Population dynamics Details Flashcards
Facts that you gotta rememeber
Reasons for the rapid increase in the world’s population
-Longer life expectancy
-Healthcare improvement
-Improvements in diet and hygiene
-Decreased infant mortality rates
-High birth rates
-Cultural factors/Religious/Social beliefs
Causes of Overpopulation
-Lack of education
-Lack of access to contraceptives
-Cultural/Religious/Social beliefs
Consequences of Overpopulation
-Not enough housing
-High crime rates
-Lack of employment
-Not enough healthcare/education
Causes of Underpopulation
-Natural disasters
-Lack of jobs
-Low fertility rate
Consequences of Underpopulation
-Shortage of workers
-Low level of production
-Small market for goods and services
-Lack of government income
-High taxes
-Underused resources
Features of Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model
-High birth rate
-High death rate
-Large families
Features of Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model
-High birth rate
-Death rate falls(due to better healthcare/living conditions)
Features of Stage 3 of the Demographic Transition Model
-Birth rate falls due to changing social conditions
-Low death rate
Features of Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model
-Low birth rate
-Low death rate
-Small families
Features of Stage 5 of the Demographic Transition Model
-Birth rate stays low
-Death rate becomes higher than birth rate
-Population decreases
Reasons for falling birth rates
-availability of contraception
-more women working
-more girls being educated, hence marry later
-reduction of infant mortality
-more family planning education
-less need of children for labour
Reasons for falling death rates
-Improvement in healthcare
-More medicines/doctors available
-More/better quality food available
-Improvement in water supplies
-Improvement in sanitation/hygiene
-Reduction in wars/conflicts