✅Pluralism And Society Flashcards
What is the development in multi faith countries?
In England, majority of it is Christian, however over time, multi faith has significantly risen and significant population are from different backgrounds.
What are the key causes for an increase in multi faith communities?
Globalisation and migration. Post enlightenment period and mind set.
Humanitarian principle- emphasis on tolerance and human rights,
What did Prince Charles say in 2008?
“Defender of Faith, rather than the defend of the faith”, implying there is more than one faith.
What are the strengths with an increase in multifaith communities?
Provides opportunities to learn and share and adopt new thoughts.
Set examples of cooperation to dispel prejudice
Encourages Christians it think more deeply about their own beliefs
Leads to new friendships
Weaknesses of multi faith communities
Undermines uniqueness of Christianity message by suggesting that salvation is available to all and not just through Christ,
Encourages children to question the truth about Christianity
Tolerance and faith weakens the Christian message,
What is interfaith dialogue?
Communication between people of different beliefs in order to build relationships, brawl down stereotypes and promote peace.
Aim to achieve mutual understanding
Who developed inter faith dialogue?
David ford and peter ochs
What did ford draw attention to for interfaith dialogue bing important?
2 strands of history, the holocaust and Islam vs the west in 9/1q.
Both of these lead to interfaith dialogue.
How did interfaith dialogue come about?
After war, Jewish rabbits initiated interfaith dialogue.
“Dabru Emet” invited Christians to talk and highlight the ideas of similarities.
What are the criticisms for scriptural reasoning?
Orthodoxy , not official voice
Reasonableness, no right interpretations.
Authority of scripture, many views about authors which affect interpretation
Non Abraham in faiths are not involved. What baout Buddhism or Hinduism?
Relativism, scriptural reasoning relativise each religion.
What is scriptural reasoning movement?
Led to development of inter faith forum.
Founded by Peter ochs and David ford.
How did scriptural reasoning movement start!
Began among Jewish scholars as “textual reasoning” in the 1990’s. Group of Christians asked if they could watch, hoping to find understanding of Judaism. Led to the development of interfaith dialogue.
What are the 2 levels of reasoning in the scriptural reasoning movement?
Internal (of the text itself, ) and external, (the readers interpretation)
What does scriptural reasoning focus on?
The 3 religions and the scripture within them.
Muslims, Jews and Christians.
What does ford argue about the scriptural reasoning?
There is 3 aims to SRM: wisdom, collegiality and hospitality
What did scriptural reasoning become a part of?
The Cambridge inter faith programme. Pick a topic and talk about it, not intended to agree, but how they’re understood in own contexts,
What is the core idea of scriptural reasoning?
Idea is to foster spirit of openness and honesty. Allow to engage without threatening anyone’s beliefs
What are the strengths with interfaith dialogue?
Allows people to talk to understand, to link ideas and educate
Less prejudice
New friendships
Weaknesses with interfaith dialogue
Allows Christian teachings to be relativised.
Destroys the sola christus principle
Focussed too much on leaders
What does Michael Barnes say about interfaith dialogue?
“Risky options” for Christians as it means that those invited would question Christianity
What are the aims of interfaith dialogue as an exclusivist view?
Open conversation, so people can be converted, to begin to understand and can find commons ground and it shows that it comes from Christianity,
What are the aims for interfaith dialogue as a inclusivist view?
Create dialogue between chiryainity and individuals who are invisible church or anonymous Christians to understand where faith comes from
What are the aims for interfaith dialogue as a pluralist view?
Discover different understanding of truth and enhance own understanding of the “real”, stop conflict and lead to peace
What does Keith ward think about interfaith dialogue?
Supports it. Says it’s a significant aid in developing global faith.
What does Hick say about multi faith?
Real care aspects, realisation that all religions are similar and it’s human construction
What does knitter think about society?
It isn’t theological, it’s practical
What does eddy think of interfaith?
In 2006, he asked synod to debate what the Church of England thought of converting
What does Pope John Paul think about society?
Redemptoris missio, places interfaith into the world
What does manfred Stegar think about interfaith?
