Chapter 13 Flashcards
- is
- DSM defintion/criteria: duration/age
- DSM types
- condition vs action
(greek word for child lover) is the clinical term for the more common terms child molestation and child sexual abuse. (the condition not behavior) (type of paraphilia)
- condition in which over a period of 6 months recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges or behaviors of sexual activity with prepubescent child (13 years or younger) occur
−pedo’s sexually attracted only to children (exclusive type)
others sexually attracted to both children and adults (nonexclusive type)
− Clinical condition not necessarily accomp by action; when action involved we refer to offender as pedophile and they are prosecuted for child sexual assault, child molestation, child sexual exploitation, child porn
- is
- traditional def
- some professionals rage
- is clinical term for adult who uses children for sexual gratification and companionship
- Traditionally most defs of pedo restricted to sexual contact btwn an adult and child who arent closely related
- that pedo and child molestation should refer to two diff things with former limited to fantasies or sexual attraction to children and latter referring to act itself
Finkelhor and Araji
- pedo is?
- 2 behaviors
pedophilia is an adult’s concious sexual interest in prepubertal children.
-1 of 2 behaviors signifies that interest: Either 1. Adult has had some sexual contact with child Or 2. Adult has mastrubated to sexual fantasies involving children
is sexual contact by adult males with young adolescents (some include ages 13-15)
- Intrafamilial child molestation
- Extrafamilial child molestation
-is sexual acts btwn members of a family when at least one particpant is a minor. Commonly by men who molest daughters (traditionally labeled incest)
− is sexual contact with immature family members by individual outside family
- is
- involves (3)/time period
covers cognitions and behaviors relating to children; recurrent sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving:
1. Nonhuman objects 2. Suffering or humiliation of self or partner 3. Children or other nonconsenting ppl over a period of at least 6 months
- Aggressive pedo’s vs. rapists
- 4 most similiar commonalities
- freq problem of sex offenders
- amt of convict rapists with alc problems
- amt of convict pedo’s with it
- classification and diagnosis of child molesters? (4)
−Many demonstrate a large number of similiarities to rapists and prison population
1. Problems with alcohol
2. High rate of highschool failure/dropout
3. Tend to have unstable work histories in unskilled occupuations
4. Tend to come from low socioeconomic class
−Alcohol abuse if a freq problem in sex offenders
- 1/3
- 1/4
− are complicated by a high degree of variability among individs in: personal characterstics, life experiences, criminal histories, and reasons or motivations for offending
Gender of sexual offenders
- commonly committed by?
- % female perps?
- however? (m&f %s)
- recent % of arrests for females
- female’s vics vs. males
- f vs. m’s criminal histories
- female sex offenders in general
−Pedophilia primarily committed by males but not exclusively male offense
- 46% of abusive sexual exps of children included female
- figure misleading tho bc includes any female who permitted acts of sex abuse to occur; therefore if only the women who committed the abuse themselves included its 13% and 24% for males
- 8%
- female sex offenders more likely to victimze males where males more likely to victimize females
- male offenders have far more crim history than females
- exp more physical, emotional and sexual abuse than female nonsex offenders; also more likely to come from severe deprived backgrounds with poor living conditions, food deprivation, lack of med care. These conditions likely to affect coping and interpersonal skills, self-reg skills, emotional maturity, and feelings of self-worth
Age of sex offenders - male pedo's vs rapists - % of male rapists and age - % of male peso's and age - female sex offenders age and vics age - age of first sex offense and gender? (f and m's ages) - % of first offenders by 30 - % before adolescence - vic pref and age (older vs younger pedo's)
−male pedo’s tend to be older than male rapists
−75% of male rapists are under 30
- 75% of male child molesters are over 30
−Avg female sex offender was in early thirties and most often target victims under 12
− Age at which they commit their first sexual offense may also differ according to gender:
- females first around 31
- males before 40
- 80%
- 5%
− older pedo’s (over 50) seek out immature children at age 10 or younger. Younger pedo’s (under 40) prefer girls ages 12-15
Attitudes toward victims:
- most pedos? why?
- how they explain their behavior?
- cognitions of pedo’s
− Perhaps bc of the extreme neg attitude society displays towards them, pedo’s almost always resist taking full responsibility for their offenses.
−They show preference to attribute cause of behavior to external forces or motivating factors beyond their control
− Self-control emerges as a critical variable in cognitions of pedo’s. Low self-control refers to tendency to respond impulsivley to temptation, little consideration for consequences, engage in high-risk behaviors (however pedo’s have better self-control than rapists)
Cognitive functions:
- IQ of sex offenders
- however
- correlation of IQ and vic
- diff in IQ scores due to?
- IQ scores of pedo’s
- adol. sex offenders have?
- pedo’s problems?
- suggests?
- rejection
- lower IQ pedo’s vs higher IQ pedo’s
- adult male sex offenders have lower IQ’s
−Offenders who commit rape against adults don’t differ in IQ
− The younger the victim the lower the IQ of the offender
− largely due to scores of child molesters. - 10 pts below avg.
− more learning probs and disabilities than non sex offenders
−Problems in excutive, neurocog functioning and prefrontal processing may play role in sexual deviant behavior neurodevelopmental damage may have occurred at some point early in lives. - Suggests some pedo’s commit crimes against children bc they have poor judgement and impulse control problems due to brain functioing
− Individuals with lower cognitive skills or brain deficits more likely to be rejected sexually by peers and result in them turning to children for sexual gratification
− Lower assoc with stronger sexual attraction for male children and greater interest in younger children compared 2 higher
Interpersonal and social skills:
- correlation of sex pref to child and social competence
- social comp is?
- pedo’s are? (4)
−The more and offenders sexual pref limited to children, the less social competent the offender tends to be
- refers to offenders social and sexual relationships with adults
− Pedo’s are inadequate socially, lack interpersonal skills, unasserive, and have poor self-esteem
Common characteristics: Pedo’s vs. Rapists
- cog function
- interpersonal skills
- edu level
- employment
- age
- self-control
- sexual recidivism
- offending history
- alcohol use
- p-below avg; r-avg
- p-below avg; r-avg
- p-low; r-avg
- p-unstable; r-stable
- p-older; r-young
- p-avg; r-low
- p- high for some; r- lower
- p- largely restricted to pedo
r- variable and extensive - p- freq probs; r-less of prob
Good vs. Evil: human mind has capacity for? 3 & 3
Kindness or Cruelty
Caring or Indifferent
Creative or Destructive
Human Transformation:
- what cause people to change (3)
Dynamic interaction between:
Dispostional characteristics
situational forces
systemic forces
Stanford prison study
- results
- conclusion
- revealed importance of?
- Also demonstrated deindividuation
- 1/3rd of gaurds abused their power
- Had to terminate exp the 6th day
- He concluded may ppl can be made to do almost anything when put into psychologically complling situations regardless of morals/ethics
- Expereiment underscored imp of situational variables in determing behavior however there was still individual diffs
Common characteristics of pedo’s
6) (age and gender
- mostly male; 13% female
- alcohol abuse
- highs cool drop out
- unstable work history
- lower ses
- 75% over age 30
Juvenile sex offender
- 4 characterstics
- their vics
- females %
Socially isolate, sexually abused themselves, lower self esteem, high rate of depression
- choose younger victims
- 8% prop under reported
How to treat pedo? (3)
antid’s antiantogens, CBT