Plus Que Parfait Flashcards
To form the plus-que-parfait we use Imparfait forms of avoir or Être + the past participle of the main verb (passé Composé style..)
Ex: he had always finished before the others.
He had always finished before the others.
Il AVAIT toujours FINI avant les autres.
To form the plus-que-parfait we use Imparfait forms of avoir or Être + the past participle of the main verb (passé Composé style..)
He had not been able to reach them.
Il n’avait pas pu les joindre.
The plus que parfait indicates a past action that happened before another past action. It’s the “past” past tense.
In English it =. “Had” done such and such
You had forgotten your best friends birthday.
Tu avais oublié l’anniversaire de ta meilleure amie.
To form the plus-que-parfait we use Imparfait forms of avoir or Être + the past participle of the main verb (passé Composé style..)
She had departed without leaving an address
Elle était partie sans laisser d’adresse.
She had explained the situation in detail.
Elle avait expliqué la situation en détail
They (f) had arrived late at the reception.
Elles étaient arrivé à la réception en retard
In The plus que parfait all pronominal verbs are conjugated with Être and agree in gender and number with subject.
Je m’étais évanoui dans la pharmacie.
I Had fainted in the pharmacy.
Nous nous étions embrassés sur le Pont-Neuf
We had kissed on the Pont-Neuf
He had remembered this incident before seeing his former girlfriend again.
Il s’était souvenu de cet incident avant de revoir son ancienne amie.
He had taken a capsule
Il avait pris une gélule
We had woken (ourselves up) at the dawn.
Nous nous étions réveillé(e)s à l’aube
You (tu) had asked yourself if he was allergic.
Tu t’était demandé(e) s’il était allergique.
He had remembered this man.
Il s’était souvenu de cet homme.
They (f) had written (to each other) for years.
Elles s’étaient écrites pendant des années.
Le plus-que-parfait is often combined with a dependent clause.
Je ne m’étais pas rendu compte que j’étais malade.
I had not realised I was sick.