Social relations
What does Steven pinker say about society?
Humanitarian approach and principle
What does bannister think about interfaith?
Christianity is truly distinctive because of Jesus and salvation.
What does Balthasar think of interfaith dialogue?
We shouldn’t water down beliefs.
Ford quote on multifaith communities
“It’s not about consensus, but friendship”
How did Christianity develop in England?
Introduced by the Romans, living alongside other views, until the 7th century, when Christian missionaries established it as primary faith
Definition of a multifaith society
Significant populations of people are from different religions backgrounds
How much have other religions increased from 2001 to 2011 in the census guide?
Rose by 1.8 percent. Christianity went down by 10 percent.
What is there more awareness of than before.
Of the diversity of beliefs in the world. Because of foreign travel, contact with different beliefs, internet, books etc.
In society, people are more involved in school, workplaces, public facilities. Interfaith marriages and partnerships.
Why did David ford talk about the holocaust as history which led to interfaith dialogue?
Germany was traditionally Christian, yet many of the population supported nazism. The church was to blame for representing Judaism as the “failed religion”. Failing to recognise Jesus as the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies.
Dabru emet after the war highlighted that they share the same god. Should work together for peace
Why did ford talk about the tension between Islam and the west as a direction towards interfaith dialogue?
A letter in 2007 from leading Muslim scholars “a common word between us and you” pointed out the passion that Muslims and Christians share for worshipping god and putting lobe for ones neighbour into practice,
This letter called for the continuation of dialogue between Muslims and Christians to find way to engage with one another
What is the definition of interfaith dialogue?
Not trying to convert people from one faith to another, or demonstrating that one faith is superior, but about coming to a deeper understanding of ones own faith while learning about the belief of others
What was the COE document in 2010?
Sharing the gospel of salvation
What did the document by COE identify?
“Sharing the gospel of salvation, 2010. Identifies 4 strands of interfaith dialogues as: Dialogue of daily life: Dialogue of common good Dialogue of mutual understanding Dialogue of spiritual life
What is the dialogue of daily life about?
Informal conversations
What is the dialogue about common good?
Different faiths work together for good of community
What is dialogue of mutual understanding
Formal debates
What is the dialogue of spiritual life?
Meet together for prayer and worship
What is the building bridges society?
Charity established to cut down tensions in Lancashire between different faiths and gives an opportunity for interfaith dialogue
What are the “religions of the book”
Christianity, Judaism, Islam
What are the aims of societal reasoning movement
To listen to one another
To ask questions
Discuss more deeply the other ways that apparently similar ways beliefs can understood in own context
Be open and honest
Be respectful in disagreements
Not be used as content for missionary work
Has interfaith dialogue contributed towards social cohesion?
Ineffective for social cohesion, no everyone agrees with it. Many curtains think that the members of other faiths should be persuaded to adapt Christianity as the one true religion.
What is social cohesion?
Society in which people have a strong sense of belonging. Where people feel like they can communicate easily with eachother, where they share moral values and where they feel fairly treated.
Why is interfaith dialogue difficult?
Confusion between particular and universal.
When a particular path assumes it owns the universal (global difficulties’
What did Allah create for help with interfaith dialogue?
He created diversity, so you can get to know people interface. Division isn’t about conversion, but completion.
Why should the church do to reach interfaith dialogue? cOe
Share the gospels of salvation, a documentation from general synod about interfaith work.
What is the papaya encyclical
Roman Chyrch letter sent out by the bishop to show rules or thoughts.
Redemptoris missio
Book by Pope John Paul II 1990
What does redemptoris missio say about how int Rafita dialogue might work alongside the Christian message?
The church sees no damage or conflict between Christ and inter religious dialogue
Acknowledges whoever is true and holy, as a reflection of the truth which enlightens all people.
Church is ordinary means of salvation and that she alone possess fullness of means of salvation
Must be consistent with own religious traditions.
Dialogue leads to inner purification and conversation,
What approach does the pope take on the attitude from the encyclical?
Pluralist approach, dialogue is a path towards kingdom and beta fruit, or persevere with faith and love.
