Past Conditional Flashcards
Donner - to give.
J’aurais donné - I would have given.
Nous aurions donné - we would have given
Ils auraient donné - they would have given
Venir - to come
Je serais venu - I would have come
Il serait venu - he would have come
Vous seriez venu - you would have come
She would have accepted your offer
Elle aurait accepté votre offre.
You (Tu) would have laughed!
Tu aurais ri!
They would have gotten angry.
Ils se seraient mis en colère
Passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
Tu aurais dû arriver plus tôt
You should have arrived earlier.
Passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
She would have liked to congratulate him.
Elle aurait aimé le féliciter
Passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
It would have been so much easier.
Cela aurait été tellement plus facile
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the Si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait. - had done..
She would have finished earlier if you had helped her.
Elle aurait fini plus tôt si vous l’aviez aidée.
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the Si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait. - had done..
I would have arrived on time if there had been less traffic.
Je serais arrivé à l’heure s’il avait eu moins de circulation.
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the Si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait. - had done..
He would not have made as much money if he had stayed in Bordeaux.
Il n’aurait pas tant gagné d’argent s’il était resté à Bordeaux.
Le passé du conditionnel expresses what would have happened if another event had taken place, or if certain conditions had or had not been present.
It is formed with the present conditional of Être (Ser - iez, ait), or Avoir (aur - ais, ions, aient) \+ The past participle of the main verb
The passé du conditionnel is used like the present conditional to express a statement that isn’t necessarily confirmed by authorities. Like in the news. Equivalent to (allegedly, or reportedly) in English. Past or present conditional is used to express this
Le tremblement de terre aurait fait des meilliers de victimes au Mexique.
The earthquake reportedly killed thousands of people in Mexico.
If you had been able to testify in court, the situation would have been different.
si vous aviez pu témoigner au tribunal, la situarion aurait été différente
If she had
si elle avait pu,
If she had, she would have been a dancer.
si elle avait pu, Elle aurait été danseuse
If I had known I wouldn’t have hired Daniel.
Si j’avais su je n’aurais pas engagé Daniel
The expression Au cas où (in case), is used with present or past conditional tenses.
Au cas où le projet ne serait pas fini cet aprè-midi, appelez-moi
In case the project isn’t finished by this afternoon, call me.
The expression Au cas où (in case), is used with present or past conditional tenses.
In case you don’t like this present, let me know.
Au cas où ce cadeau ne vous plairait pas, dites-le-moi.
The expression Au cas où (in case), is used with present or past conditional tenses.
In case he failed the exam we will give him another chance.
Au cas où il aurait échoué à l’examen, on lui donnera une autre chance.