✅Christian Moral Action Flashcards
What is Bonhoeffer book called
Cost of discipleship
What are Bonhoeffer main teachings?
Duty to god and state
Confessing church
Sacrifice with costly and cheap grace
Cost of discipleship
Who was Dietrich Bonhoeffer?
German Lutheran pastor. Protestant living in Germany during the nazi regime.
Bonhoeffer became an active voice within German churches aghast hitler.
Bacteria a priest in 1927.
When was Dietrich Bonhoeffer killed?
What was the beginning of Bonhoeffers action?
In 1933, Bonhoeffer became one of the only active vices within German churches to denounce an oppose hitler and the nazis.
What did the church say about hitler?
“Christ has come to us through Adolph Hitler.”
Hermann Gruner
What did Bonhoeffer say about bandages?
“We are not simply to simply bandage the woulds of vitcims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.
Why didBonhoeffer attempt to assassinate hitler if he was a pacifist?
For the greater good. Sometimes you have to sin yourself to stop others from sinning.
What is the cost of discipleship?
The life of discipleship can only be maintained as long as nothing is allowed to come between Christ and ourselves.
What is the ‘call to discipleship’?
Idea that Christians must respond to the call of Jesus Christ just as the original Christians were expected to respond Christ by giving up everything.
What is single minded obedience?
Christians have no time to decide what allegiances are. It can only be t god, not any earthly state
Bonhoeffer quote on jesus
“Jesus is the only significance. Besides jesus nothing has any significance. He alone matters”
What does Bonhoeffer mean y the salt of the earth and light of the world?
Christians are the salt and the light, they maintain flavour by being present in community. This shows you how to be oral, and have to be responsible for being the salt and light of the community
What is cheap grace?
This is the kind of grace that is offered by churches that were complicit with Hitler.its easy, comfortable and given to people without the need for them t act bravely and be outspoken as a Christian.
What is costly grace?
Idea that to be a Christian, one must be ready to give up everything and carry to cross of belief just as jesus did.
Means responding to the message and demands o Christ even when it is uncomfortable, dangerous and difficult.
What did martin other king claim about grace?
That grace alone is needed for salvation.
What are spiritual corpses?
When the Lutheran church has misinterpretated it to mean the commands of jesus can be disobeyed. Led to millions of spiritual corpses.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about solidarity?
Just as Christ shared in the suffering of the world, so too should we share the suffering of others. This is why Bonhoeffer returned from America.
We should be there for others and to be a Christian means to love and share pain with our neighbours.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about duty to the state?
During bonhoeffers life, hitler rose in power and took over the government rules and regulations. You can only trust God, therefore there is no duty to the state as it is corrupt. 2single minded obedience” is having only one commitment, to God.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about duty to Go?
All duty is to god, anything that acts an obstacle to your relationship with jesus and God, should be brought down. You cannot have duty with both the state and God. Duty to god comes before the state. You have no time to decide the allegiance, it is always to God.
What was bonhoeffers belief about the relationship between God and the state?
As the state was corrupt, you used Gods teachings and leadership to help save the innocent and prevent catastrophes.
Obeying to gos an agape love is laying down all laws for service and requirements.
Situation ethics: if you kill one to save all. UT- greatest number etc
Bonhoeffer quote about madman
“If i sit net to a mad man as he drives a car into innocent by sanders, I can’t, as a Christian,simply wait for the catastrophe to happen. I must wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver”
What did Bonhoeffer teaching abut obedience of Gods will?
Discipleship isn’t about what you believe in, but more about what you do. Exclusive obedience to the law of God.
How is exclusive obedience to the law of GOd controversial?
As it places discipleship above to law. Even the law cannot stand in the way of the call of jesus. All Christians call to discipleship and respond to jesus’ authority immediately.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about leadership?
Even the law cannot stand in the way of the call of jesus. The role of a leader is to establish order and must represent the will of society and God.
Service and leadership go together, and are embedded in a community. “It is virtually impossible to give rational basis for nature of leader”.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about doing God’s. Will?
