Chapter 10 Flashcards
Serial Murder
- is
- some legislation define it as?
- FBI define it as? why?
- time interval of serials?
- diff btwn serial and other multiple murders?
- the murders of serials are? victims?
- usually reserved for incidents in which person or persons kills 2 or more vics in sep events
− it as 3 or more vics in sep incidents
−has two or more and argues this allows law enforcment more flexibility in committing resources to a potential serial murder investigation
−Time interval btwn serial murders (cooling-off period) may be days or weeks but more likely months or years. - Cooling off period main diff
−premeditated, planned and usually vics are selected with sepcific characterstics such as young age, certain hair color, occupation
Spree murder
- is
- however some argue?
- how do we classify multiple murders?
refers to killing of 3 or more ppl without cooling-off period usually at 2 or more locations (bank robber who kills some then fless and kills number in flee)
−some experts not convinced spree murder reps meaningful separate category of multiple murder: some murders that would be charactersized as spree share characterstics of serial murders. Others more like mutlipe without the single location
- by the pattern of how crime was committed
Mass murder
- is
- kinds of mass murder including?
- types
- involves killing of 4 or more ppl at single location with no coolin-off period
- various kinds of mass murder including those sponsored by gov authority, such as genocide on basis of religion or ethnciciy; terrorism
− Investigators have identified 2 types of mass murder: class and family
Classic Mass murder
- is
- however some?
- is when person barricades themselves or walks into pub building and randomly kills ppl
shooters entered buildings or classrooms killing randomly and sometimes themselves
− Some mass murders that have features of classic seem to need sep classification; altho vics may seem to be chosen at random, often percieved by perp to belong to certain group that poses a threat
Family Mass murder
is when at least 3 family members are killed (usually by other fam member) and very often perp kills themselves
Serial Murderers:
- US dept of justice estimates?
- however
- recent estimates show
- difficult of prev of vics?
- many select vics?
- vics often (4)
- vics next preferred? (2)
- 35-40 serial murders active at any given point in US during 1970-80s
−Realistically, no accurate data on prev of serial murderers - serial murders has decreased in US during 1970-2009
- many hide their victims and some inflate the number of vics
- vics that are not missed or if missed given up as runaways or adults who have left on own
They prefer group offering easy access, transcience, and tendencey to disappear without seeming to cause concern
− prostitutes, runaways, young male drifters, itinerant farm workers. - women near university or elderly and solitary poor ppl
- Strongest determining factor in vic selection (2)
- serials rarely kill?
- as they progress in killing?
- vulnerability or easy availabiliy
− mid class strangers in homes
− altho they begin with vulnerable vics they may gain more confidence as killing increases and abduct more challenging vitims (very few become this succesful before arrested)
Serial killers vs single-victim killers:
- 2 notable diffs?
- Victims of both
- preferred method of killing in both?
- motivations for both?
- body disposal in both?
- sim in both but some notable diffs: in vics they choose and methods of committing crime
−Vics of S-VMurderers often family, friends acquits. Serials often kill strangers with no relationship. (This lack of relationship makes it very hard to identify suspects)
−serials tend to prefer more hands on killing (strangle, beating) while single vic murderers prefer guns
−SV murderes killout of anger and lack of control from interpersonal conflicts and provocation (some may kill in though-out plan but rare) Serials often premeditated, deliberate, sexually in nature, often not precipitated by interpersoal conflicts or provovation. - serialsmore planning by moving vic from one location to another by using restraints and disposing body in remote location; single vic murders less skilled in disposing body
Psycho motives and causes of serial killings
- serial murders & humans
- causal factor
- violence factors and serial
- serial motives based on?
- compulsion/urge
- social misfits
- vast majority of serials?
- some qualify as?
- they are like all humans; are products of genetic makeup, ubringing, social enviro, and developmental path
−No single identifiable causal factor in development of serial killer
−Same factors that lead to violence likely play role in serial homicide, altho others are added - combo of psycho rewards such as control, domination, media attention, personal or sexual excitement rather than material gain
- no evidence that they kill on basis of compuslion or urge, rather result of oppurtunity and random availability of vic
−not social misfits who have trouble fitting into local community
− fail to qualify as seriously mentally disordered
−having antisocial personalty disorder (indistiguishable to psychopathy)
Serial’s Backgrounds:
- are
- sim to? with? (2)
- % reared in violent family with?
- % with parenting?
- New England study: unlike violent offenders, serials?
- serials begin careers at? arrest?
- records of serials?
- conclusion
- varied and underscore imp of many risk factors
− violent offenders: have freq exp abuse and deprivations within family
−80% reared in homes with family violence, severe abuse, parental alcoholism. Vast number grew up in dysfunctional families! - 93% exposed to inconsistent and chaoctic parenting
− who have propensity for violence at early age, serials generally being career at late age. - 24-40, median age of arrest was 36, 4 yrs after they began killing
- no extensive police records altho they did indicate petty theft, embezzlement and forgery rather than violence. Also no juv record
− these cases did not provide early indicators of eventual murderious behavior
Female Serial Killers
- how many in history?
