Primer 26 - Headache Flashcards
How do we treat tension headache?
What is a scintillating scotoma and where do we see it?
A type of visual aura seen in migraines. It usually begins as a spot of flickering light near or in the center of the visual field, which prevents vision within the scotoma area. The affected area flickers but is not dark. It then gradually expands outward from the initial spot. Vision remains normal beyond the borders of the expanding scotoma with obejects melting into the scotoma area background.
Which type of migraine is associated with higher incidence of stroke?
Migraine with aura.
What is the treatment for acute migraine?
Why are triptan drugs contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular disease?
Because it causes vasoconstriction in the coronary arteries.
Which gender is more likely to get cluster headaches?
Men (about 4x more than women).
Which type of headache may be associated with partial Horner Syndrome (ptosis and miosis but not anhidrosis)?
Cluster headache.
What is treatment of cluster headache?
Triptan and/or Oxygen.
What type of headache is not associated with symptoms such as light/loud noise sensitivity, visual changes, nausea/vomitting, or focal neurological changes?
Tension headache.
What is the typical presentation of a tension headache?
Constant, chronic pain (lasts hours to months). It occurs in the frontal or occipital regions (most often bilateral) or as a band around the head. No association symptoms such as light/loud noise sensitivity, visual changes, nausea/vomiting, or focal neurological changes.
What are the main diagnostic criteria for migraine without aura?
At least 5 attacks, Headache lasting 4-72 hrs (2-48 hrs in children), At least two of the following: unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate to severe intensity (inhibits or prohibits daily activities), aggravated by climbing stairs or similar activity, At least one of the following: nausea and/or vomiting; photophobia and/or phonophobia.
What are the typical symptoms of a cluster headache?
Strictly unilateral, Severe aching/boring pain in the retro-orbital/periorbital region (Does not throb like a migraine. No aura.), Duration of 30 mins to 3 hours, occurs daily (often at the same time), and continues for an interval of 4-8 weeks, May be associated with partial Horner syndrome (ptosis and miosis), ipsilateral nasal congestion or eye redness, rhinorrhea, or tearing.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Made worse by foods containing tyramine.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Obese with female with papilledema.
Pseudotumor cerebri.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Jaw muscle paint when chewing.
Temporal arteritis.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Periorbital pain with ptosis and miosis.
Cluster headache.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Photophobia and/or phonophobia.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Bilateral frontal/occipital pressure.
Tension headache.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Lacrimation and/or rhinorrhea.
Cluster headache.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Elevated ESR.
Temporal arteritis.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: “Worst headache of my life”
Subarracnoid headache.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Headache + extraocular muscle palsies.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Scintillating scotoma prior to headache.
Migrain with aura.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Headache occuring before or after orgasm.
Postcoital cephalalgia.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Responsive to 100% oxygen supplementation.
Cluster headache.
What is the most likely cause of headache based on the description: Trauma to the head which leads to headache begins days after the event, persists for over a week and does not go away.
Subdural hematoma.
What features allow you to distinguish a migraine headache from a cluster headache or a tension headache?
Migraine: Might have an aura, N/V, photophobia, phonophobia, unilateral, throbbing and lasts for 24-48 hours.
Cluster headache: Might have tearing and rhinorrhea, occur on a daily basis in certain clusters of time and lasts for 30 to 3 hours. Tension headache: Frontal or occipital pain and last for a long time.
What is the mechanism of action of sumatriptan?
It is a Serotonin 5-HT(1B,1D) receptor agonist.
What are the contraindications to sumatriptan use?
CAD, Prinzmetal’s angina, and pregnancy.
What is the usual treatment for migraine headaches in pregnancy?
What would you suspect as a cause of headache in a patient using topical retinoic acid for acne?
Pseudotumor cerebri.
A 20 year old woman that has migraine headaches each proceeded by an aura should never be prescribed which medication?
OCPs (oral contraceptives). It increases chance of stroke.
What are some foods high in tyramine?
Chocolate, alcohol, cheddar, swiss, caffeine.