Responsibility to the state and to disobey the state. Gods will is primarily in context f individual reflecting to understand his will.
Church as a source of inspiration and community.
Gods will would stand up against nazi party.
Some believe god directly calls them and have experiences of guidance through prayer
What did Bonhoeffer teach about justification to civil disobedience?
Bonhoeffer saw that duty to god was as far outweighing duty to the state. Duty to break with the Lutheran teaching that’s Christian should obey civil authority and its law
An active and open refusal to obey laws from government, sometimes is necessary. Duty to god is more important.
Not enough to keep out of doing what is right
What does Bonhoeffer teach about cheap grace?
Grace offered by circles that were complicit with hitler. This grace is easy and comfortable.
Preaching forgiveness with requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, cheap grace is a lie and isn’t the grace of God.
Christ dies for our sins.
What did Bonhoeffer teaching about ethics as an action?
Aristotelian ethics shares in common with character-oriented morality. 2 guides for determine will:
1, model of jesus
2, the need of ones neighbour.
Ethics was centred on the will of God, rather than being sidetracked with good and evil
What did Bonhoeffer say about evil?
When assaulted with evil, we must oppose it directly. The failure to act is simply to condone evil.
Justification is the moral reality we must face,if e wan to be responsible people.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about sacrifice and suffering?
Are inherent for anyone who follows Jesus.
Discipleship and costly grace entails denial and endurance of the cross. It is the rejection for the sake of Christ.
Bonhoeffer sacrificed himself to god, personal sacrifice is central tenant, if not the crux to Christian faith
What does Bonhoeffer think of costly grace
This grace is tied inextricably with the action of Bonhoeffer.
To receive this grace is to change your life utterly for demands of Christ
This is shown the the book cost of discipleship. With 3fundamentals.
What are the 3 fundamentals for costly grace?
Christ, scripture and faith
What does Bonhoeffer teaching about solidarity and injustice?
The church should be fighting for political injustice.
In the church and the Jewish question, he stated the church must fight discrimination in 3 ways.
Questions whether states actions are legitimate, help ALL the victims of injustice and whatever faith and belief.
What did Bonhoeffer teach about the solidarity with the Jews?
Bonhoeffer chose to return to Germany and share his suffering of his community, rather than leaving the country for safety
Kristallnacht 1938.
What did Bonhoeffer call hitler?
Anti Christ.
He spoke out about his dies at the university, but he got sacked and cut off during a radio talk.
When were the 2 attempted assassinations of hitler?
1943 and 1944
What did Bonhoeffer teach about the church a a community?
Source of spiritual discipline.
Christianity is responsible for the salt and light. Retains flavour by being present in the community.
What is the role of the church?
A community of believers and as a source of spiritual discipline.
He uses sermon on the mount as inspiration. Salt and light. Add flavour into the community. Should be shining
What was bonhoeffers views of the sermon on the mount?
He uses semon on the mount 5 to 7 to explain how jesus did, that Christians are the salt and light. Add flavour and visibility int the community, even if they are small in number.
Should be leading example for others.
What is a religiousness Christianity?
looking forward to a time after the war when Christians would focus on their call to discipleship rather than being ‘religious’.
Describes Christianity without the baggage of the past and contamination by the ideological beliefs of the present.
What is the world come of age?
When modern western culture is grown up and natured. No rusty swords, outworn ethical attitudes.
Wha is the confessing church?
A new church which was formed when Hitler gained strong control over the church. It called Christians to confess their ideologies and faith and be true to their calling of discipleship and keep commands of god.
Formed in 1934
What was the Barmen declaration?
They weren’t going to support the German nazi church, therefore made confessing church in 1934. Karl Barth and Bonhoeffer rejected nazi Germany regime merging with the church
What was bonhoeffers role in the confessing church?
Leaders of the confessing church come under increased pressure form hitler as he grew in power.
