Conjunctions Used Indicative Mood Flashcards
As soon as
Dés que
As long as
Tant que
Alors que
While, whereas
Après que
As, since
Étant donné que
Given, In view of
Pendant que
Sous prétexte que
Under The pretext that
Tandis que
Given, In view of
Vu que
Aussitôt que
As soon as
Conjunctions tend to require the same tense in both the dependent and main clause.
Future simple: Elle apprendra le russe quand Elle sera en Russie
She will learn Russian when she is (will be) in Russia
Conjunctions tend to require the same tense in both the dependent and main clause.
Imparfait: Dés qu’ils sortaient de l’école, ils allaient au stade
As soon as they left school they used to go to the stadium.
Conjunctions tend to require the same tense in both the dependent and main clause.
il a fondu en larmes quand il a appris qu’ils avait raté l’examen.
He burst into tears when he found out he had failed the exam.
Conjunctions tend to require the same tense in both the dependent and main clause.
Since it was raining, they left
Comme il pleuvait, ils sont partis
Conjunctions tend to require the same tense in both the dependent and main clause.
Étant donné que vous avez démissionné, nous ne pouvons rien faire pour vous.
Given that you resigned,
Cannot do anything for you
She will sleep, whereas I will do the dishes
Elle dormira tandis que je ferai la vaisselle
It is certain
Il eat certain
It is evident
Il eat évident
It is probable
Il est probable
It is sure
Il eat sûr
It is true
Il eat vrai
Il me semble
It seems to me
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
So that, in order to 2
Afin que
Pour que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
For fear that 2
De peur que
De crainte que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
Avant que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
Although 2
Bien que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
Sans que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
Provided that
Pourvu que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
Waiting for
En attendant que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
Jusqu’a ce que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
À moins que
The following conjunction can be used with both indicative or subjunctive. Depending on the need.
On the condition that
À condition que