Poa annua - Annual Meadow Grass Flashcards
Poa annua - Annual Meadow Grass
General note
Ephemeral annual and short lived perennial grass.
Occurs on arable land, turf, field edges and margins and all types of garden.
Common throughout UK - pioneer species.
Infests spring and autumn sown grown arable crops (smothers emerging seedlings).
On lawns it often colonises area where other grasses have been damaged.
Considered as weed - low digestibility/productivity.
Poa annua - Annual Meadow Grass
Conditions for growth
Does not like acid soil and soils low in phosphates. Likes soil improved with organic matter. Can tolerate periodic water logging. Dislikes drought and air pollution. Shade tolerant and resistant to wear.
Poa annua - Annual Meadow Grass
Pest and diseases
Can become infected with ergot - May pass this on to cereal crops (difficult to see on AMG because it’s smaller)
AMG also acts as host to several nematodes which attack cereal crops
Poa annua - Annual Meadow Grass
Seeds can remain viable fo germination in soil for up to four years.
AMG produces large number of seeds which fall close to parent plant, they are disturbed by mowing, activity of moles and on tyres/shoes. To lesser extent in animal manure.
Flowering is day neutral and can occur at any time of year beginning in early spring.
Overwintered seeds flower in May, others from July to Sept.
Large number of seeds between April and Sept.
Seeds can ripen when cut from inflorescence.
Seed will germinate from Feb to November - main times, early spring and autumn.
Seed set and emergence rates depend on prevailing weather, dryer /slower.
Later plants tend to overwinter when small and develop in the following year.