Each member of faithfulness and all of Christianity communities are called to practise dialogue, although not in same degree.
What are examples of interfaith work?
Interfaith seminars, pending forum of faiths, “faith communities project”
What are interfaith dialogues?
Delivered across the borough where people of faith and non faith are given open invitation to attend,
What is the pendle forum of faiths?
Is a group which has been set up to become representation body of faith communities of Pendle
What is faith communities project?
Involves twinning of chinches and mosques in local borough. Committed public relationship between neighbouring church and mosque, involving members of both congregations.
Faith leaders are encouraged to have close cooperation between eacitoher and guide their congregations of a journey bringing interfaith dialogue and community action to a new level
What is the sharing the gospel of salvation?
A document form the general synod about interfaith work
How do you measure social cohesion?
Very difficult to measure. Although there are indicators: crime statistics, loss of rioting, criminal damage or hate crime.
Why is interfaith dialogue informant in the aspect of loyalty? 9
People are unlikely to feel a sense of loyalty and solidarity with their city if they see themselves as powerless or victims of injustice.
What is the positive effect on interfaith dialogue with social cohesion?
Interfaith groups and events have increased over they last 10 years, work and pray together. To promote understanding.
What does Karl Barth think about interfaith dialogue?
He is an exclusivist Christian, so would disagree with saying teachings etc. god is fully and exclusively revealed to Christianity and the bible,
What would exclusivists say about scritoual reaosning?
Instead of studying the scriptures together, Christians would do better to point out the uniqueness of Christianity message and warn people that non Christian religions lead away from the truth.
What does John Hick think about spiritual reaosning?
Argue that if scriptural reasoning does relativise the religious belief, that it is not a bad thing, but a realisation that religions is human Contruct and that no religion can claim to have monopoly on the world.
What are alpha courses
Introductions to Christianity for people who want to explore what Christianity mean.s
What is the impact of interfaith dialogue?
Promote the common good, this refers to all elements of a fair, cohesive and functioning society,
What does Russel say in the Russel and copeleston debate which fits into interfaith?
“You’re looking for something that can’t be got, and which one ought not to expect to get”
Should Christians have a mission to those of no faith?
Kraemer says yes.
However strong atheist would say its unacceptable, such as Dawkins
Why does Dawkins think missionary is bad?
Faith is the great cop out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps heavies of, the lack of evidence
According to Niebuhr, where does th church stand ?
Stands inside culture, outside of it, ignores it, stands isolated from it, or transforms it.
What does exclusivism think of interfaith dialogue?
Restricted exclusivism:
See it as a opportunity to introduce the gospel to others with hope of conversion.
As elect are unknown, they have duty to bring people to Christianity.
Recognises that the truth is god revelation is not restricted to Christianity Roman Catholic teaches that non Christian religions “reflect a ray of truth that enlightens everyone”.
Theology calls for Christians to enter a dialogue with deeper understanding.
What does inlcusivism think of interfaith dialogue?
Address the charge of Christian imperialism. Doesn’t mean, as rahner said, “tolerant, humble and yet firm towards non xn”.
Like David ford, believe that differences can be discussed. “Ecology of blessing”
Focus of RI is on ifd because it is sceptical that institutions are right.
What does Pluralism think of interfaith dialogue,
Keith ward who supports pluriform, argues ifd is significant aid in developing global faith,
Unitary think that different religions are aspects of same reality
eTP agree that fed should o,ace emphasis on living unselfishlesdly.
Does scriptural reasoning relativise beliefs?
Looking at scriptures and discussing them suggests everyone’s have something to offer
Barth says only the bible contains the truth
Hick would argue that if it does relativise beliefs, then that is a good think as no one religion can claim to have the monopoly.
Does scriptural reasoning relativise beliefs?
It doesn’t, it simply encourages difference opinions of discussion.
Points out tensions and contradictions, encourages the participants to develop a former understanding of their religion
What happened in 1972
Uganda expelled all Asians and therefore they came to England as migrants
What happened in 1950s
Sikhs came to England for work and to escape conflict
What did Michael Barnes say baout the church?
It’s no longer the primary provider.