This class was created by Brainscape user Vivian Fan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (93)

Vestibular Disease
How does vestibular disease lead ...,
What are some characteristics of ...,
What s the difference between cir...
17  cards
Cranial Neuropathy
What s the function and clinical ...,
What s the function and clinical ...,
What s the function and clinical ...
38  cards
Neuromuscular Junction Disorders
What kind of clinical signs are u...,
What happens at a neuromuscular j...,
What are some clinical signs of n...
29  cards
Peripheral Neuropathies
What are some clinical signs of p...,
What are some autonomic signs ass...,
What are the most useful diagnost...
24  cards
Spinal Cord Diseases: Congenital, Inflammatory, and Degenerative Disorders
What s cervical spondylomyelopathy,
What s the cause of,
What are the 2 forms of cervical ...
67  cards
Spinal Cord Diseases: Traumatic, Vascular, and Neoplastic Disorders
What s the main cause of injury f...,
How does vascular compromise lead...,
Are vascular spinal diseases painful
11  cards
Unique Feline Neuro Disorders
What are the clinical signs of fe...,
What is the most common infectiou...,
Describe the most common neurolog...
10  cards
Feline Growth Hormone Disorders
What s the cause of feline growth...,
How does a cat with hyposomatotro...,
What are some ddx for proportiona...
14  cards
Canine Growth Hormone Disorders
What s another source of growth h...,
Is the growth hormone release con...,
When is mammary gh normal in dogs
16  cards
Diabetes Insipidus
What stimulates the release of ar...,
What decreases avp release,
What s the moa of water conservat...
12  cards
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
What s the role of pth pthrp vita...,
What s primary hyperparathyroidism,
What are the causes of
24  cards
Primary Hypoparathyroidism
How does low pth lead to hypocalc...,
What happens to the cns and pns w...,
Other than surgery or trauma what...
10  cards
Canine Hypothyroidism
The majority of t4 is bound to wh...,
Most of the steps involved in thy...,
How is thyroid hormone controlled
51  cards
Feline Hyperthyroidism
What type of cancer is feline hyp...,
What s the likely cause s of feli...,
How many lobes are usually affect...
36  cards
Feline Hypothyroidism
What clinical signs are common in...,
What are some clinical signs of f...,
How is feline hypothyroidism tested
7  cards
Canine Hyperthyroidism
What are the two cell types that ...,
Which molecular pathway has been ...,
What are some common locations fo...
8  cards
Insulin Secreting Tumours
What s the metastatic rate of can...,
How is insulin released from the ...,
What are the four counter regulat...
13  cards
Canine Diabetes Mellitus
How does diestrus pregnancy lead ...,
What s the main concern with insu...,
How does diabetes lead to pu pd
15  cards
Feline Diabetes Melliuts
What s the most common form of di...,
Does gestational diabetes happen ...,
What are some risk factors for fe...
42  cards
Canine Hyperadrenocorticism
What is the key enzyme that is pr...,
What are the 2 form of canine hyp...,
Other than crh what else can stim...
45  cards
Feline Hyperadrenocorticism
What s the prognosis of feline ha...,
What s the most common form of fe...,
What are some common dermatologic...
24  cards
Non-cortisol-secreting Adrenocortical Tumours and Incidentalomas
What can cytology of adrenal tumo...,
Can echogenicity and mineralizati...,
If the adrenal tumour represents ...
26  cards
Where is glucocorticoids secreted...,
Where is aldosterone mineralocort...,
What is a possible cause of hypoa...
28  cards
GI Endocrinology
What s the role of secretin,
What s the role of glucagon,
What s the role of glucagon like ...
24  cards
What s the signalment for pheochr...,
What are some clinical signs asso...,
What are some lab work abnormalit...
12  cards
Lab Evaluation of GI Tract
What s a specific test for myasth...,
What tests can be used for helico...,
What tests can be used for parvov...
20  cards
Oral and Salivary Gland Disorders
In addition to a dental what othe...,
What s feline pyogenic granuloma,
Which viruses have been implicate...
