Preparation And Training Methods✅ Flashcards
What are the 6 components of a training method
Describe specificity and progression in a training program
Specificity: geared towards demand of activity eg certain muscles of fitness component used, age ability current fitness level
Progression: bodies adapt so training gradually increases over time
Describe overload and variance of a training program
Variance: to make body adapt, long period of training required= boredom an issue
Overload: to make body adapt, must be made to work harder then normal
Describe moderation and reversibility in a training program
Moderation: although overload body, caution required to not overload it to much so no injuries
Reversibility: fitness level drop when inactivity occurs, so avoid long periods of time of inactivity
What are the 3 cycles of a training program
Macro cycle
Meso cycle
Micro cycle
Describe what macro meso and micro cycles are
Macro: whole training program often calendar year, provides overview of training regimen
Meso: often 4-6 weeks, involve developing particular component of fitness, often 6 Meso cycles
Micro: typically a week, can be similar or different week to week, could vary intensity duration etc or same exercises
What is the prep 1 and prep 2 phase, when is it and what happens
Prep 1: during off season: general conditioning, aerobic and mobility, S and C
Prep 2: pre season: training intensity increases, sport specific fitness, training volumes reduces more comp specific training
What is comp 3 and comp 4 phase, when is it and what happens
Comp 3: during season: training load reduces allowing adequate rest, focus on strategy tactics etc
Comp 4: 2-3 weeks prior before main event: tapering (maintaining intensity but decreasing volume by a third)
What happens during the transition phase, when is it
After season, before start of new season: active rest or low intensity aerobic work
What factors affect VO2 max the efffect and why
Physiological make up: greater the efficiency of body stakes to transport and utilize O2=higher VO2 max
: stronger respiratory muscles, larger heart, higher SV, increased RBC and capillaries, SO Fibres= higher VO2 max
Age: from age 20 VO2 max drops by 1% each year
: efficiency lost in elasticity of heart, blood vessels and lung tissue= lower VO2 max
Gender: females lower then males
: females have higher body fat, smaller lung volumes, lower haemoglobin levels= lower VO2 max
Training: aerobic training increases VO2 max up to 20%
: aerobic training causes long term adaptations to heart lung and blood= higher VO2 max
Evaluate the direct gas analysis method of VO2 max
Direct gas analysis: expired air captured, results graphed and calculated
ADV: direct measurement, accurate and reliable, uses different exercises
DIS: max test to exhaustion, not suitable for older people, specialist equipment needed
Evaluate the Cooper 12 min run method of VO2 max
Run as far as possible in 12 minutes
ADV: good for large groups, test yourself, simple/ cheap
DIS: only a prediction, result subjected by motivation, not sport specific, not suitable for older people
Evaluate the NCF multi stage fitness test method for VO2 max
20M progressive shuttle run
ADV: good for large groups, simple/cheap, published table of VO2 max equivalents
DIS: only a prediction, result affected by subject motivation, not suitable for older people, not sport specific
Schlage the Queens College step test method for VO2 max
Stepping on and off box for 3 mins. HR recovery used to predict results
ADV: sub-max test, simple/cheap, HR easily monitored, published table of data and simple VO2 max calculations
For maximum training what should
Be your heart rate
90-100% 180 for 20 year olds decreases by 9 per 10 years
For hard training what should be heart rate
80-90% 160 for 20 year olds
For moderate training what should be your heart rate
70-80% 140 for 20YO
For light training what should your heart rate be
60-70% 120 for 20 YO
For very light training what should be your heart rate
50-60% 100 for 20 YO
How do you calculate HRmax and training HR
Max HR= 220- age
Training HR= resting HR X %(HRmax - resting HR)
Describe continuous training
Intensity: low- moderate 60-80% max HR
Duration: 20-80mins
Intensity of recovery: none
Example: jogging, swimming or cycling
Type of athlete suited to: endurance athletes
Describe High intensity interval training
Intensity:high 80-95% max HR
Duration:5-8 seconds, repeated bouts of high intensity work overall 20-60mins
Intensity of recovery: 40-50% of max HR
Example: cycling, running, cross training
Type of athlete suited to: modified to most athletes
What are the adaptations of the respiratory system and functional effect
Respiratory muscles become stronger: increased efficiency of mechanics of breathing, increased max exercise lung volume, decreased respiratory fatigue
SA of alveoli increases: increased external gaseous exchange
What are the overall effect of respiratory system
Increased volume of O2 diffused into blood, reduced onset of fatigue, delayed OBLA, increased intensity and duration of performance, decreased BR at rest and sub max exercise, easier to perform exercise
Describe the adaptations and effect of cardiovascular system
Cardiac hypertrophy: increased SV at rest and during exercise, increased CO as bradycardia decreased HR recovery and increased filling capacity and force of ventricular contraction
Increased elasticity of arterial walls: increased vascular shunt efficiency and decreased resting BP
Increased number of RBC/haemoglobin volume: increase in O2 carrying capacity, increased gaseous exchange
Increased blood plasma volume: lower blood viscosity aids blood flow and venous return
Increased capillarisation of alveoli and SO muscle tissue Fibres: increases SA for blood flow, increased gaseous exchange, decreased distance for diffusion
What is the overall effect of the cardiovascular system adaptations
Increases blood flow and O2 transport to muscles
Decreased BP
Easier to perform exercise
Reduced onset of fatigue
Delayed OBLA
Increased intensity and duration of performance
Lower risk of coronary heart disease
What are the adaptations of the musculoskeletal system
SO muscle fibre hypertrophy: increased potential for aerobic energy production, increased strength, decreased energy cost which delays fatigue
Increased size and density of mitochondria: increased utilization of O2, increased aerobic energy production, increased metabolism of fats
Increased stores of myoglobin: increased storage and transport of O2 to mitochondria
Increased stores of glycogen and fats: increased aerobic energy fuels, increased duration of performance
