✅Knowledge Of Gods Existence Flashcards
Strengths of natural theology
It’s available to everyone which avoids the moral problems associated which saying only those who read bible can reach salvation
Provides physical evidence for god
Logical idea that a creator will be revealed through their creation
What does Douglas hedley say about natural theology
Argues that natural theology doesn’t rest exclusively on reason, the imagination is also essential as it helps us understand other people states of mind and complex issues
Weaknesses of natural theology
Only works if you believe that there are good grounds for saying that the world was created by God
It is ambiguous
Understanding of god gained from natural theology seems vague
What does Karl Barth argue about natural theology
Argues that only revealed revelation can give us knowledge about god, leading to god only being known through Christianity
Strengths of revealed theology
Shows what god wanted people to know- his love and mercy
It is direct and has a stronger response
People who experience it possess authority and confidence to lead people
If god exists god can make himself known to man in a way that he would understand
Mist Christians would argue that faith is essential for belief in god
Base some belief on emotion because it “feels right”
What does Cicero and Calvin say about revealed theology
The idea that belief in god is a universal feature of human nature
What does Karl Barth say about revealed theology
People can only know god when god chooses to disclose himself to them
Anselm revealed theology
If a person understand what god is, belief in god cannot lead anywhere other Han trust in him
Weaknesses of revealed theology
Specific to time in history so could be outdated
Based on faith and not reason
Down to interpretation
What does feurebach say about revealed theology
Even if god is universal then his says more about human nature and human needs that t does about god
What does Richard Dawkins say about revealed theology
Faith is a cop out, it doesn’t provide sufficient reason for believe and is harmful. Likened belief in god to belief in her tooth fairy
Who said:” a wise man proportions his belief according to the evidence”
David Hume
What does natural theology consist of?
Innate human sense of the divine: all humans are made in god image and have an inbuilt capacity to desire and know god with Beaty and intellectual ability
As seen in the order of creation: what can be knokwnof god can be seen in the apparent design and purpose of nature
Revealed theology aspects
Through faith and gods grace: ashumans, we are sinful, we need faith and gods grace in Jesus Christ: life of the church and the bible
What is true knowledge?
Incorrigible facts, which are unshakable the case. Could mean incorrigible facts about the world. The love of wisdom- philos, sophos
What is John Calvin’s book
Institutes of Christian religion 1559
Revealed theology genesis quote
He has a dream in which he saw a stairway to earth with its top reaching heaven”
Natural theology psalms quotes
The heavens declare the glory of god, the skies proclaim the words of his hands.
Natural theology Romans’ quote
For since the creation of the world gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature.
Revealed theology proverbs quote
Trust in the lord with oo your heart and do not lean in your own understanding
Revealed theology John quoye
Hen Jesus told him, because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed
Can we have knowledge of god?
Many different ways of knowing. Religious people claim to know god, however since god isn’t physical, he cannot be known through senses
What does Bonaventura think about knowledge of god?
At least three different ways:
Physical eye, perception sees physical things
Eye of reason: reason and maths and philosophy
Eye of contemplation: allows us to come to knowledge of god by going beyond the scope of sense.
What does John polkinghorne think about KOG
Build an eye metaphor and talks about binocular vision. Sees science through one eye, and spiritual truths about god in the other.
CD Broad on KOG
Blind society- needs to be open to other aspects of our lives and spiritual worlds.
What is natural theology?
We know god through reason and observation of the natural world. General revelation is the way god is revealed to all people at the same time. It suggests that the work provides points of contact with god. The design argument etc. Imago dei- built by god
Who believes in natural theology?
John Calvin : accommodation. Sensus divinitatis St. Paul Aquinas: 5th ways Swinburne:probability credulity Cicero Hume; wise man proportions Paley: design argument Hedley: imagination
What is revealed theology
Considers that god can only be known when he lets himself. Eg RE
Example of special revelation- individual and personal encounter. Occur through profit,Jesus, prayer and scripture
Who believed in revealedtheology
Mother Teresa
Jacobs ladder
Calvin: rejects naturalism, requires god grace and can develop through Jesus
Plantinga: sensus divinitatis. Basic truth in faith
Ian Barbour
Soren Kierkegaard: gods grace is no longer seen as sufficient
Where does the bible stand?
Doesn’t distinguish between natural and revealed, but suggests god uses it in both ways. Includes examples of beauty, history, traditional wisdom, profits, RE, etc
However there are some who claim natural theology is flawed and only way to know god is through revealed
What does John Calvin think of KOG
Agreed that god as the divine creator is revealed in the world. Very important im his topic. Supports both natural and revealed
What are Calvin’s 2 arguments of natural theology
Subjective and objective
What is Calvin’s subjective argument?
