Pre-AP English WOD Units 1&2 Flashcards
What is the definition of percussion
the sharp striking of one thing against another (noun)
What is the definition of perennial
Lasting for a long time (adjective)
What is the definition of permeate?
To penetrate through spaces, to spread throughout (verb)
What is the definition of persevere?
To hold fast to a task or purpose despite the obstacles (verb)
What is the definition of defer?
To delay or postpone (verb)
What is the definition of infer
To use available evidence to form a conclusion (verb)
What is the definition of dilatory?
Tending to delay or postpone (adjective)
What is the definition of elation?
Excited feelings of pride, triumph, or happiness (noun)
What is the definition of contend?
To engage in a struggle, quarrel, or rivalry (verb)
What is the definition of intent?
Purpose (noun)
What is the definition of subvert?
To undermine power. To upset, to overthrow, to ruin (verb)
What is the definition of subservient?
Submissive; excessively willing o yield (adjective)
What is the definition of contort
To twist or bend out of shape (verb)
What is the definition of distort
To change something to make it false (verb)
What is the definition of retort?
To reply quickly often in response to an accusation (verb0
What is the definition of tortuous?
Having many twists and turns (adjective)
What is the definition of adversity?
A hardship or misfortune (noun)
What is the definition of avert
To turn around (verb)
What is the definition of introvert?
A person whose thoughts are directed inwards (noun)
What is the definition of perverse?
Stubbornly doing something other than what is required (adjective)
What is the definition of prose?
ordinary speech or writing without rhyme or rhythm (noun)
What do the root words torqueo, torquere, torsi, and tortum mean?
to bend, to turn around
What do the root words verso, versare, versatum mean
to turn, to turn around
What does the root word sub mean