Chapter 5 Flashcards
Relationship of violence and aggression
- violence is?
- ex of relationship
- Violence and aggression go hand in hand but not all agression is violent in physical sense; all violent behavior is aggressive
− destructive physical aggression intentionally directed at harming others; may be methodical or random, sustained or fleeting, intesive or uncontrolled; it always harms the vic or is intented to do so.
− Ex: spreading malicious info about someone or stalking are aggressive, one is criminal but neither is violent
Aggression in 8 year olds
is largely unchanged well into adulthood for many children regardless of gender
Biological viewpoint of aggression
- belief
- conclusion
- animals
- Some believe aggressive behavior is biological and genetic in orgin. Supported by evidence of aggressive behaivor in animal kingdom from which it originated
- If aggression and violence is a built in genetically programmed aspect we may be forced toward a pessimistic conclusion- we can only hope to hold our natural aggressive urges and drives in check. We should design society in ways to discourage violence such as adminstering immed. Aversive consequences
- Animal aggression reflects the bio programming carried in genes to ensure survival of species
Social learning viewpoint of aggression
- belief
- conclusion
believe that while some animal species may be genetically programed to be aggressive, human beings learn from the social enviroment
- If we believe aggression is learned and influence by range of situational, social, enviro variables we can be more optimistic bc aggression is not an inevitable aspect of human life. Once we understand what major factors play roles in acquistion and maintaence we will be able to change behavior by manipulating them.
Difference in kind perspective
suggests that genetic predispositions or bio precursors of aggression have minimal influence on human behavior if any at all
- social defintion
- passive aggression
- 2 types (distinguished by) (law)
−Social psychologists define it as the intent and attempt to harm another physically, socially, or to destroy an object
− is a special category of aggressive responses with aggressive intent but behavior is indirect (gen irrelvant when discussing crime bc concerned about behavior that manifests directly in violent or antisocial behavior)
1. hostile (expressive)
2. Instrumental aggression
- Both distinguished by their goals or rewards
- Altho psychologists make distinction between the two, the law doesn’t. However, certain factors assoc with hostile aggression (if crime is heinous fashion) can affect criminal sentence
Buss's classification - based on - Active (physical & verbal) (direct non direct) - Passive (physical & verbal) (direct and non direct)
- based on apparent motivations
1. Active:
a. Physical- direct (hitting) indirect (practical joke)
b. Verbal- direct (insulting) indirect (gossip)
2. Passive:
a. Physical- direct (obstructing passage) indirect (refusing to do task)
b. Verbal- direct (refusing to speak) indirect (refusing consent)
Hostile (expressive) aggression
- is
- behavior is
- occurs
- goal
- most include
aggression is when a person’s primary aim is to hurt or do injury to another. Behavior is intense and disorganzing emotion of anger. Occurs in response to anger-inducing conditions such as percevied insults, physical attacks, one’s own failures. Goal is to make victim suffer. (most homicides, rapes, violent crimes precipated by hostile aggression)
Instrumental aggression
- common crimes
- usual feature in?
Aggression is carried out for the primary purpose of gaining material goods or other rewards rather than for the purpose of harming the victim. Begins with competition or desire for object/status of another.
