Primitive Reflexes Test Flashcards
Rooting Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 3m
Trigger: Stroke finger laterally at corner of mouth, then upper lip, then lower lip.
Response: Turning of head, opening the mouth and extending neck, opening mouth and dropping jaw
Purpose: Allows infant to search for and grasp breast of bottle; precursor to head shaking, nodding, and neck righting reaction.
Suck-Swallow Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 2-5 m
Tigger: Place finger or nipple in infant’s mouth
Response: Strong rhythmical sucking movements followed by swallowing
Purpose: To obtain nourishment
Moro Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 5-6 m
Trigger: Bring infant to sitting position, then drop head 30º backward
Response: Extension and abduction of UE and opening of hands. Crying, flexion and adduction of UE across chest resembling an embrace.
Purpose: To break flexion patterns born at birth.
Traction Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 2-5 m
Trigger: Grasp the forearm of a young infant and pull it to sitting position, or touch the pal of an older infant
Response: Flexion of shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers
Purpose: Allows infant to momentarily grasp an object; assists with pull to sitting position at neck, shoulders, and elbows.
Crossed Extension Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 1-2 months
Trigger: Apply a noxious stimulus or pressure to the ball of the foot while holding the knee down
Response: Sequence of flexion, adduction, and extension of the contralateral limb; the response may be accompanied by extension and abduction of the toes
Purpose: Protective response to a noxious stimulus to the sole of the foot; used with the positive supporting reaction to help maintain balance on one leg in later life
Flexor Withdrawal Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 1-2 m
Trigger: Apply a pinprick to the sole of the foot
Response: Extension of the tows, dorsiflexion of the ankle, and flexion of the knee and hp joints of stimulated leg
Purpose: A protective mechanism against noxious stimuli to the sole of the foot.
Plantar Grasp Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 9 m
Trigger: Press thumb into ball of infant’s foot; when infant is standing, apply pressure to ball of foot from supporting surface
Response: Flexion of toes on stimulated foot.
Purpose: Probable precursor to balance in standing position.
Galant Reflex
Onset: 32 weeks gestation
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Gently scratch fingernail or swab stick along a line parallel to the spine and 3cm lateral to the spine. Begin at the level of the 12th rib and continue to the iliac crest.
Response: Curving of the trunk toward the stimulated side with the production of skin folds.
Purpose: Precursor to symmetrical sitting and normal development of motor milestones.
Neck on Body Reflex
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: 4-5 m
Trigger: Rotate the head to one side
Response: The body turns as a whole unit toward the side to which the head is turned.
Purpose: To learn to roll from a supine to a sidelying position.
Body on Body Reflex
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: 4-5 m
Trigger: Flex one leg toward the chest and rotate it across the body to force the infant to turn over.
Response: The head and trunk will follow, as a whole unit, the direction of turn of the pelvis.
Purpose: To learn to roll from a supine to a sidelying position.
Proprioceptive Placing - LE
Onset: 35 weeks gestation
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Press the dorsum of the foot against the edge of a table.
Response: Hip and knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion followed by extension of the hip and knee.
Purpose: To provide the infant with a primitive form of walking which allows stepping over an object.
Neonatal Postural Support Reflex
Onset: 35 weeks gestation
Integration 1-2 m
Trigger: Allow feet to make firm contact with a flat surface.
Response: Hips and knees partially flex and assume only partial weight bearing.
Purpose: Allows infant to bear partial weights; precursor to spontaneous stepping.
Spontaneous Stepping Reflex
Onset: 37 weeks gestation
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Allow the feet to touch a supporting surface, lean forward slightly
Response: Alternate stepping movements with both legs with a rhythmic heel-toe pattern
Purpose: May facilitate learning to walk
Tonic Labyrinthe Reflex (TLR)
Onset: Birth
Integration: 6 m
Trigger: Place in prone then supine position with head in midline
Response: In prone position, greater flexor tone; in supine position, greater extensor tone
Purpose: Ability to gain head control and rolling skills
Proprioceptive Placing Reflex, UE
Onset: Birth
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Press dorsum of had against edge of table
Response: Shoulder and elbow flexion, followed by extension of shoulder and elbow with finger extension and abduction
Purpose: Allows infant to support weights on forearms for creeping.
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
Onset: Birth
Integration: 4-6 m
Trigger: Turn head actively r passively to one side and then the other
Response: Bow and arrow or fencing position of UE. Skull side flexes, chin side extends or vice versa.
Purpose: Enhances eye/hand awareness and development of a coordinated body rolling movement.
Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
Onset: 4-6 m
Integration: 8-12 m
Trigger: Flex and extend the neck
Response: During flexion of the neck, flexion of UE and extension of LE; during extension of the neck, extension of UE and flexion of LE
Purpose: Promotes four-point kneeling position
Palmar Grasp Reflex
Onset: Birth
Integration: 4-6 m
Trigger: Insert finger into palm from ulnar side and press finger against palm.
Response: Quick flexion and adduction of the fingers (catching phase) followed by sustained flexion of the fingers (holding phase).
Purpose: Allows grasping and holding of objects.
Phasic Bite Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 2-5 m
Trigger: Apply pressure to the gum line
Response: Up and down movement of the jaw
Gag Reflex
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: Never
Trigger: Pressure to the middle to back of the tongue
Response: Gag
Purpose: Protect airway
Body on Neck
Onset: birth-6m
Integration: Lifelong
Trigger: Contact surface with chest
Response: Head goes into extension
Optical Righting
Trigger: When held upright, tilt in all directions. OR observe natural head movements while the child is supine or prone. In supine, pull child to sitting position.
Response: Attempt to right the head against gravity.
Purpose: Combined with the labyrinthine head righting reaction, the optical righting reaction results in vertical head righting
Landau Reaction
Trigger: Suspend the infant horizontally.
Response: Extension of the neck, spine, hips, shoulders; retraction of the scapula. This position is known as the pivot prone position.
Purpose: Assists extension of neck when prone and breaks the flexor posture that is present at birth. Promotes ability to support upper body on forearms and bands to prepare for standing.
Proprioceptive Reaction: Forward
Trigger: Lower toward flat surface or displace center of gravity forward with sharp push
Response: Flexion of shoulders with elbow extension; extension and abduction of fingers
Purpose: Protect against falling forward
Proprioceptive Reaction: Sideward
Trigger: Displace center of gravity sideward with sharp push
Response: Abduction of contralateral shoulder with elbow extension; extension and abduction of fingers on contralateral side
Purpose: Protect against falling sideward
Proprioceptive Reaction: Backward
Trigger: Displace center of gravity backward with sharp push
Response: Hyperextension of both shoulders and extension of elbows
Purpose: Protect against falling backward
Tilting Reactions: Sitting and Four-Point Kneeling
Trigger: Tilt the equipment forward, backward, or sideward
Response: Lateral curvature of spine so that concave side of curve is toward the upwardly tilted surface
Purpose: Maintain balance when the base of support is unstable; precursor to creeping, standing, and walking