Future, Immediate, Simple Flashcards
Immediate future is formed using the verb “aller” to go and the infinitive of a verb. = “GOING TO”
Nous allons faire un voyage en avril
We are going to go on a trip in April
Le future simple = _ will …
To form simple future of MOST verbs use the infinitive as the stem and add the endings ..
Er and Ir verbs take this ending.
Ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont
Re verbs drop the E from infinitive and add the same endings.
Conjugate décider in future simple
Je déciderai Tu décideras Il décidera Nous déciderons Vous déciderez Ils décideront
Conjugate choisir in Future simple
Je choisirai Tu choisiras Il choisira Nous choisirons Vous choisirez Ils choisiront
Conjugate répondre in future simple.
Je répondrai Tu répondras Il répondra Nous répondrons Vous répondrez Ils répondront
Immediate future is formed using the verb “aller” to go and the infinitive of a verb. = “GOING TO”
Je vais acheter une voiture.
I am going to buy a car
Irregular future stems. Must memorize. The endings for future tense is always the same. Ai, as, a etc. But there are irregular stems.
Aller - to go
Tu iras
Nous irons
Ils iront
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
J’apercevrai - i’ll notice
Tu apercevras
Nous apercevrons
Ils apercevront - They Will notice
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
J’aurai - i’ll have
Nous aurons - we’ll have
Ils auront - they’ll have
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je courrai - i’ll run
Nous courrons
Ils courront
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je deviendrai - i’ll become
Vous deviendrez - you’ll become
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je devrai - i’ll have to
Nous devrons - we’ll have to
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
J’enverrai - i’ll send
Tu enverras - you’ll send
Ils enverront
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je serai - i’ll be
Nous serons - we Will be
Ils seront
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je ferai - i’ll do
Il fera - he’ll do
Vous ferez - you Will do
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Il faudra - one Will have to
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je mourrai
Elle mourra
Nous mourrons
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Il pleuvra - it’ll rain
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je pourrai - i’ll be able to
Vous pourrez - you’ll be able to
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je recevrai - i’ll receive
Tu recevras - you’ll receive
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je reviendrai - i’ll return, i’ll come back
Nous reviendrons - we’ll come back
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je saurai - i’ll know
Nous saurons - we’ll know
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je tiendrai - i’ll Hold
Tu tiendras - you’ll hold
Ils tiendront - they’ll hold
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Il vaudra - It Will be worth
Nous vaudrons - we Will be worth
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je viendrai - i Will come
Vous viendrez - you will come
Ils viendront - They will come
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je verrai - i will see
Il verra - he Will see
Irregular future stem. Ending always stays the same. Ai, as, ons etc.
Je voudrai - i’ll want
Tu voudras - you will want
Ils voudront - They will want
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs in future simple.
Tu achèteras
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs in future simple.
Tu appelleras
Nous appellerons
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs in future simple.
Employer - to hire
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs in future simple.
Essuyer - to Wipe
Vous essuierez
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs in future simple.
Jeter - to throw
Je jetterai
Nous jetterons
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs in future simple.
Nettoyer - to clean
Je nettoierai - i’ll clean
The students will take their exams in May
Les étudiants passeront leurs examens en mai
Les cours recommenceront en décembre.
Courses will resume in December
In a compound sentence in French the main clause is in Future Simple. The dependent cause will also be in Future Simple.
She will go to Paris when she has (will have) time.
Elle Ira à Paris quand elle aura le temps
In a compound sentence in French the main clause is in Future Simple. The dependent cause will also be in Future Simple.
He’ll tell us when we have to talk.
Il nous dira lorsqu’il faudra parler
In a compound sentence in French the main clause is in Future Simple. The dependent cause will also be in Future Simple.
As soon as he arrives (will) we’ll leave.
Aussitôt qu’il areivera, nous partirons
She’ll inform you as soon as she gets the results.
Elle vous préviendra dès qu’elle aura les résultats.
Dès que = as soon as.
Future tense of Être and Avoir is sometimes used to express probability in the present to indicate something that is likely true.
The student is not in class.
He is probably still asleep.
L’étudiant n’est pas en classe. Il sera encore endormi.
Future tense of Être and Avoir is sometimes used to express probability in the present to indicate something that is likely true.
The teacher did not ask for our homework. He’s probably distracted.
Le professeur n’a pas demandé nos devoirs. Il sera distrait.
In a narration, future simple is used to express a future idea from the standpoint of the past. (In English we use the work would, conditional form.)
Malheureusement, ses ouvre ne seront reconnues qu’après sa mort.
Unfortunately, her works would become recognized only after her death.
Malheureusement, ses ouvre ne seront reconnues qu’après sa mort.
The future simple can be used instead of an imperative (command) form to achieve a less sharp tone.
Please send him my answer
Vous voudrais bien lui envoyer me réponse.
The future simple can be used instead of an imperative (command) form to achieve a less sharp tone.
Je vous demanderai de faire preuve de compassion.
Please show a little compassion.
The future simple can be used instead of an imperative (command) form to achieve a less sharp tone.
Please excuse us
Vous voudrez bien nous excuser.
avoir lieu
Take place
It will take place.
Il aura lieu
Tant qu’il y aura des hommes il y aura des guerres
As long as there are men there will be wars