✅Liberation Theology Flashcards
what does alienation occur?
occurs when humans are dehumanized and unable to live fulfilling lives.
when does exploitation occur?
occurs when humans are treated as objects and used as a means to an end
how does liberation theology link to marxism
use of marxist analysis to analyse the deeper understanding or structural causes of social sin that result in poverty and injustice.
what did marx think should happen?
a revolution
what did marx think humans were used for?
just another clog in the machine. another means to production
what is liberation theology?
focuses on the action first, which is orthopraxy.
Christians have to reflect critically on their experiences in life.
focuses on experiences of the poor, and sees Christianity as an opportunity to respond to poverty another examples of exploitation.
what is orthopraxy
focusing on the action first, the right practice.
what is orthodoxy?
the right belief.
what does capitalism say according to marx
creates a world on which wealth and power are concentrated in the hands on the few at the expense of the many.
where did liberation theology begin?
theological movement that began in 1964. young catholic theologians met in brazil and vowed to find what the true Christian message was in the face of poverty.
who were the 2 members of the group of liberation theologians?
Gustavo Gutierrez and Jon Sobrino.
what does liberation theology promote?
the kingdom of God. the world made anew.
how did liberation happen according to Gutierrez?
must be a social and economic liberation, and people must be liberated from sin and reconciled with God.
where does marxism come into liberation theology?
the more humans have the power to control the world, the more they feel like they are not in control.
Marx believed it is human activity behind the experiences of powerlessness, and humans don’t have a fixed nature but have to work to survive.
how does capitalism happen?
when a human society reaches a point that it can create a surplus, it begins to fracture. class divisions emerge between those who have control over the means, and those who don't.
what is a surplus?
produce more resources that what was needed for your direct community
what are feudal lords?
they own the land and so have means to produce food.
what are serfs?
they work the land, but do not own it. therefore, they are reliant on the lords for access to the land, and must give surplus back to them. this means the serfs are alienated from the land and subservient to the lords.
what is marx’s views on capitalism?
capitalism changed the relationship between people and production resulting in a social divide. the wealthy owners vs the workers.
what is capitalism?
an economical system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit.
how is Apple an example of capitalism?
its a factory system, where the stages of production are separated, people only relate top the part of the process they are working on. they are dehumanized and unable to live fulfilling lives because they are being exploited by the factory owners as a means to an end.
what are the problems with capitalism?
Marx predicted the emergence of a class struggle between different groups in society. those who were oppressed would begin to violently resist the structures that alienate them.
what price does our happiness come at?
the exploitation of others. as we are part of the supply chain. we dehumanize as well.
what must the church be for the exploited?
a voice against alienation and exploitation. it requires orthopraxis before orthodoxy.
what is marx’s most important impact on liberation theology?
understanding the development of capitalism and the belief that humans could change the world they live in.
why did Guiterrez say not all of Marxism could be used?
as marxism didn’t support religion in society.
what does the 1968 term by Father Pedro Arrupe refer to?
the trend in the bible, shows preference for individuals who are on the margins of society and are powerless
the way in which jesus associated himself more closed with the poor and the dispossessed.
what is the central theme to liberation theology?
Christians shouldn’t maintain an attitude of neutrality in the face of tragic and pressing problems of human misery and injustice.
who said:
“intends to struggle, by her own means, for the defense and advancement of the rights of mankind, especially the poor.
“Theology and the church”
Juan Segundo
what is liberation theology’s teaching on the “preferential option for the poor?”
LT has a special concern for the poor and oppressed like God as defender. urges people to action and defend.
includes a concern for spiritual poverty, and doesn’t focus exclusively on material or economical poverty.
what did Pope John Paul say about “preferential option for the poor”
in 1991, he used the term in his encyclical Centesimus Annus. “I defined as a special form of primacy in the exercise of christian charity”.
went on to argue that the preferential option for the poor constitutes a great opportunity for the moral, cultural and economical growth of humanity.
what is the catholic church’s response to liberation theology?
became concerned with liberation theology’s use of marxist theories. he argued that the catholic church will continue to struggle for the poor but using its own means and its own ways.
Christianity cannot adopt a marxist analysis without changing from a christian world view to a marxist world view because Marxism is inherently unchristian.
what does Kloppenburg say about liberation theology?
argues that by equating theology with political action, one side-lines the spiritual messages of Christianity.
criticisms of liberation theology?
emphasizes on structural sin over personal sin, despite the fact that Jesus spoke of individual forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
places too much emphasis on people being able to deliver liberation and salvation.
Does Christianity tackle social issues more effectively than marxism?
Christianity focuses on individuals struggle more than the economical whole.
marxism doesn’t provide comfort for those who die in the struggle.