- how many documented, % after yr?
- how many at most? %
- first know one?
- most notorious?
- most females serials are?
− relatively rare, there have been at least 3 dozen in the US history
− 34 documented female serials, 82% after 1900
- 5-10%
−Lucretia Patrica in delware btwn 1802-1829
−Aileen Wuornos who killed 7 men in Florida in 1989-1990
- psychopathic
Differences in Male and Female serial killers:
- % females kill stranger?
- duration of killing?
- females avg # of vics? males?
- female vics often?
- most females kill for? (most %)
- method of killing?
- how many had male accomp?
− 33% kill stranger in contrast to males who mostly killed only strangers
−Females also often active 2x longer than males avging 8-11 years
− 9; avg number for males unknown
−husbands, former husbands, or suitors; second largest group are those who are weak and dependent on them such as children and elderly
- material or monetary gain such as insurance beneifts, allocations, trusts, estates (75% for money)
−poisons (cyanide), or pills
−½ of them
Female Health Care Workers
- over past?
- % estimates of nurses?
- motivations are? (6)
- past 2 decades several females health care workers killed patients
- 17%
are variable: recognition, attention, power, control, relives tension and some say they kill to put ppl out of misery so really mercy killings
- Current popular image of serial murder is?
- lack of? encourages?
- we should?
- what we know about serials influenced by?
- current knowledge of serial’s influenced by? (2)
- victomological perspective
white male who kills for sexual motives (which may be inaccurate)
- lack of victo perspective encourages confusion and distroted info.
-Rather then focus on individual or personality attributes of offender should also look at the social oppurtuity to kill
- by nature and type of the potential vics
- availability of victims and attitudes of law enforcement agencies towards those victims
-is a proposal that suggests we can gain substantial amounts of knowledge on offender
characteristics by also studying the nature and possibly the
behavior of the victims selected by offenders.
Geo location of serial killing:
- most serials have?
- few?
- % that use homes/work
- % that use same region
- suggests?
- effective method for reducing serial murders is?
- ineffective to?
specific prefs for location of their killings; they freq commit killings within comfort zones defined by ancor point such as their residence, employment
−travel interstate to kill and those that do often truk drivers, military service, transients, or itinerants
- 52% (cities, neighborhood)
−geographic profiling may be an invaluable aid for identification of serials
− to identify and protect specific high risk groups and regions and take social measures to reduce their vulnerability. Best weapon is vic commonalities
- focus on offender thru crime scene profiling bc most killers are apprehended by mix of fortuitous events and carlessness by offender
Ethnic/Racial characteristics:
- widespread belief?
- % of black serials in US
- diffs between white killing?
- why the assumption that serial’s are white?
- also due to?
- that only whites are serials and blacks and minorities never commit (myth)
- 21%
-doesn’t differ signf from black - bc of how the murder is identified and investigated; law enforcment may be less prone to investigate some crimes as serials if vic found in rundown apartment or poverty neiborhood; more likley to conclude is just another fatality in violence of inner cities
− Also media tend to cover the sensational serial killings by whites but not of blacks and minorities
Juvenile serial murderers:
- prev (cases)
- serial juv murders are?
- motives
−very rare; Only 6 serial cases of juvs over past 150 years
−a complex phenomenon with psych, family, social, cultural and bio factors playing a role
− Many of same motives believed to be manifested by adult serials same for child and adols
Mass Murderers:
- why less popular? (3)
- serial’s duration diff
- types
- not as intriguing or mysterious as serial
- happens quickly and unpredicatably then killin is over
- Often clear who offender is, and their life usually ended on the spot, if arrested almost always convictd
−Serials occur over period of weeks, months, years and identity unknown
− Two types: classic and family
Classic Mass Murderer:
- the class murderer tends to be?
- age?
- personal lives?
- their murders are?
- their targets?
- weapons?
- their death?
- they are often? (social)
- the murder is chance to?
− frustrated, angry ppl who feel helpless about lives
− Usually between 35-45
−been failure by their standards and often suffer from some tragic loss such as employment
− carefully planned over long periods of time
−mostly deliberate, either symbolic of their discontent or hatred or blamed for the perps misfortunes
− They often take interest in guns espic semiautos that maximize number of deaths in short time; availability of auto weapons accoutns for the increasingly large death toll in recent mass murders
−usually plan to die at the scene; barricade themselves in building
− isolated and withdrawn without strong social network of friends. Isolation prob due to combo of dislike of ppl and inadequte interpersonal and social skills
- to get even, dominate others, take control, gain recognition
Mass Murder Typology
- proposed by/a? based on?