- Usually factor in robbery, burlary, larceny, white collar crimes. Usually no intent to harm although it may result in it (but intent was still insturmental)
- Instrumental aggression usually featrue of calculated murder by hired impersonal killer
Hostile-insturmental dichotomy
- criticism
- Some scholars find faut with strict hostile-instrumental dichotomy. Bushman and Anderson point out that it fails to take into account that many aggressive acts multiple motives. They can be better understood on continumm that goes from controlled aggression to automatic (impulsive) aggression
Bandura- definition of aggression/suggestion
- text definition of aggression
−noted most defs of aggression imply that it revolves around the behaviors and intention residing within perpetrator. He suggests that an adequate def must consider both the injurous behavior of the perp and the social judgment of the victim
−as behavior perpetrated or attemtped with the intention of harming another physically or psychologically (as opposed to socially) or to destroy object
Perspective on aggression:
- nature vs. nurture
− According to first perspective, humans are programmed aggressive to defend themselves
− The second states humans become violenct by acquiring aggressive modles and actions from society
Psychoanalytic view
- human nature
- freud (humans)
- model
- tirades
- freud (all violence)
- children
- view on controlling crime
−assume that humans by nature always prone to aggressive impulses and likely to commit violent acts if impulses not managed
− Freud stated that humans susceptible from birth to buildup of aggressive energy which must be dissipated or drained off before reacing dangerous levels (hydraulic model)
− Psychodynamic or hydraulic model is view that if excessive pressure accumaltes in the human psyche an explosion likely to occur as seen in tirades that involve violenve
− According to Freudian perspective those who have tirades ar blowing off excess steam or aggressive energy
−violence in all forms is the aggressive energy discharge. Internal energy accums to dangerous levels when ppl have not discharged it through catharsis. Catharsis accomplished by behaviors or may occur vicariously
− Freudian position predicts that children who partake in or watch sports will be less aggressive
−human must be provided with muliple channels for catharsis (rec centers) and ppl must learn to dissipate aggression in socially approved ways. Psychotherapy is one way.
Ethological view
- ethology
- theorist (aggression is?)
- territoriality
- aggression amongst species
- ritualized aggression
−study of animal behavior and compares that behavior to human behavior.
− Theologist Lorenz believed aggression is an inherited instict of both humans and animals and its main purpose is the enable the animal/human to defend territory with food, water, room to reproduce. If terrirtory is violated, the genetic programmed response is to attack
−Territoriality is the tendency to attack space violators; it is an innate propensity developed thru lengthy complex process of evolution
− This aggressive behavior among the same species (intraspecific aggression) prevents overcrowding and ensures the best mates for the young
- is intricate communication system in the animal kingdom; a way of intraspecies aggression by complicated displays of force and suporeriority like showing teeth.
Difference in degree
- is?
- Lorenz: humans in evolution
is the ethologist’s main belief; a Darwinian perspective that humans are intimately tied to their animal ancestry in important and significant ways and differ only in the extent to which they have developed through the evolutionary process.
− Lorenz’s said humans have outdistanced the evolutionary process of inhibiting aggression. Instead of natural weapons and species preserving function of ritualized aggression, humans developed technological weaponry. The reason humans kill others is because they have not developed function of species preserving ritualized aggression
Ethology view
- criticism
- today’s evidence
- ethology’s new field
- see aggression as?
−has not been supported by research. One reason is bc it relies on strong analogy between animals and humans. Research has yet to find any instinctive genetically programmed behavior determinant in humans. The capacity to exercise control over ones own thought processes, motivation is dinstinctvly a human charactersitc.
−To date there is little evidence that humans are innately dangerous and brutal by instinct
− Evolutionary psychology is what ethology has evolved into; it’s the study of behavior using principles of natural selection. Argues that evolutionary history provides framework for understanding cognition and behavior.
− Evo psychologists don’t see aggression as pathology but something normal
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
- theorist (aggression is)
- criticism
- revision
- aggression may be (2)
- anger
According to Dollard those who are frustrated, annoyed, threatened, will be aggressive since aggression is a natural almost automatic response to frustrating circumstances. “Aggression is always a consequence of frustration”
- Hypothesis was simple so drew much research as well as criticism. Difficult to determine what frustration was and how it could be measured
Researchers found aggression more complex and frustration doesn’t always lead to aggression some respond diff
−Leo Berkowitz revised this theory by stating frustration increases probability that person becomes angry and acts aggressively; frustation facilitates aggression.
- Aggression may be overt (physical/verbal) or implicit (wishing someones dead).
- Anger is not the only emotion that leads to aggression; Aversive conditions like pain, or pleasant like sexual arousal may also lead to it.