✅Christian Moral Principles Flashcards
Theonomous Christian ethics
Ethics are governed by gods law or commands
Heteronomous Christian ethics
Ethics are governed by several sources of authority or law
Autonomous Christian ethics
Ethics that are self-governed
Believe that the Bible is the revealed word of God and that the writers were directly inspired by God. A more positive time preferred to fundamentalism
Church tradition
The traditions of how to church life in community works in worship practical moral life and prayer and the teachings and reflection of the church handed down across time
Sacred tradition
The idea that the revelation of Jesus Christ is communicated in two ways:
through scripture
through the apostolate and authoritative teachings of the church councils and the Pope
Agape love
Unconditional love the only ethical norm in situationism
Propositional faith and revelation
Faith as exceptions of truth revealed by God as propositions to be accepted
Non-propositional faith and revelation
Belief or faith in God usually through a personal encounter and experience
Papal encyclical
Letter issued by the Pope to his senior clergy on a significant topic or issue. it has doctrine authority
The official and authentic teachings of the church vested in the pipe and his bishops
What is Included in theonomous
The Bible as the only authority for Christian ethical practices. Literalism and interpretation. Dealing with contradictions.
What is included in heteronymous
Roman catholic sources of natural law, reason, magisterium, Bible, and conscience. Trusted sources Bible, reason, conscience, church tradition, Christian community. Which source is a legitimate and which sources have great authority
What included are with agape autonomous love
Roman catholic sources-hans Kung global ethics responsibility for personal judgements. Protestant sources-Joseph lectures for work and principles and situations judged according to agape. Discussed the problems of what extent could this undermine the magisterium and is agape distinctly Christian
How to Christians decide what the trust as a guide more action
Three main approaches
Use bible as sole-source ( sola scriptura). As the literal word of God, with commands on what should and shouldn’t be done. Also called theonomous Christian ethics and divine command theory
What are the main problems with the Bible as the main action
It is very modern therefore it is out of date. There are contradictions in the Bible. Do not kill but God kills all but never. Angels of death killed first born. Love all is the old Testament that if gay is punishable by death. Rath of God he kills yet he tells his creation not to kill.
How do Christians decide what to trust as a guide for more action
Use church tradition and reason to know what is morally good action. Protestants the bible the church and reason as all have a part to play in interpreting the more messages of Jesus. Bible is Miss important followed by tradition then reason. Reason need to make sense of scripture and tradition. Catholics see the sacred edition as separate and superior to reason. Prioritises the tradition the Bible and the magisterium above reason but it is wheezing as a separate stream through which God is more teaching and can be accessed. Known as heteronomous ethics
How to Christian side what’s the trust as a guide more action? Agape autonomous
Some Christians follow principle of agape love has caught tomorrow too. Flexible approach as in the case of situation ethics. Just and loving world that does not abandonmoral rules.
What does Richard B Hayes say about Christian belief
“The Bible is clear that it is wrong to kill. That’s why I think euthanasia is wrong”
What is propositional knowledge
Knowing or excepting that something is so. It has a truth value into can be true or false or somewhere in between. Propositional faith in Revelation is fate as acceptance of truths revealed by God. Passing information to his listeners about how God will save them from sin. Kindest would call it divine law, from the scripture the word of God is low. Anonymous questions are people who were Christian but lived before Christianity therefore haven’t had Christ see or will believe in
What is non-propositional knowledge
The first other kind of all knowledge. How to do something and gain skills through the procedure of experience. Increase with experience such as how to ride a bike. Non propositional faith and revelation is belief or faith in God the personal encounter and gaining knowledge of God to experience. This is a posteriori
How does propositional and non-propositional link
Often work hand-in-hand in every day life. We combine factual knowledge with experience to achieve what we need to do. Most Christians would say that we learn about God through the words in the Bible and biting the hand of God and nature.
How do propositional and non-propositional approaches link to the Bible
Proposition approach to the Bible-view the commandments and the beauty dudes as fixed moral principles to be transmitted. Having a fixed meaning. And non-propositional approach is different. God revealing himself in Jesus is seen as a more personal and experiential approach to the Bible. The Bible is a gateway into encountering the living God. It’s the same as knowing someone through the CV which is a proposition your approach and knowing them by having dinner with them which is non-propositional
How do Christians use the Bible in making more decisions. There are five main things you need to think about
One, are you deliberately taken concept? Two, are you using a range of teaching is et cetera? Three, are you using sections of the Bible are using as a whole? Four, how do you deal with the conflicts? Five, are you using different Jesus characters?
