Polyarteritis Nodosa - week 17 Flashcards
what is polyarteritis nodosa?
Medium vessel vasculitis
necrotising arteritis that leads to aneurysm formation
Pathophysiology of polyarteritis nodosa?
type III hypersensitivity reaction
Epidemiology of polyarteritis nodosa?
2x more likely to affect men, age 50-70 years of age
Risk factors of polyarteritis nodosa?
hepatitis B (most associated) but also hep C and HIV
presentation of polyarteritis nodosa?
rashes (livedo reticularis)
skin ulceration
peripheral neuropathy
systemic symptoms
articular pain
Investigations of polyarteritis nodosa?
Angiography - arterial microaneurysms
increased CRP/ESR
Management for polyarteritis nodosa?
high-dose corticosteroids with cyclophosphamide (chemo drug)
Complications for polyarteritis nodosa?
Prognosis for polyarteritis nodosa?
In untreated cases, it is associated with a poor prognosis
Hepatitis B-associated disease has a worse prognosis