Present Conditional Flashcards
Mettre - to put
Je mettrais - i would put Tu mettrais - you would put Il mettrait - he would put Nous mettrions - he would put Vous mettriez - you would put Ils mettraient - They would put
Faire - to do
Je ferais - i would do Tu ferais - you would do Il ferait - he would do Nous ferions - we would do Vous feriez - you would do Ils feraient- They would do.
Present conditional is formed by adding the ending of the inperfait (ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient), to the future stem.
Same stem from irregular future verbs is also used to form the present conditional
He would like to have a turtle
Il aimerait avoir une tortue
These animals would have more to eat in this region.
Ces animaux auraient plus à manger dans cette région
In such circumstances, what would you do?
Dans de telles circonstances,
Que ferez-vous?
Present conditional is used to express a wish of a suggestion.
I would like to finished this project as soon as possible.
Je voudrais finir ce projection aussitôt que possible
Present conditional is used to express a wish of a suggestion.
It would be great to go together
Ce serait génial de pouvoir y aller ensemble
Present conditional is used to express a wish of a suggestion.
À ta place, je parierais sur ce cheval
If I were you, I would bet on this horse
Present conditional is used to make a statement or a request more polite.
Could you give us your opinion?
Pourriez-vous nous donner votre avis?
Present conditional is used to express a wish of a suggestion.
Voudriez-vous dîner avec nous ce soir?
Would you like to have diner with us this evening?
Present conditional is used to express a wish of a suggestion.
Could you give me a hand?
Est-ce que tu pourrais me donner un coup de main?
Present conditional is used to express a wish of a suggestion.
Est-ce que tu voudrais assister à la réunion?
Would you like to attend the meeting?
The present conditional is used when a condition is applied. When the main clause is in présent du conditionnel, the SI clause is in the IMPARFAIT.
we would go to Rome if we could.
Nous irions à Rome si nous pouvions
The present conditional is used when a condition is applied. When the main clause is in présent du conditionnel, the SI clause is in the IMPARFAIT.
Régis finirait son roman s’il pouvait trouver une maison d’edition
Régis would finish his novel if he could find a publisher