What are biblicists
The Bible is that authority only. Wesboro Baptist Church are fundamentalists. Purposes and is a preferred time to fundamentalism which is gained negative connotations in modern day
What is sola scriptura
Means by scripture alone. Dictates the Bible is the supreme authority on the matter of the doctrine and practice. Scriptures so thought indicating and any rational reader can clearly see the meaning behind it.
What are the advantages of belief in the sola scriptura
For Christians use in the Bible to inform them reality, they approach life is framed by the commandments and teachings, such as the sermon on the Mount. Their decisions about taking life in the commandment not to kill. I’m sexuality in the old Testament and Paul’s letters. Marriage in Genesis in the bible student of divorce. And then when such as look at that virtues implied by Jesus is teaching. Bible is inspired directly and that mystical God that is made the bible and infallible sort of information. Can be trusted and relied upon for what it says. Give the right answer whenever provided adequate guidance. But has no errors in their mistakes
What does Richard mouw think about biblical beliefs
Supports the belief in biblical imperatives and the rejection of the law of love.Aruges that just because there was one biblical commandment of law of love, it does not rule out the possibility of the biblical commandments about morality today. He argues for examples, that the story of God commanding Abraham to leave his home to find the promised land, with a specific amount of Abraham at the time and not one that Christians follow today. Also suggest that it’s wrong to see the whole Bible as long list commands and by looking contains much that is historical and poetic.
What are the criticisms of purely sola scriptura
It is impossible to read the bible straight, without making any interpretation. And experiences and individual nature means we cannot separate ourselves from reading the Bible. If the Bible is a dictation of gods word, then why is this such a range of styles of writing? Saint Johns Gospel has more mystical theological style, Matthew contains allusions to Jewish culture and Scriptures, Luke pauses his narrative to explain aspects of Judaism, marks is Greek.
Related to conflicts within the Bible. E.g., some teachings of Jesus joined sermon on the Mount to contradict Ali teachings in the Hebrew Scriptures. Rules in the Hebrew Scriptures that Christians do not follow for example more extreme passages such as Leviticus which prohibits the cutting of head and facial hair and touching pigskin et cetera. If the whole of the Bible is believed to be literally due and exclamations are needed to deal with internal contradictions
What does Paul tillich think about autonomous
Christian extension list philosophy. Suggest three ethical norms of walls-justice, love and wisdom. Mr Pawson is love this is the backbone. Agape love includes all dimensions. Includes Eros which is of love and true and beauty, philia which the love of friendship and trust, and libido which sexual love
What is Paul Tillich book
Ethical principles of moral action 1994
What did the Roman Catholics think about heteronomous Christian ethical practices
Reason, conscience, and chat authority equals not too long. Love written on their hearts. Natural law is revelation reason best of theological notion that God is creator of the world and all had a purpose. This is gods eternal law. Thomas Aquinas shows this. Influence church. Eternal law, divine law, natural law. Primary precepts, Magisterium, papal encyclical. Veritatis splendor is reason conscience MNL and magisterium. Yet all humans are weak therefore need help from church. Liberation theology is placed bible at Saint of ethics and questioned traditional church teachings
What are the Protestant sources for heteronomous Christian ethical practices
Angelic and Richard hooker 1554-1600. And Dutch Protestant Hugo grotius , protestant tradition tend to begin with Bible. Primary source. Consider Bible to be involved over time and developed by reflections. Stanley hauerwas- Argued Christian ethics only done within Christian worshipping communities. Part of narrative which develops out of Bible. Simon on Mount was tradition that route of purpose was to dad or values. Tradition doesn’t end in the new Testament. He continues to adapt. Means Christian ethics is subjective and so Mount wasn’t aimed at individuals it was aimed at all of the community. He was particularly suspicious of western societies over emphasising on human rights individualism and autonomy.