4 parts:
Innate sense of the divine, sense of divinity and semen religionsis. General awareness of god
Universality of religion- all humans respond to beauty and goodness
Troubled conscience- humans have. Sense of guilt, we are aware we are responsible for our actions to someone
We have servile fear of god - desire to serve god in fear of his judgement
All four are points of XONTACT with god. But never proves god
What are Calvin’s objections to natural theology?
Objective argument, creation available to all people in the same way. Order of creation is about the apparent design and purpose of nature
Design argument
What are the analogies Calvin uses to argue against natural theology?
Creation of gods mirror: the world reflects skilful ordering of universe is for us some sort of mirror which we can contemplate god.
World is theatre of god action. God is known Through his actions. Revealed
Criticisms about Calvin’s analogies
Hume: Payne’s of analogy . The world is a bad analogy. Paley:watchmirror gods.
Why does Calvin think natural is flawed?
Natural theology is limited. Augustine and the fall of mankind. Damaged our ability to know god through the natural world
Suffering enters the world. Gods art work has been damaged. Mirror cracked.
Human nature is damaged, it used reason and the fall breaks reason. Accepts we need knowledge of Jesus, therefore go back to the bible
What does Calvin say about revealed theology
1- it is revelation, because revealed theology is the word of god
2-scripture: redemptive action of god in history
3-Jesus: literally god in human form
4- regeneration, KOG always renewed and recreated
5- accommodation; Christ reflects god is love and mercy. Appropriate for fallen condition of the cracked mirror.
What is Calvin’s final conclusion
Natural law removes excuses of ignorance. Non Xns can’t claim they’ve sinned because god isn’t existed. If Adam has remained upright then everyone would know god, but he didn’t
What is Calvin’s evaluation?
Dualistic theory with 2 completely different notions of god. Criticised for stressing personal relationship with Christ
Can faith be sufficient reason for belief
Reliant on Augustine’s theory of the fall
Bible is contradictory
Examples of general revelation
The way god is revealed to all people at all time in nature.
World provides point of contact with god. Design argument, teleological etc. Inbuilt receptor to see god
What does Thomas aquinas think about KOG
Formed faith: is a rational assent and willingness to believe in evidence in gods existence. God can be known through human intellect and reason.
What is Calvin’s role of faith?
Firm andcertain knowledge , only possible as revealed by x. Faith is given to anyone who accepts.
What is aquinas role of faith?
Disagrees with Calvin. Unformed intellect reasons why afterlife is possible. Formed, will to assent
What is Dawkins role of faith?
Evil and suffering challenges faith. Too stupid , also harmful
What is humes role of faith
Use man proportions his belief according to evidence.
What is hedleys role of faith
NT doesn’t rest exclusively on reason. Imagination is very important to help us indetstnd other kinds that can’t be explained rationally
What is a combination of each theology
All humans have an inbuilt capacity and desire to know god. True knowledge is incorrigible facts and wisdom. Closer knowledge is been known in a special way.
What is the debate with Barth and Brunner about?
Brunner: imago Demi is destroyed after the fall. General revelation and conscience goes to guilt. True knowledge is available through grace but only through Jesus
Barth: formal self can’t inform material self of gods existence. There isn’t a point of contact, conscience and guilt don’t provide contact. Order of creation- able to perceive order but this isn’t a basis of morality
What does plantinga say about revealed theology
Reformed epistemology
Basic knowledge- belief that is held to be true because it is just so and makes sense of other experiences
Sensual divinitatis- general relogois sense which makes it possible to make religious claims.
What does Ian Barbour say about revealed theology
Process theologian, god and the world are in tandem. God is continually showing himself.
Who said “both experience and history point to a god who acts not to be coercing but evoking the responses of his creation”
Ian barbour
“The heavens are telling the glory of god, and the firmament proclaim his handiwork”
Psalms 19:1
What is William paleys argument
Paleys argument from design is a rational argument for gods existence. The analogy of the watch.
Faces challenges of: evolution, cruelty of nature and Hume
What does A N Whitehead think about process theology?
God and the world are in tandem, god is not independent from the natural processes but works with them to maximise their greatest potentials.
Therefore god is not totally unknowable, but a god who loves his creation and suffers with It
What do catholic’s think about faith and gods grace?
Argues the flo didn’t cut off humans from knowing god, but confused things and distracted their desire for him.
Goodness as natural knowledge
Natural openness to goodness. Shows inbuilt knowledge of gods existence. We know that there is a moral law which it is our duty to fulfil.
Who agrees with goodness?
