PowerPoint 13 Flashcards
Which type of dendritic spine is the most important?
Studies have suggested a link between developmental lead exposure and susceptibility to the onset of what?
adult neurodegenerative diseases, specifically Alzheimer’s disease
prenatal alcohol exposure reduces the synaptic vesicles and does what to the synaptic cleft?
narrows it
True or False: Alcohol is a neurotoxicant
What are the brain areas are sensitive to alcohol?
- cerebellum
- Medulla
- Prefrontal cortex
- HIppocampus
- Frontal Lobe
- striatum
When can alcohol damage occur?
pre-, post-, and perinatal
What is the cerebellum important for?
- movement
- balance
- complicated motor functions
What is the Reticular Activating System (RAS) for?
- controls sleeping and waking
- can lead to passing out with alcohol
What two enzymes are important for alcohol metabolization?
- 1-alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
- 2-aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)
Is Ethanol or Acetaldehyde very toxic in high levels?
The conversion of Acetaldehyde to Acetate happens with which enzyme? Where does it occur?
ALDH; mitochondria
What does Acetate convert into for entering the TCA cycle?
acetyl CoA
what percentage of Asians have inactive ALDH?
Elevated ________ cause increased flushing, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting & hyperventilation
Do males or females have higher blood alcohol levels?