Which sources in the heteronomous Christian ethical practices are legitimate
Raises questions about arranging a thorough tea of appropriate sources. Do you some sort of have great authority than others? As I’m sources for examples Marxism of reason, alien to Christian thinking? Gospel is a biased and beliefs, personality audience strengths and weaknesses, or all different. Where did sources come from? Bible subjective
Who are the main people and main terms for hereto ovoid Christian ethical practices
Augustine, Calvin And Hugo grotius
“Bless it are those who mourn, for they will be comforted “Matthew five, four
Are Christian ethics distinctive( are they different)
Yes-whether it’s deontological or situationalist, the Bible is to consist part of more decision-making. Particularly the focus on love and forgiveness, breaks Christian church away from more authoritarian Abrahamic roots.
No- So much of Christian ethics is taken from old Testament therefore not unique. Garden wall is found in many cultures. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Many Christians have different approaches to ethics and they don’t require Bible.
Christian ethics personal or communal?
Communal-Christians, Catholics, have responsibility to follow church leaders and community. Full of dogma is tradition. Emphasis on church is particularly important for Christian community, should act like the body of Christ. Bible is a book of people of God, not individually of God.
Personal, Jesus was keep to separate himself and his reading is of scripture from his own community. As a role model, you demonstrate need read and individual situations prepared to break rules. And conscience comes from God. Salvation is personal therefore has responsibility. The cell of discipline from Bohnhoffer
Is the principle of love sufficient to live a good life?
Yes-it is hard to imagine a life without love. Concept which underpins ethical and Christian ideas. Next to good principles and reliability. Links of Jesus. Robinson-man come of age, fulfils ultimate law and love of culture. Fletcher-love and justice is the same.
No- How do I negotiate my thoughts about love with everyone else? What is the extent to which it could motivate people to be individualistic or selfish? Love is complex and different. Need backbone of justice as well. Just because there is one biblical commandment to love, doesn’t rule out possibility of other.
Is the Bible is a comprehensive more guide
Yes-contains over 1000 years worth of culture and influence. So many more systems developed out of it. The righty of different ways it’s stories and things can be interpreted.
No- It is outdated therefore many issues. Culturally relative text that reflects value of age. Context self. Can be read and interpreted in many ways and are very different.
Roman Catholic sources of autonomous Christian ethical practices
Hans kung is influential example of a liberal catholic who advocates much greater autonomy in ethical decision-making. Argues there is nothing in content of ethics. Which could not be found. Elsewhere by any person of goodwill. Comes up with the global ethics which tackles global environmental issues and save humanity. Defined as “minimal consensus concerning binding values, invocable standards and fundamental moral attitudes “. E.g. euthanasia is contrary to official catholic reasoning and conscience, to computer keeping someone alive at all costs. Jesus told disciples to use own judgement and take personal responsibility. Sabbath made from man not man-made For sabbath
What are the Protestant sources for autonomous Christian ethical practices
Radical Protestant Christian such as Joseph Fletcher and James Gustafson. Goodness it’s not related to intrinsic. And not revealed by God no part in that floor but a simple condition of being human. Essentially autonomous and teleological therefore aim for most loving situation. Fletcher represents autonomy school in book of situation ethics 1966. Considers every situation is judged relatively to the principle of love. For working principles-pragmatism, relativism, positivism, and personalism. Criticism-no rest objection self-sacrificing.
To what extent could Autonomous Christian ethical practices undermined the magisterium
Magisterium is the official and authentic teachings of the church rest in the paper his bishops. Autonomous Christian principles developed by little catholic is am is rejected by faith ethic. We look at explosions such as Joseph Ratzinger and popeBenedict the eighth undermining magisterium, it is your own feelings and love not with the law of church suggests.
Is agape distinctly Christian?
Although there are many different versions, most consider that there was one guiding principle which shapes mindset of questions, and that’s Jesus commands to love. I could pay is distinct Christian form, symbolises Jesus own life sacrifice for others and his teachings.
“You shall not convert your neighbours house, wives, or seventh… “
Exodus. 20, 17
Love inspires us and 16 for every human being and the recognition of his or hers own right to happiness.
Pope Francis, the joy of love paragraph 96
John. 15, 12-13
This is my commandment-that you love one another as I have loved you.
Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude… If bears all things, believe it all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. ,
Corinthians. 13-4, seven
What is Rosemary Radford Ruth argue about biblicism
Beth tradition and Bible is shaped almost exclusively by Mail experiences of life. Traditional Bible are one-sided and incomplete
What does St. Paul and st Augustine state?
