Primary Hypoparathyroidism Flashcards
How does low PTH lead to hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia?
Low calcium: less resorption from bone, decrease absorption from the intestines & kidneys
PTH not acting on the distal tubule –> less phosphorus excretion = hyperphosphatemia
What happens to the CNS and PNS with hypocalcemia?
the nerves become hyperexcitable, so seizures, muscle tremors/fasciculations, and s tiff gait = common
Other than surgery or trauma, what are some etiologies of primary hypoparathyroidism?
- idiopathic
- immune mediated
What are some clinical signs of hypocalcemia?
- seizures
- tremors/ fasciculations
- stiff gait
- jaw champing/ facial rubbing
- tetany
- decreased appetite, vomiting, “weakness”, lethargy, and diarrhea
At what calcium level would signs of hypocalcemia be noted?
tCa <7mg/dL or Ca2+ < 0.8mmol/L
What ECG changes are noted with hypocalcemia?
ST/ QT interval prolongation
What’s the main acute treatment for hypoparathyroidism?
IV calcium gluconate
What’s the chronic treatment for hypoparathyroidism?
oral vitamin D analogue
What’s the treatment goal?
to have serum Calcium just below or at the low end of the reference interval
What’s the prognosis of dogs with hypoparathyroidism
excellent with dedicated and competent owners