✅Augustine Flashcards
Generous love beofre the fall
Self love
Weakness of will
Aristotle describes 4 stages; Akolosia (wickedness) Akrasia (weakness) Enkrateia (self control) Sophrosyne (temperance)
Self restraint especially to abstain sexual pleasures
Sexual lust but can calls refer to uncontrolled desire of all kinds
Post - lapsarian
The world after the fall of Adam and Eve, or simply the fallen world
Gods undeserved love, god free will shown in the sacrifice of Jesus in the cross
Imago dei
Image of god
Summum bonum
Highest most supreme good
Original sin
Semen of Adam, therefore we have the sin of Adam
Idea that humans are sinned as we are semenly present in Adams loins
Lack of something that should be present
Eg broken chair might have privation of wood
Disobeying the will andcommands of god
The fall
Adam and Eve disobeyed gods command and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree
Philosophical thinking arising from the ideas of Plato
Saved from sin by Christ’s sacrifice
Human friendship
Heavenly society in contrast with earthly society
State of original perfection or final dwelling of the soul with god
Original perfection
State of humanity beofre the fall where humans possessed gods grace and no evil had entered the world
Original sin
Mark or stain possessed by humans following the disobedience of Adam and Eve which results in a disordered will
Pre fall
State of human kind in paradise beofre the original disobedience of Adam and Eve
Post fall
State of human kind after the original disobedience of Adam and Eve in which they are banished from paradise
A lack of something that should be present
Eg a broken chair might have the privation of the strength of wood
The process of giving things up which you like or are attached to
Sanctifying grace
The grace hat can only come from a god when a person gives their life to Jesus
Unique status
We are created in the image and likeness of god which implies a unique status in creation
What is Manicheism?
Form of esoteric. Religious visions. Followed dualism, believed there are 2 gods, one of darkness and 1 of light. War between gods, and they became mixed. Have to overcome darkness, by vigorous practise of asceticm, which is punishing your body.
What are the elect and hearers in manicheism?
Elect work with the enlightenment. Hearers have to do the oak so the elect can become the enlightened. Hearers hoped they would be reincarnated to elect.
What is Platonism?
Some human minds can contemplate the one by ascending up different levels.
Take Plato’s ideas and mix it with new test. See Jesus as the logos, pure knowledge of the One.
Soul and body worked as one, in harmony.
Who is Pelagius?
Rival of Augustine’s. Disagree with what Augustine thinks.
Augustine says perfection is impossible without grace.
Why did Augustine move to Platonism?
He felt like Manicheism represented nothing more than superstition, so during his time in Rome,he became influenced by Platonism.
Why did Augustine convert to Christianity?
He struggled with guilt, and after meeting up with Bishop of Milan, who advised Augustine to read the bible he had a vision. “Take it and read, take it and read” . Put it in his confessions book. Sat under a fig tree. He took it as Gods command to return to his studies of the bible
Augustine quote about his desires from the Romans
“Not i revelling and drunkenness.. instead put in the lord Jesus Christ, and are no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires” Romans
What happened before the fall?
People are made in the image of God, Imago dei. To have dominion over the earth and their species.
“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, so they may rule over the fish in the sea, birds in the sky”
They are stewards of the earth, looking after Gods property.
How does Michael Angelo show the relationship with Adam and god before the fall?
Touching distance, god is never on earth.
What are humans for Christians?
Understood in terms of a relationship with God We are created b God We are fallen We can be redeemed We are made in the image of god We have a role to look after creation
What does imago dei mean?
We share some nature with god We have rationality We have relationally We have freedom We are self aware We have freedom of choice We have the capacity for loving relationships.
Quote from when Adam and Eve sinned
“It was delight to her eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took its fruit and ate; and she gave some to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened and they knew that they were naked.”
What is the doctrine of original sin?
Before the fall everything was harmonious. Complete obedience, with the duty to rule everything else.
Doctrine is that humanity is born with a state f sin as a result of the fall of man, stemming from Adam and eves rebellion in Eden.