Postmodernism Theory 💡 Flashcards
What are the 9 features of a postmodern text?
- Irony
- Parody
- Homage
- Bricolage
- Intertextual References
- Fragmented Narrartives
- Self Reflexivity
- Common Themes
- Loss of Reality
What is irony?
When the opposite thing to what you had expected occurs.
What is parody?
When a media text or product includes references to a style / genre but they do it for comedy value / humour.
What is homage?
When producers / directors include copies of things from a style / genre that they like, but they do it out of respect for that producer, almost paying tribute to them and their work.
What is bricolage?
The sampling and usage of older media products in your own.
Almost like a collage, you pick and mix part of their work and incorporate it into your own.
What are intertextual references?
When the producer / director make either a very subtle OR a very specific / overt reference to another media product.
What is a fragmented narrative?
It’s a non linear structure, where the narrative is broken up into chunks. They may contain flashbacks, flash forwards and cross cuts.
What is self reflexivity?
Where the characters (or one character) are aware that they are in a media product (e.g. talking to the camera).
Online media is filled with self reflexivity (e.g. vlogs).
What are common themes?
The what ifs. The future tech. Will there be human existence?
What is a Loss of Reality?
When there’s more artifice / anti-real than realism itself. It can even be surreal. There is a lack of versimilitude.
What is versimilitude?
The amount of realism a product has.
Sounds similar to ‘very similar to’.
When can you classify a product as being a postmodern product?
When it begins from the 80’s or 90’s. Any product before that time will not be classified as a postmodern product.
What does Baudrillard argue? (3)
- We live in a world with a loss of reality and we live with artificial reality
- We have moved from the reality of media products and have slowly adapted to the heightened reality
- We are so surrounded by these simulacra of media products that it becomes hard to tell apart from the reality
What is heightened reality?
More intense than reality
What is simulacrum / simulacra?
An artificial copy of a product with very little link to reality.
What is hyperreality?
The state where we are so surrounded by simulacra that it becomes hard to distinguish artificial products from reality.
Do audiences prefer simulacrum or real life?
Audiences often prefer simulacra to real life