homicide
Typical Perpetrator of workplace violence
- 8 characterstics
Disgruntled employee White, middle-aged male Few social supports, socially isolated Seriously depressed Expects to die at the scene History of violence substance abuse May vocalize violent intentions before crime
workplace violence: most freq locations (5)
Taxicab Liquor stores Convenience stores Health care facilities Government offices
contributions of psychologists and work place violence (2)
Pre-employment Screening
Developing Policies and Procedures
11 Problem Behaviors Which Might Lead to Workplace Violence
Increasing belligerence Ominous specific threats Hypersensitivity to criticism Recent fascination w/ weapons Apparent obsession with supervisor or coworker or grievance Preoccupation w/ violent themes Interest in recently publicized violent events Outbursts of anger Extreme disorganization Noticeable changes in behavior Homicidal/suicidal comments or threats
Profile of workplace violator?
best practice is?
No set profile to positively predict
who poses a threat
Identify & manage problems earlier
rather than later