Bonhoeffer opposed takin a civil oath. In 1935, he was asked to run a secret training school
What was Finklewalde?
A secret training school for new pastors who met in a disused private.
Why did Bonhoeffer think Finklewalde was important?
It was essential for the next generation to be trained and to listen to God.
Bonhoeffer experimented with ideas about Christian community which he thought should be a source of spiritual renewal and refused for those who were persecuted
When did the Finklewalde community shut down?
Only 2 years after opening, the gestapo discovered the illegal community seminary in 1937 and closed and arrested many.
Why was Bonhoeffer upset when Finklewalde got found?
He became disappointed at the church for not standing up to the Nazis.
What were the central practises at Finklewalde?
It was mainly monastic (monk-like). The trainees were encouraged to spend their time in prayer and bible study, and reflection.
Bonhoeffer experimented with ideas about Christian community. “I am the way, the truth and the life”, Jesus as he attested for us in holy scripture
What did Bonhoeffer say about truly knowing God?
“Only in the moment of action will you truly know Gods will”
Does Bonhoeffer up too much emphasis on suffering?
An overemphasis because f the time he lived in.
He lived in a time of suffering and danger. This influenced his writing so much that it led to extreme overemphasis on suffering as a concept of discipleship.
It also downplays the joy and hope of the resurrection, the good news of jesus. Jesus’ passion included suffering but reaches beyond it. It’s not all about the cross, he leaves out the empty tomb etc
Does Bonhoeffer up too much emphasis on suffering?
How else would discipleship be shown? Costly grace underpins bonhoeffers realisation that you would have to pay the sacrifice of death.
Christ suffered for our sins
It also puts emphasis on suffering, everyone experiences suffering in their lives due to betrayal, injustice, etc.
What does Barth think about Krisis?
Greek word Krisis, meaning both dispute and judgement.
Christian paradox is that because of the crisis in the world God reveals his ‘crisis’ his judgement on sin.
Is it always possible to know Gods will?
Bonhoeffer advocates a life in community based on shared reflections and readings of scripture.
This shoul provide good basis of understanding all of the bible.
2 kinds of activities Bonhoeffer suggest that at some point he felt called to change his work. Divine law: an open heart and clear conscience
Is it always possible to know Gods will?
Conscience is affected my variety of things.
Many people believe in contradicting things and believe it is gods will.
His interpretation of the bible may not be the only reasonable interpretations.
Most Christians today wold have sympathy with bonhoeffers approach. We may not know the will of god, but from the persecute of bonhoeffers judgement, its more accurate.
Should Christians practice civil disobedience?
Jesus often spoke against local authorities.
Christianity requires individuals advocate a life in community. This was the approach in the seminary.
Th earlier part of bonhoeffers life was spent as a parish priest. Latter was against order. These 2 different activities point to the change of work
Should Christians practice civil disobedience?
Paul said in his letter to the romans about submission to governing authorities
Jesus doesnt openly challenge the rules of Pontius Pilate. Doesn’t encourage people to refuse taxes.
If gods law is reflected through human law, then to disobey one is to disobey his will
Christians teach about pacifism and non violence
Suffering now instead of disobedience is good as gods kingdom will be perfect
Are bonhoeffers ethics compatible with plural modern society?
Mother Maria , volunteered to sacrifice life to save a jewis girl in a concentration camp
Bonhoeffer says telling the truth depends on the situation and place. Bonhoeffer is as “radical a version of the situation method as any Christian relativist could call for”
Are bonhoeffers ethics compatible with plural modern society?
Bonhoeffer was exclusivist
Fletchers interpretation of Bonhoeffer is wrong. Ethics formed outside secular society
Bonhoeffers ethics developed in discipline and practise of Christian commands.
Truth not relative.
Bonhoeffer is critical of liberal plural moral socity, an undermines the idea of truth
Bonhoeffers quote on time
“We have literally no time to sit own and ask ourselves whether so and so is or neighbour or no. We must get into action and obey”
What is solidarity?
The idea that Christians must be there for others