Posterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
R and L, superior thickening of the psoas fascia
medial arcuate ligament
R and L, superior thickening of the quadratus lumborum fascia
lateral arcuate ligament
psoas major origin, insertion, and innervation
o: T12-L5
I: lesser trochanter of femur
Inn: ventral rami L1-L3
chief flexor of the hip
psoas minor origin, insertion, and innervation
o: T12-L1
I: pectinate line: iliopectinate eminence (iliopubic eminence)
Inn: ventral rami L1-L2
psoas minor is not present in ___ % of cadavers
action of psoas minor
lumbar stabilizer
iliacus origin, insertion, and innervation
o: iliac fossa and anterior sacroiliac ligaments
I: lesser trochanter
Inn: femoral nerve L2-L4
iliacus action
flexion the femur at the hip joint
what muscle is most proximal that receives femoral nerve branches
iliacus m
quadratus lumborum origin, insertion, and innervation
o: medial half of rib 12 and tips of lumbar TP’s
i: iliolumbar ligament and the iliac crest
Inn: ventral rami T12, L1-L4
action of quadratus lumborum
extension (bilateral), lateral flexion of the vertebral column, fixes 12th rib
subcostal, ilioinguinal, and iliohypogastric nerves cross this muscle diagonally leaving a C-referral shape
quadratus lumborum
the ____ crus is larger and longer and arises from the superior 3-4 lumbar vertebral bodies
the ____ crus arises from only the superior 2-3 vertebral bodies
centrally and posteriorly located between the crura is the ____ ligament
median arcuate
the median arcuate ligament arches over the aorta and thoracic duct to form the
aortic hiatus (T12)
“I Eat Asparagus” 8.10.12
runs diagonally across the QL and supplies the EAO and overlying skin
subcostal n (T12)
passes anterior to QL to pierce the transverse abdominal muscle near the ASIS
iliohypogastric nerve
sensory arc of the cremasteric reflex in males, sensory to the scrotum and labium majora
ilioinguinal n (L1)
pierces and emerges from the anterior aspect of the psoas major, divides into femoral and genital branches (innervates motor cremasteric muscle)
genitofemoral n (L1-2)
which nerve that runs across the QL does NOT meet the iliac crest
iliohypogastric n L1
innervates the skin over the anterolateral thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous n L2-3
which nerves runs thumbs width medial to ASIS
lateral femoral cutaneous n. (meralgia paresthetica)
innervates the quadriceps
femoral n L2-4
nerve that pierces the obturator membrane, sensory to the medial knee
obturator n L2-4
passes over the sacral ala to the posterior pelvis to participate in the sacral plexus
lumbosacral trunk L4-5
sympathetics of the posterior wall
- sympathetic chain
- pre gang
2a. greater splanchnic T5-9: celiac gang
2b. lesser splanchnic T10-11: superior mesenteric gang
3b. least splanchnic T12: aorta plexus
mixed plexi (4)
- intermesenteric
- superior hypogastric
- hypogastric
- inferior hypogastric
what plexus lies in front of the upper part of the sacrum, just below the bifurcation of the aorta
superior hypogastric plexus
plexus formed on each side at the front of the LOWER sacrum by the junction of the hypogastric and pelvic splanchnic nerves
inferior hypogastric plexus
what are the 8 arteries off the abdominal aorta
- inferior phrenics
- celiac trunk
- suprarenal arteries (middle)
- renal arteries
- superior mesenteric artery
- gonadal arteries
- inferior mesenteric artery
- common iliac arteries
at the bifurcation of the common iliac arteries, _______ artery gives off horizontal branches called the _____
median sacral artery
lumbar ima or 5th lumbar artery
what are the 7 veins tributing to the posterior abdominal wall
- hepatic veins
- inferior phrenic veins
- renal veins
- common iliac veins
- gonadal veins
- lumbar veins
- median sacral vein
the median sacral vein drains into
L common iliac vein