Imparfait Flashcards
Imparfait endings.
Parler. ??
Je parlais Tu parlais Il parlait Nous parlions Vous parliez Ils parlaient (pronounced like parlais)
Imparfait - verbs with spelling changes in the present tense nous form such as manger (Je mange. Mais nous mangEons.) And commencer retain the spelling change for Je, tu, il, ils.
Ex: I encouraged
Present tense Encourager J'encourage Tu encourages Il encourage Nous ENCOURAGEONS vous encouragez Ils encouragent
Imparfait - verbs with spelling changes in the present tense nous form
She demanded - exiger
Elle exigeait
Present tense - exiger
Tu exiges
Il exige
Imparfait - verbs with spelling changes in the present tense nous form
They shared.
Ils partageaient
Present tense - partager
Je partage
vous partagez
Imparfait - verbs with spelling changes in the present tense nous form
He moved forward
Il avançait
Present tense - advancer
Vous avancez
Imparfait - verbs with spelling changes in the present tense nous form
She replaced
Elle replaçait
Imparfait - verbs with spelling changes in the present tense nous form
They announced (Elle)
Elles annonçaient
The extra e or ç are not needed in the nous and vous Imparfait form.
We swam?
Nous nagions
Present tense - Nager
Nous nageons
The extra e or ç are not needed in the nous and vous Imparfait form.
We protected
Nous protégions
Present tense - protéger
Il protège
Nous Nous protégeons
The extra e or ç are not needed in the nous and vous Imparfait form.
We started
Nous commencions
The extra e or ç are not needed in the nous and vous Imparfait form.
You erased
Vous effaciez
Present - effacer
il efface
Nous effaçons?
Depending on the context, the Imparfait has several meaning..
Elle faisait…
She was doing
She used to do
She did
Être Imparfait stem. Irregular.
Je Tu Il Nous Vous Ils
J'étais Tu étais Il était Nous étions Vous étiez Ils étient
Imparfait is used to describe
- a state of mind.
- Continuous, repeated, habitual past actions.
To form Imparfait, take ?!
The Nous form of the present tense and remove the ONS ending. Then add the Imparfait ending.
Nous étions enchantés de notre expédition
We were delighted with our expedition
Nous aimions Faire la cuisine. Could mean 1. 2 3.
We used to like cooking
We liked cooking
We were enjoying cooking
J'étais champion de tennis Could mean 1 2 3
I was champion tennis player
I used to be champion tennis player
Elles partageaient une chambre à l’université
Could mean
They were sharing a room at the university
They shared a room at the university
They used to share a room at the university
The Imparfait is used for
- background and description
- A situation that existed in the past
- A state of mind or being
Les rues étaient embouteillées
The streets were jammed
The Imparfait is used for
- background and description
- A situation that existed in the past
- A state of mind or being
La circulation était fluide
The traffic was flowing
The Imparfait is used for
- background and description
- A situation that existed in the past
- A state of mind or being
Il faisait trop chaud.
It was too hot
The Imparfait is used for
- background and description
- A situation that existed in the past
- A state of mind or being
Il avait faim
He was hungry
The Imparfait is used for
- background and description
- A situation that existed in the past
- A state of mind or being
Elle ne savait pas quoi faire
She did not know what to do
Usually a state of mental or physical being used the Imparfait more often than passé composé. Verbs like
Être, avoir, penser, croire, savoir, espérer, sembler, paraître (to appear)
Il semblait déprimé - he looked depressed.
Je savais qu’il avait raison - i knew he was right.
Used to and would (meaning habitually) are translated into French by the imparfait.
Autrefois, elle faisait partie de la chorale.
In the past,
She used to belong to the choir.
Used to and would (meaning habitually) are translated into French by the imparfait.
Ils allaient en Inde chaque année
They used to go (would go) to India every year
Used to and would (meaning habitually) are translated into French by the imparfait.
Ils jouait au tennis le mardi
He used to (would) play tennis Tuesdays.
Some expressions of time or repetition may be an indication of the imperfait.
Ex. AUTREFOIS elle … Faisait partie de la chorale- ?
in The past she… Used to belong to the choir.
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Le mardi
On Tuesdays
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Chaque jour, tous les jours
Every day
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Chaque semaine, mois, année
Every week, month, year
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
Comme à l’accoutumée
As usual
Expressions of time or repetitive indicating imperfait next in sentence…
once, in the past,
Imperfait also used to describe a continuous action that was going on in the past when another action (expressed in passé C) interrupted it.
Elle regardait la télévision quand soudain elle a entendu un grand bruit
She was watching television when suddenly she heard a loud noise
Imperfait also used to describe a continuous action that was going on in the past when another action (expressed in passé C) interrupted it.
Il faisait ses devoirs quand son frère est arrivé
He was doing his homework when his brother arrived.
To express an action that has been going on for a period of time before it was interrupted by the passé C use the Imparfait plus DEPUIS.
translate: they had been in the mountains for a week when they decided to go to the seashore.
Ils étaient à la montagne depuis une semaine quand ils ont décidé d’aller au bord de la mer
She knew they were wrong
Elle savait qu’ils avaient tort
Si + on + Imparfait is used to make a suggestion or to invite someone to do something. = “what about ..”
Si on allait en France cet été?
What about going to France this summer?
Si + on + Imparfait is used to make a suggestion or to invite someone to do something. = “what about ..”
Si on allait rendre visite à Léo?
What about paying a visit to Léo?
Si + seulement + imparfait is used to express a wish or a regret. = “if only”
If only we could take a vacation!
Si seulement on pouvait prendre des vacances!
Si + seulement + imparfait is used to express a wish or a regret. = “if only”
If only she were on time!
Si seulement elle était à l’heure!
Si + seulement + imparfait is used to express a wish or a regret. = “if only”
If only they lived closer!
Si seulement ils habitaient plus près!
Venir + de + infinitive = immediate past. (Just happened)
Venir in Imparfait form + de +infinitive expresses an action that “HAD JUST HAPPENED”
She has just called
She had just called when he walked in
Elle vient de téléphoner
Elle venait de téléphoner quand il est entré
Venir + de + infinitive = immediate past. (Just happened)
Venir in Imparfait form + de +infinitive expresses an action that “HAD JUST HAPPENED”
He just accepted this position
He has just accepted this position when he was offered another one.
Il vient d’accepter ce poste.
Il venait d’accepter ce poste quand on lui en a proposé un autre.