26  cards
Dz of Pharynx and Esophagus
Which 5 cranial nerves are involv...,
How is the skeletal muscle compon...,
What are the 4 phases of swallowing
24  cards
Disease of the Stomach
What are the specialized secretor...,
Where the secretory cells located,
What the 3 layers of gastric wall
52  cards
Disease of the Small Intestine
How is the following supplied to ...,
What are the 3 layers of the smal...,
What s the major energy source fo...
11  cards
Disease of the Large Intestine
What s the definitive of the prox...,
Which hormone stimulates epitheli...,
What s a major difference in the ...
59  cards
Rectoanal Disease
Where does the rectum begin,
What are the 3 zones of the mucos...,
What are the 3 glandular areas
16  cards
What are some indicators on blood...,
What are some indicators on blood...,
What are some indicators on blood...
10  cards
Diagnostic Evaluation of the Liver
How can you distinguish between c...,
Which breeds are more likely to h...,
In appropriate copper coloured ir...
55  cards
General Principles in Treating Liver Disease
How does same help with liver dis...,
How does n acetylcysteine nac hel...,
How does silymarin help with live...
14  cards
Canine Inflammatory/ Infectious Hepatic Disease
What are the 4 types of hepatitis...,
What are some clinical signs of i...,
What is the most common cause of ...
16  cards
Feline Inflammatory/ Infectious Hepatic Disease
What s the most common liver dise...,
What s the etiology of feline neu...,
What are some clinical signs of n...
16  cards
Hepatic Vascular Anomalies
How does a portosystemic shunt le...,
What type of congenital pss is th...,
What type of shunt is more common...
32  cards
Metabolic Diseases of the Liver
Which breed is known to have glyc...,
What are the clinical signs assoc...,
What can cause ito cell prolifera...
18  cards
Toxic Hepatic Disease
What are the 2 types of toxic hep...,
Acetaminophen leads to what type ...,
Phenobarbital leads to what type ...
16  cards
Neoplasms of the Liver
In which species is primary hepat...,
Which species is more likely to h...,
What are the 4 general tissues ty...
29  cards
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary System
What s the major difference betwe...,
Which breeds are predisposed to g...,
What s a difference in gallbladde...
27  cards
Which dog breeds are predisposed ...,
What are some important risk fact...,
How reliable is high fat diet lea...
13  cards
Canine Pancreatitis
What are the classical clinical s...,
What are some signs of chronic ca...,
How is pancreatitis diagnosed on ...
15  cards
Feline Pancreatitis
How is pancreatitis diagnosed in ...,
What are the common clinical sign...,
How is acute vs chronic different...
11  cards
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
What s the most common cause of e...,
What s the pathogenesis of epi,
What are some of the causes of cl...
9  cards
Exocrine Pancreatic Neoplasia
What are some clinical signs of p...,
What paraneoplastic signs can be ...,
What biochemistry changes is cons...
6  cards
Heart Failure: Clinical Management
What is heart failure,
What are some clinical signs of i...,
Whare are some clinical signs of ...
33  cards
Cardiac Arrhythmia
What does a atropine response tes...,
How does the respiration cycle ch...,
What s ventriculophasic sinus arr...
42  cards
Congenital Heart Disease
What are the top 3 congenital hea...,
What are the top 3 congenital hea...,
What are the 2 types of patent du...
26  cards
Adult-onset Valvular Heart Disease
What s the most common signalment...,
What are some clinical signs of mmvd,
What are some of the clinical sig...
10  cards
Canine Myocardial Disease
What s the most common signalment...,
What abnormalities can be noted o...,
Which biomarker is the most usefu...
22  cards
Pericardial Disease
What are 3 congenital disorders a...,
What are the clinical signs of ppdh,
What is ppdh
26  cards
What s the lifecycle of dirofilar...,
How long can a dog be infective for,
What s the pathophysiology of hea...
18  cards
Arterial Thromboembolism
What s virchows triangle,
Which hormone contributes to the ...,
What are the clinicians signs of ...
22  cards
acid base, oximetry, and blood gas
What type of sample is needed to ...,
How does ventilation effect the b...,
How is bicarbonate considered as ...
28  cards
Disease of the Pulmonary Parenchyma
What are the general clinical sig...,
What are the clinical signs gener...,
What are the clinical signs gener...
