Primitive Reflexes Flashcards
Rooting Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 3m
Trigger: Stroke finger laterally at corner of mouth, then upper lip, then lower lip.
Response: Turning of head, opening the mouth and extending neck, opening mouth and dropping jaw
Purpose: Allows infant to search for and grasp breast of bottle; precursor to head shaking, nodding, and neck righting reaction.
Suck-Swallow Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 2-5 m
Tigger: Place finger or nipple in infant’s mouth
Response: Strong rhythmical sucking movements followed by swallowing
Purpose: To obtain nourishment
Moro Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 5-6 m
Trigger: Bring infant to sitting position, then drop head 30º backward
Response: Extension and abduction of UE and opening of hands. Crying, flexion and adduction of UE across chest resembling an embrace.
Purpose: To break flexion patterns born at birth.
Traction Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 2-5 m
Trigger: Grasp the forearm of a young infant and pull it to sitting position, or touch the pal of an older infant
Response: Flexion of shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers
Purpose: Allows infant to momentarily grasp an object; assists with pull to sitting position at neck, shoulders, and elbows.
Crossed Extension Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 1-2 months
Trigger: Apply a noxious stimulus or pressure to the ball of the foot while holding the knee down
Response: Sequence of flexion, adduction, and extension of the contralateral limb; the response may be accompanied by extension and abduction of the toes
Purpose: Protective response to a noxious stimulus to the sole of the foot; used with the positive supporting reaction to help maintain balance on one leg in later life
Flexor Withdrawal Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 1-2 m
Trigger: Apply a pinprick to the sole of the foot
Response: Extension of the tows, dorsiflexion of the ankle, and flexion of the knee and hp joints of stimulated leg
Purpose: A protective mechanism against noxious stimuli to the sole of the foot.
Plantar Grasp Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 9 m
Trigger: Press thumb into ball of infant’s foot; when infant is standing, apply pressure to ball of foot from supporting surface
Response: Flexion of toes on stimulated foot.
Purpose: Probable precursor to balance in standing position.
Galant Reflex
Onset: 32 weeks gestation
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Gently scratch fingernail or swab stick along a line parallel to the spine and 3cm lateral to the spine. Begin at the level of the 12th rib and continue to the iliac crest.
Response: Curving of the trunk toward the stimulated side with the production of skin folds.
Purpose: Precursor to symmetrical sitting and normal development of motor milestones.
Neck on Body Reflex
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: 4-5 m
Trigger: Rotate the head to one side
Response: The body turns as a whole unit toward the side to which the head is turned.
Purpose: To learn to roll from a supine to a sidelying position.
Body on Body Reflex
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: 4-5 m
Trigger: Flex one leg toward the chest and rotate it across the body to force the infant to turn over.
Response: The head and trunk will follow, as a whole unit, the direction of turn of the pelvis.
Purpose: To learn to roll from a supine to a sidelying position.
Proprioceptive Placing - LE
Onset: 35 weeks gestation
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Press the dorsum of the foot against the edge of a table.
Response: Hip and knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion followed by extension of the hip and knee.
Purpose: To provide the infant with a primitive form of walking which allows stepping over an object.
Neonatal Postural Support Reflex
Onset: 35 weeks gestation
Integration 1-2 m
Trigger: Allow feet to make firm contact with a flat surface.
Response: Hips and knees partially flex and assume only partial weight bearing.
Purpose: Allows infant to bear partial weights; precursor to spontaneous stepping.
Spontaneous Stepping Reflex
Onset: 37 weeks gestation
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Allow the feet to touch a supporting surface, lean forward slightly
Response: Alternate stepping movements with both legs with a rhythmic heel-toe pattern
Purpose: May facilitate learning to walk
Tonic Labyrinthe Reflex (TLR)
Onset: Birth
Integration: 6 m
Trigger: Place in prone then supine position with head in midline
Response: In prone position, greater flexor tone; in supine position, greater extensor tone
Purpose: Ability to gain head control and rolling skills
Proprioceptive Placing Reflex, UE
Onset: Birth
Integration: 2 m
Trigger: Press dorsum of had against edge of table
Response: Shoulder and elbow flexion, followed by extension of shoulder and elbow with finger extension and abduction
Purpose: Allows infant to support weights on forearms for creeping.
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
Onset: Birth
Integration: 4-6 m
Trigger: Turn head actively r passively to one side and then the other
Response: Bow and arrow or fencing position of UE. Skull side flexes, chin side extends or vice versa.
Purpose: Enhances eye/hand awareness and development of a coordinated body rolling movement.
Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
Onset: 4-6 m
Integration: 8-12 m
Trigger: Flex and extend the neck
Response: During flexion of the neck, flexion of UE and extension of LE; during extension of the neck, extension of UE and flexion of LE
Purpose: Promotes four-point kneeling position
Palmar Grasp Reflex
Onset: Birth
Integration: 4-6 m
Trigger: Insert finger into palm from ulnar side and press finger against palm.
Response: Quick flexion and adduction of the fingers (catching phase) followed by sustained flexion of the fingers (holding phase).
Purpose: Allows grasping and holding of objects.
Phasic Bite Reflex
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration: 2-5 m
Trigger: Apply pressure to the gum line
Response: Up and down movement of the jaw
Gag Reflex
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: Never
Trigger: Pressure to the middle to back of the tongue
Response: Gag
Purpose: Protect airway
Body on Neck
Onset: birth-6m
Integration: Lifelong
Trigger: Contact surface with chest
Response: Head goes into extension