- the categories? 5
- murder by proxy is?
−James Fox and Jack Levin proposed 5 category typology based on motivations for mass killings
−revenge, power, loyality, profit, and terror
−when vics chosen bc they are assoc by the killer with a primary target against whom revenge is sought (all women by proxy feminists)
- Revenge
- Power
- the two; power and control inspires? - Loyality (ex)
- Profit
- Terror
- most are motivated by revenge either specific ppl or groups
- seeks power and domination over his vics, enjoys and craves the fear in others and the control they have over their vics
− Usually need for power and revenge go together, the power killer is seeking both revenge and control over his tormentors. - inspire the type of mass murderer to dress in military gear and carry assault weapons (some call them pseuudocommando killers) - inspired to kill due to love and loyality and usually based on desire to save loved ones from misery and hardship; many family massacares stem from this motivation. (typically a husband/father is despondent over fate of family and takes own life and children in order to protect them from suffering)
- intention is to eliminate victims and witnesses to a crime such as robbery; drug wars sometimes involved, sends the message to other potential witnesses of what could happen if they testify to authorities
- perp wants to send message thru horrific murder
Serial Murder Myths
- 3
- all dysfunctional loners- most not reclusive misfits who live alone
- all motivated by sex- many other motivations such as anger, thrill, fin. gain, ideology, psychosis, attention
- all are white males
Holmes and Deburger serial typology:
- based on
- 4
- based on motive
Visionary- psychotic, hear voices
Mission-oriented- not psychotic, target immoral or unworthy ppl
Hedonistic (lust, thrill, or comfort)- pleasure from killing
Power-seeker- not psychotic
Ressler serial typology
- based on
- is?
- focuses on 4 things
- 2 types
- method of killing one of the most well known typologies 1. method 2. intellect 3. degree of emotion 4. appearance of murder scene
- organized-sociall competent, controls emotions during crime, planned carefully, avg intelligence, enjoys news
- disorganized-below avg intelligence, not socially proficient, very anxious during crime, leaves evidence, have sex with vic after death, aren’t looking for recognition
Mass murder typology
- 7
Classic- barricades themselves in building, execution
Disciple killer- follows charismatic leader
Family annihilator- 3 family members killed by fam member
School shooter
Disgruntled employee
Set & Run killers- revenge, extortion, insurance fraud; don’t plan to die (plant bomb)
Sniper attacks
occur infreq and usually male
Kelleher typology of female serial’s:
- 5
- the 2 that are most common
Black Widow
Angel of Death Sexual Predator Revenge Killer Profit Killer
- widow and angel
Black Widow
- victims
- reason
- # of vics
- duration
- weapon
- Most victims are relatives,husbands, lovers, children, other personal relationships, friends (munchesun)
- Usually profit (life insurance, inheritance)
- Usually kill ~ 6-8
- over 10-15 yrs
- poison
Angel of death
- kill where?
- why?
- arrest
- often diagnosed with
- # of vics
- duration
- weapon
- Hospitals & nursing homes
- Exhilarated by power over life & death
Take victims to brink of death & “cure” them
(Eventually most victims killed) - Difficult to arrest & convict
- Munchausen’s by Proxy syndrome
-Usually kill ~8 victims - over 1-2 yrs - medication mirrors natural cause
Sexual predator
- prev
- where?
- age?
- driven by
- # of vics
- Extremely rare 1 in US history
- Geographically mobile
- 30’s or middle aged
- sexual fantasies of killing
- Usually kill ~ 6
- over 3 yrs
Revenge killers
- prev
- motivation
- usual victims
- arrest
- # of vics
- duration
- Rare
- Obsession driven, feel hate, jealous
- family members
or representative of group killer finds offensive - Generally show remorse after arrest 3-4 victims over 2 yrs
Profit killer
- motivation
- their attitude
- they are the most?
- # of vics/duration
- Kill for money or profit
Hired of kill during other crime - Dispassionate
- Most intelligent type of female serial killer
-Usually kill ~ 10-25 victims over 10 yrs
- Men kill for? % of the time?
- women kill for? 3 %s?
-Kill for sexual pleasure50% of time
•profit (~75%)
•control (~13%) •revenge(~12%)
- Serial killers responsible for how many victims?
- many of the victims are members of?
as many as 10x vcitmims 25,000-38,000
- sociomarginalized groups (homeless, prostitues, fosters)
Average profile of serial murders (5)
white male, 18-32, history of child abuse, bed wetting, arson, animal abuse
The best typology
- beyond
- must consider
- theories
must look beyond motive, method. Must consider vic type and geo location.
- Theories must be multidimensional
Team killers (female type)
- how many %
- their nature
- # killed/duration
- weapon used
- sexual nature
- 9-15 ppl over 1-2 years
- gun or knife