All humans are by nature sinful and ignorant. We are incapable of living that life is based on our powers of reason. Only source we can use to help live a good life it must be revealed by God. Therefore the theonomous ethics
What is the biblicism
The Bible is revealed word of God. Providers of the Bible directly inspired by God. All scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for teaching, for reprieve, for correction, but training in righteousness. From Timothy 316
How is the moral law illustrates through stories
Old Testament contains 10 Commandments. Some illustrated through real life situations. King David adulterous relationship with Bathsheba. Illustrates what is meant alright does not mean to Livermore life. Profits also focus heavily on examples of social justice, and the treatment of pool. New Testament does the same thing, especially with summit of the month.Provides focal point of messages is a small teachings.
What does Karl Barth think about looking at the Bible literally
Hi status to the Bible as a source of morality, but want to get the danger of literalism. Because it falsely to give the Bible are divine status, which may only be attribute it to God. Gods word is revelation to the world, and God has worked through the different letters over a long period of time. By gods word is that a witness to the world. The not the word itself. But we should be a supreme sort it? Truth. But it is not the truth.
How should we deal with the biblical contradictions
Biggest challenge to Christian thalamus ethics. Permits war in which peace justice—eye for an eye, tooth for tooth in Exodus. Capital punishment is seen as part of gods judgement in Genesis. Death penalty is that all there to undermine social divide order. Deuteronomy sets our rules of war-the Israelites permitted to kill foreign women and children. New TestamentDo uses his sermon on the Mount appears to revise the old law. Retribution is replaced with re-conciliation in Matthew
Romans. 2-15
Law written on the hearts
What is liberation theology
1960s onwards. Place is the bible at the centre of ethics. Question the top down structure of the church. It’s bye-bye biblical themes of liberation from Moses escape, Jesus role of a liberator, because it is ethics from below as it focuses on tackling the economical social and political conditions of those who are marginalised.
Who is Stanley hauerwas
Influential book controversial modern theology. Christian ethics can only be done with the Christian worshipping community. Jesus time and on the Mount is part of traditional roots in Judaism adapting all laws and values to the new community. Or Kristian should follow the more values provided in some of the month. Examples of the kinds of values Christian must develop in their own community. Pregnant teenager considers an abortion is the example he uses. Argues that we should be suspicious of western societies over emphasis on human rights. Language and autonomy.
What does the specification say
Diversity of Christian moral reasoning, practices and sources I feel bad as only source in gods will in biblical commands. I will check the reason-combination with human reasoning. Agape-Jesus is only command was to love. Reason to use this.
All scripture is God breathed, useful for teachings and correcting.
Timothy. 3-16
Must understand no prophecy came about my own interpretation spoke from God.
Peter. 1-20, 21
Matthew. 5-29
If you’re right I causes you to stand, tear it out
What does Karl Barth think about literalism
Warned of the dangers of literalism. Gives bible false divine status of bibliolatry, false worship of the bible
The differences between old and New Testament
The Old Testament permits war and retributive justice. “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” exodus. Capital punishment is seen as gods justice. The Israelites are permitted to kill foreign woman and children,
New Testament: Jesus sermon on the mount, revises old war,
Retribution is replaced with reconciliation. Matthew
How should we deal with biblical contradictions?
Jesus’ teachings focus on future ideal and a perfect kingdom of god. Meanwhile, in this imperfect world, war and violence is necessary. Necessary evil.
This works for Augustine and Martin Luther, but doesn’t work for non Bible it’s like Martin Luther king who argues Christians have a duty to follow the pacifist non violence biblical vision.
Romans 2:15
“Law written on their hearts”
Liberation theology link to heteronomous ethics
1960’s onwards,
Places the bible at the centre of ethics, questions the top-down structure of the church. Inspired by biblical themes. Jesus’ role as a liberator.
Argues for a Marxist outlook to economic change,
What does hays think of using the bible and conscience?
Says church tradition is the time honoured practises of worship, service and critical reflection.
What was the example Stanley hauerwas used for Protestant hetereonomous?
Pregnant teenager considering an abortion. He argues you should be suspicious of western societies over emphasis on human rights language, and autonomy,
What is global ethics?
The minimal consensus concerning binding values, or irrevocable standards.
The global ethics is a Christian concern as its motivated by concept of loving one’s neighbour as someone who was created in the image of god, and loving everyone as part of a global community