45  cards
Pulmonary Hypertension and PTE
How is pulmonary hypertension def...,
What the basic mechanism for pulm...,
What are the 5 groups of pulmonar...
11  cards
Diseases of the Pleural Space
What are clinical signs of pleura...,
Define the characteristics of dif...,
How can nt probnt be used in the ...
8  cards
Disease of the Mediastinum, Chest Wall, and Diphragm
Is the mediastinum a closed space,
Where is the sternal ln located,
What the the sternal ln drain
20  cards
Clinical Approach and Lab Eval of Renal Dz
What are some ddx for edema and a...,
At what systolic pressure fundic ...,
What are some pre renal causes of...
44  cards
Acute Kidney Injury
What are the different causes of aki,
What are some characteristics of ...,
What are some causes of intrinsic...
26  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease
What does it mean if there is an ...,
What type of ckd is associated wi...,
What are the 6 factors that shoul...
67  cards
Glomerular Disease
What are the most common glomerul...,
What s the most important determi...,
What are the 3 layers that filtra...
28  cards
Renal Tubular Disease
What s the main function of the l...,
What s the main function of the d...,
Define cystinuria
26  cards
What are some predisposing factor...,
How is pyelonephritis treated
2  cards
Lower UTI
0  cards
Urolithiasis in dogs
0  cards
Urolithiasis in cats
0  cards
Diseases of abn micturition
0  cards
feline idiopathic cystitis
0  cards
Prostatic Disease
0  cards
IMHA and other regenerative anemia
Define anemia,
How long does rbc differentiation...,
How quick is reticulocytes noted ...
28  cards
nonregenerative anemia
What s the lifespan of healthy rb...,
What s the role of the reticuloen...,
What are some reasons for ineffec...
12  cards
Primary polycythemia and Erythrocytosis
Define erythrocytosis,
Define relative polycythemia,
Define primary polycythemia
9  cards
IMT, vWB dz, and other platelet disorders
What are the main players involve...,
What s the lifespan of canine pla...,
Describe the steps in platelet ac...
23  cards
Lyme Disease
What are the different manifestat...,
What s the causative agent and ve...,
How is it treated
6  cards
Mycobacterium, Actinomycosis, and Nocardiosis
What s the causative agent of myc...,
What are the clinical signs,
Cats or dogs are are more commonl...
21  cards
What s the causative agent for br...,
How is it transmitted,
What are the clinical signs
5  cards
Tetanus and Botulism
What s the pathophysiology of tet...,
What are the intracellular action...
17  cards
Bartonella - Canine
What s the most common causative ...,
How is bartonella transmitted in ...,
What are some clinical sign cause...
12  cards
Bartonella - Feline
What type of bacteria is bartonella,
Which domestic animal is a primar...,
How is bartonella transmitted
8  cards
What s the causative agent of lep...,
What s the epidemiology of leptos...,
What s the pathogenesis of leptos...
10  cards
Tick borne diseases
What s the causative agent of ehr...,
How is ehrlichiosis transmitted t...,
What does ehrlichia canis cause
29  cards
Protozoal infections
What are the most common signs of...,
Which of the enteric protozoan ar...,
What are the clinical signs of he...
22  cards
Feline immunodeficiency virus
What causes fiv,
What are clinical signs of fiv,
How is fiv transmitted
5  cards
Feline leukemia virus infection
What type of virus if feline leuk...,
How is felv transmitted,
How is progressive infection regr...
12  cards
What type of bacteria is parvovirus,
What does parvovirus cause in dog...,
Which breeds are predisposed to c...
15  cards
What causes cryptococcosis,
How is cryptococcosis transmitted,
Do cats or dogs get cyrptococcosis
8  cards
Where is coccidioides most likely...,
What causes coccidioidomycosis,
What s the pathogenesis of coccid...
8  cards
Blastomycosis and Histoplasmosis
What s the causative agent for bl...,
What s the pathogenesis of blasto...
20  cards
Aspergillosis - canine
What s the causative agent of asp...,
What are the 2 distinct form of a...,
What s the pathogenesis of sinona...
12  cards
Aspergillosis - feline
What are the 2 forms of aspergill...,
What s the pathogenesis of asperg...,
What are the clinical signs of as...
7  cards

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Internal Medicine/ Ettinger

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