Food production Definitions Flashcards
Arable farming
a type of farming which involves growing crops
Pastoral farming
a type of farming which involves rearing animals
Mixed farming
a type of farming involving both growing crops and rearing animals
Extensive farming
a farming method which involves a low input of capital, material and labour with large amounts of land, and which produces a low yield of product from a large area of land
Intensive farming
a farming method which involves high inputs of capital, fertilisers and labour/labour saving technologies(such as pesticides or machinery), and which produces a high yield of product form a small area of land
Subsistence farmer
a farmer whose aim is to support himself and his family by growing crops or keeping livestock to survive and met the basic needs for food
Commercial farmer
a farmer whose main aim is to grow crops or keep livestock to sell for a profit
Shifting cultivation
a form of agriculture in which an area of ground is cultivated for a period of time and then abandoned for a new area until its fertility has been naturally restored
referring to the original inhabitants of a region or country before colonisation by people from other countries
Division of labour
the way that a community shares the work between its members
capable, by careful use and management, of being maintained over time for future generations to use or enjoy whilst meeting the needs of the present
European Union(EU)
a group of European countries that have joined together to create an area for free trade of goods and services as well as the movement of people
Common Agricultural Policy(CAP)
strategies for the control and the development of farming that have been adapted by all members of the European Union(EU)
a sum of money given to an individual or organisation for a specific purpose
benefits given to an individual or organisation usually in the form of a cash contribution or a reduction in tax to offset the full cost of the activity that the subsidy was provided for
the production of food and other resources through the growing of plants and the raising of domesticated animals
Direct payments
EU payments which are given directly to farmers who meet certain requirements of the EU for growing crops, keeping livestock, or looking after the countryside