Butler: conscience was god given ability to use reason well
Newman: voice of god. God didn’t leave us alone without help, should consider conscience as our ultimate authority
Beauty as a natural knowledge
Natural openness to beauty. We are attracted to beauty, think the attraction to beauty is part of our desire to know god and who beauty itself.
Natural phenomenon
Is god revealed through reason alone?
Calvin: everyone has an inbuilt sense of god.
Catholic Christchurch- natural sense of the divine, we have a sense that this world is not all that there s.
Christians: every person is made in the image of god
Every culture on earth has a religious aspect. A sense of the sacred
Augustine argues we are made in the image of god, not trueky happy until with god
Butler: conscience was god given ability to use reason well in order to each a moral decision
Is god revealed through reason alone?
It may be possible that a person can arrive at KOG by using reason correctly. However chrich recognised that there are many obstacles
William paley: reason is starting point for KOG.
Otto: KOG can be found in reason and lay in the feelings of awe and wonder when you see nature.chrich believed that besides natural knowledge of gods existence, we can find more about god : bible and tradition
Some Christian churches left the bible as the supreme source. Sola scriptura
Can the existence of god be known through reason alone?
This is about natural theology.
NO: can only be known through revealed theology. Barth, etc.
NO: barths view is too extreme,
BO: you need natural AND revealed
Is faith a sufficient reason for belief in gods existence
NO; its a cop out. Dawkins etc no is talking about fideism
NO: should look age idem e beofre you believe: HUME, etc
NO: you cannot guarente to always be able to reply on reason.
NO: you need faith AND knowledge.
YES: faith is appropriate for questions that science can’t answer.
Night the fall have completely removed all natural knowledge of god?
YES: barrier between god and humanity. Augustine,
YES: our attempts to obtain knowledge of god on our own will fail. Barth.
NO: bible . Awuinas 5 ways
Is natural Knowledge of god the same as revealed knowledge of god?
YES: everything resists does so because god has chosen that it should.
NO: distinguished from revealed knowledge of god interns of the ways in which people arrive at such knowledge.
NO: difference between kinds of knowledge that can be gained thrlgih reason and through revelation
Is belief in gods existence siffiecmt to put ones trust in him?
No: natural. Obvious that belief in god is not same as putting trust in god.
NO: some people don’t like the god they belief in
YES: nature of god is misunderstood revealed
scholars involved in natural theology:
Aquila’s Hume Pale Headley Swinburne Calvin Brunner
Scholars involved in revealed theology:
Calvin Plantinga Ian Barbour Siren Kierkegaard Barth
Scholars who believe in both:
Ian Barbour
Why does Aquila’s support natural?
5th way. Natural law
How does Hume support natural?
Wise man properties his beliefs according to evidence
Why does play believe in natural?
Design argument.
Why does Hedley believe in natural?
Imagination, understand others minds
Why does swinburne believe in natural?
Probability, and credulity, and testimony.
Reason provides us with grounds to support probability of God.
Why does clavin support natural?
He only begins with natural.
Senses divinatitus. Principle of accommodation
Why does Calvin reject natural?
Because of the fall. If Adam stayed upright, all would know God. However, he fell and therefore need Jesus to know God, the 2 fold way. Natural and Jesus needed.
Require gods grace, and can develop faith through Jesus.
Why does plantinga believe in revealed?
Senses divinitatis. Basic truth in faith. A theological objector. Doesn’t have to prove just refute it.
Why does Kierkegaard believe in revealed?
Gods grace is no longer seen as sufficient. Abraham, needs passion.
Why does Barbour believe you need both?
Process theology. AN Whitehead agrees.
Believed god and the world are in tandem. There isn’t any distinction between N and R, as every single moment reveals god in creation.. god is continually treating NOW, and all of creation reveals god
Catechism quote about the innate human sense of God:
“The desire for god is written in the human heart, because man is related by go, and for god, and for never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in god will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for”
What is the principle of accommodation?
Idea that human minds are finite and god is infinite then humans will never be able to know God through their own powers of reason.
However, God manifests himself though creation in ways that human finite minds can understand. Calvin explains how god reveals himself in nature, is a sort of mirror or reflection of his visible nature.
What is unformed faith?
Faith which may find reasons why a person may believe in the afterlife, for example, but cannot accept that it is true
Formed faith?
Faith which wills assent to what it can believe through intellect
What is the Barth- Brunner debate?
Illustrates the tensions in cabins theology.
Natural vs revealed
What is brunners proposal in the debate?
Follow Calvin’s notion that Gods general revelation in nature as a point of contact enables humans to become aware of gods commands and so their sinful state. But, this isn’t sufficient to achieve salvation, this is revealed through Jesus.