FOG Fibres become more aerobic: increased aerobic energy production, fuel and O2 utilization
Increased strength of connective tissue: tendons and ligaments strengthen, increased joint stability, decreased risk of injury
Increased thickness of articulate cartilage: increased synovial fluid production
Increased bone mineral density: increased calcium absorption, increased bone strength, decreased risk of injury
What is the overall effect of musculoskeletal system adaptations
Increased capacity of aerobic energy production, increased joint stability, increased metabolic rate, decreased risk of injury, easier to perform exercise, reduced onset of fatigue, delayed OBLA, increased intensity and duration of performance
Describe the adaptations of metabolic function
Increased activity of aerobic enzymes: increased metabolism of fats and glycogen
Decreased fat mass: increased lean mass, increased metabolic rate, increased breakdown of fats
Decreased insulin resistance: increased glucose tolerance, treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes
What is the overall effect of metabolic function adaptations
Increased use of fuel and O2 to provide energy
Improved body composition
Easier to perform exercise
Reduced onset of fatigue
Delayed OBLA
Increased intensity and duration of performance
Increased metabolic rate, increased energy expenditure and better management of body weight
What are the different types of strength
Static: forge applied against a resistance without movement occurring (isometric contraction)
Dynamic: force applied against a resistance with movement occurring
Maximum: ability to produce max amount of forge in a singular muscular contraction
Explosive: ability to produce max amount of force in one or a series of rapid muscular contractions
Strength endurance: ability to sustain repeated muscular contractions over a period of time
What factors affect strength
Cross sectional area of muscle: = greater strength, max of 16-30 N per cm2
Fibre type: greater % FG and FOD= greater strength over short period of time, fast twitch fibres contract with higher force= greater force of contraction
Gender: males higher strength then females, males have higher muscle mass and cross sectional area due to higher testosterone
Age: peak strength M=18-30 F=16-25, decline due to decrease in efficiency of neuromuscular system, elasticity and testosterone
Evaluate the 4 tests for testing strength
Max strenth (1RPM)
ADV: direct measurement, easy procedure, most muscle groups can be tested
DIS: difficult to isolate individual muscles, trial and error may induce fatigue, potential for injury
Maximum strength (grip test):
ADV: simple and objective measure, inexpensive equipment, high reliability
DIS:only forearm muscles are assessed, not sport specific
Strength endurance (ab curl test)
ADV:good for large groups, simple/cheap,abdominal muscles can be isolated, valid and reliable
DIS: good technique needed, safety and concern over strain on lower back, result affected by subject motivation as test to exhaustion, not sport specific
Explosive test (vertical jump test):
ADV: data converted to calculate power output, easy test, test yourself
DIS: measure not isolated to one muscle group, only estimates explosive strength in legs
What % of intensity are the different types of strength, how many sets, how many reps, recovery
Max: 85-95%, 1-5,2-6,4:5mins
Explosive: 75-85%,6-10,4-6,3-5mins
Endurance advanced: 50-75%,15-20,3-5,30-45seconds
Endurance basic: 25-50%,15-20,4-6,60 seconds
What are the overall effects of muscle and connective tissue adaptations to strength training
Increased muscle mass
Increased speed, strength and power output
Increased intensity of performing
Hypertrophic physique-may increase self esteem
What are the adaptations and effect of muscle and connective tissue adaptations to strength training
Muscle hypertrophy and muscle hyperplasia: increased force of contraction, max and explosive training=FG Fibres, strenth and endurance=FOG Fibres
Increase in number/size of contractile protein and myofibrils: increase force of contraction, increased atin-myosin filaments, myofibrils become thicker
Increased strength of tendons and ligaments: increased joint stability, decreased risk of injury
Increased bone density and mass: increased absorption of calcium, decreased risk of osteoporosis
What are the overall effects of metabolic adaptations to STRENGTH training
Increased aerobic fuel shores
Increased intensity/duration of performance and delaying of OBLA/fatigue
Increased metabolic rate, increasing energy expenditure and helping to manage weight
What are the overall effect of neural adaptations to strength training
Increased speed, strength and power output
What factors affect flexibility
Type of joint: ball and socket greater ROM then a condyloid joint
Length and elasticity of surrounding connective tissue: greater length and elasticity of surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments the greater the ROM
Gender: females generally more flexible than males
Age: flexibility greatest in childhood and declines with age
Evaluate the 2 method of testing flexibility
Gonimetry (360degree protractor)
ADV: objective, valid/accurate, any joint be measured, sport specific
DIS: difficult to locate axis of rotation, training required for accurate measure
Sit and reach test:
ADV:easy, cheap, standardized data score
Dis: measures flexibility of lower back and hamstring only, not joint specific, need to warm up and hold position for 2 seconds
What are the types of stretching techniques
Static active
Static passive
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
What are adaptations to flexibility training
Increased resting length: increased ROM about a joint, muscle spindles adapt to increased length
Increased elasticity: increased potential for static and dynamic flexibility, decreased inhibition from antagonist, increased stretch of antagonist
What are the overall effects of adaptation to flexibility training
Increased ROM around a joint
Increased distance and efficiency for muscles to create force at speed
Decreased risk of injury
Improved posture and alignment
What diseases are there that involve the cardiovascular system
Atherosclerosis: build up of fatty deposits on arterial walls, leading to chronic high blood pressure
Coronary heart disease: atherosclerosis of Coronary arteries, can lead to heart attack
Heart attack, blockage or clot in coronary artery cuts off o2 supply causing death of cells or permanent damage
Stroke: blockage in cerebral artery, cutting off blood whole to brain