He argues:
Imago dei: destroyed after the fall. General revelation: god communicates through nature but due to our sinful nature, we cannot see it early. Conscience: experience of guilt makes us aware of gods laws
True knowledge: available through grace
What is Barthes response to the debate?
Formal self cannot inform the material self of gods existence, humans are so corrupt y the fall, the spiritual cannot inform the material. No point of contact: conscience and guilt don’t provide any point of contact with God.
Order of creation: able to perceive order through nature, but it isn’t the basis for morality or salvation. Gods laws revealed in the bible,are entirely different from natural laws.
What is the problem of Barths view?
His absolute rejection has been linked to his fears over the rise of nazism. the nazi appeal to natural order and reason had led to the extermination of the Jews, and so his interpretation of calvin may not be right
What does plantinga think about Calvin’s argument?
Revealed theology which is reasonable. Reformed epistemology.
Basic knowledge, scientists talk in terms of probability, not complete truth.
Sensus divinitatis: general religious sense which makes it reasonable to Christians to make basic religious claims.
Resounding to atheological objector : these o people use evil and wish fulfilment to claim that religious believers are deluded, when they claim to have experienced God.
“All i need to do i refute this argument, i am not obliged to go further and produce an argument for the denial of its condition”
What are criticisms of plantiga?
His knowledge of god isn’t basic. many people might have claimed to have experienced god over the years, but they could all interpreted incorrectly.
He assumes that Christian beliefs are true, but has given no reason as to why they are true
His argument for basic beliefs could be use to support belief in the tooth fairy.
“There is no nation so barbourous, no race so brutish as not to be imbued with the conviction that there is a god”
What consists in natural theology?
Nature, goodness, beauty etc
What does Augustine think about beauty?
All beautiful things on earth are a sign of gods existence. “See we are beauty. Their beauty is a sign of.. he beautiful One “ Augustine sermons
What does Otto think about natural knowledge ?
The numinous.
Part of the other and apparent design of the universe is its beauty. When struck by beauty, the feeling is very similar to a religious experience. This is a numinous feeling.
How is the bible the revealed word of god?
The bible isn’t a natural source of truths, but supernatural source of truths. god uses the bible as messages. The catechism declares the bible as a supernatural source of truth about god and the spiritual life.
“Breath of the Holy Spirit” is inspiration. They breathed in the ideas of God, and communicated them in their own language.
What to Protestants think of the bible?
Believed that god has felt the bible as the supreme and only source of authors for all Christians. We shouldn’t look towards any other source. The bible is sufficient.
What do catholic’s think of the bible?
There can be natural knowledge of god using reason.
There is revealed knowledge of god using 2 sources, the bible and tradition.
How is tradition a revealed knowledge?
Comes from the word “tradere” meaning to hand over. Catholic Church thinks God has not left us with just the bible, but a church which passes on the truths from one generation to the next. Church believed that this is the revealed truth of god.
examples of tradition being the revealed word of god
Bishops of the church met at Nicaea and discussed for a few weeks what the official beliefs of the church should be, especially about the divinity of Jesus. They eventually came up with the Nicene Creed, which sets beliefs about God the father, God the Son and god the Holy Spirit.
How is faith a revealed knowledge?
Church, faith and reason stand together. Complementary each other. St Anselm argued we can rationally argue for the distance of god and hat person of moderate intelligence, can be shown that it is rational to believe in gods existence.
Can the existence of God be known through reason alone?
Can the existence of God be known through reason alone?
Barth: god can only be known through revealed theology
But Barths view is too extreme
You need natural theology AND revealed theology.
Is faith sufficient reason for belief in Gods existence?
Is faith sufficient reason for belief in Gods existence?
It’s a cop out. Dawkins agree.
You should look at he evidence before you believe
But you cannot guarantee to always be able to Rely on knowledge
You need faith and knowledge
Is faith sufficient reason for belief in Gods existence?
Faith is appropriate for questions that science cannot answer
Might the fall have completely removed all natural human knowledge of God?
Yes, there is a Barrier. Our attempts to obtain knowledge of god on our own will fail
No: the bible mentions using natural theology
Is natural knowledge of god the same as revealed knowledge of god?
Yes, they are the sae, everything exists because god has chosen that it should
No, natural knowledge has been distinguished from revealed of god in terms of the way people arrive at such knowledge
There is a difference between kinds o knowledge that can be gained through experience and through revelation
If belief is Gods existence sufficient to pt ones trust in him?
No, obvious that belief in go is not the same as trust
Some people don like the god they believe in
Yes, the nature of god has been misunderstood, anselm in the ontological shows he exists necessarily. Can’t every truly know him.