Christianity offers insight into human experience and provide spiritual strength.
Does Christianity tackle social issues more effectively than marxism?
marx believed there is a struggle at the centre of life.
marx did recognize that religion was the “opiate of the masses” thus supporting the masses in difficult times.
What is liberation theology?
Theological movement that starts with an action rather than belief. Considered to be at the heart of the Christian message, starts with the poor and sees the propose of Christianity to fight against exploitation and alienation of the poor
What are Gutierrez 2 distinct ways for liberation happening.
Social and economical liberation, people have to work to overcome the oppression
Liberation from the sin to be reconciled with god and all Christians
Where did liberation theology grow from?
1960 shanty houses where the contract was extreme between rich and poor.
In 1964, group men in petropolis in Brazil and pledged to find the truth of Christian message,
How did liberation theology grow from paulo Freire?
Invented the term “conscientisation” to describe the porches by which a person becomes conscious of the power structure of society. Wanted education to transform society and enable people to understand how to move power structures,
Examples of liberation theology practices in the bible
Exodus, the exodus
Luke, the magnificent
Matthew, Jesus denouncement of the wealthy
Matthew, the parable of the sheep and goat
John, the resurrection
Matthew, the beautitudes,
What is contextual theology?
Type of theology by which theologians reflect on a specific situation in the light of experience in the Christian traditions
Why is LT contextual theology?
Responds to the flight of the poor politically and spiritually. The first step is to deal with the situation of oppression and injustice, the second is to reflect theologically.
What are the challenges to western secularism?
LT considers it right for church to be involved, as god created it.
Therefore challenges the western inclination to separate religion from state.
LT called bottoms up theology. Leads to LT to be critical of the church, which imposes laws rather than tackles injustice,
Why is LT called bottoms up theology?
As it begins with the material conditions of the poor, marginalised and exploited, rather than the beginning with and imposing the teachings of the church,
Who is Karl Marx?
Born in a Jewish family. Influenced by the “young hegelians’ and through them developed his atheism. With Engels, he fled to Paris in 1849 and settles in London as a journalist.
What are Marx’s two pieces?
The communist manifesto 1848
Capital 1867-183
What did Marx believe in?
Believed that humans had a fixed nature. Everything in the world is governed by physical and material forces. We contribute to material forces and hence are affected by them.
If humans and material forces worked in harmony, people feel useful and productive.
Marx quote
“Society doesn’t consist of individuals, it expresses the sum of connections and relationships in which individuals find themselves
How does alienation come about according to Marx
History demonstrates that harmony between people and material forces cannot happen forever. When society reaches a point at which it can create surplus, it begins to fracture due to competition and alienation. And then it collapses.
What is historical materialism?
What Marx think will happen if surplus is created
Why did Marx think that the major cause of alienation was belief in god?
Martial forces are blind, and the idea of god controls them is false and leads to lost hope
The place of religion gives power to the state to control the population by arguing that it is gods natural order. Some rule, some serve,
Why did Marx dislike capitalism?
Major source of exploitation. Harmonious societies all would willingly share their material resources, but capitalism’s conpetitive nature prevents this, people are forced to labour as they have to have money for food.
What is communism?
Belief that society works best when everyone shares equally the means of production and are not motivated by profit, but the desire of social harmony,
What is the means of production in Marx’s view
Argues that in a capitalist society, when what matters is production of goods, all people become dehumanised and alienated, especially the worker as he has no power to control the means of production.
What are the bourgeoisie and proletariat?
The bourgeoisie are the owners of production and ruling class
The proletariat are the workers.
What is praxis?
Belief that as history is constantly changing, humans have the ability to understand the material conditions and change them
What’s the problem with Philosophy as Marx says?
Was that it may analyse the world, but it doesn’t change it,
“Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways the point is to change it,”
Should Christian theologies engage with atheist secular ideologies?
Marx reverses the topdown approach and considers the bottom up theology
LT finds his analysis of historical materialism helpful
Argues kingdom of god isn’t heaven, but a transformation of reversal material society
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth, Matthew
LT shares idea that humans should work, and be productive
Supported by Gutierrez
Miranda uses Marx private ownership of poverty as basis for liberation theology
Share belief we are the ones who change society
Bonhoeffer, must take action
Marxism proves useful way of rethinking sin
What is the parable of the rich ruler?
Luke 18, the man has been good as he has kept his commandments, but has not given to the poor because of personal sin.
Traditional chrich teachings was that it was wrong not to have wealth, but the test was how he should have used it
What do L and Boff argue about Marxism?
Useful to aid re evaluation of biblical texts.
“Therefore, liberation theology used Marxism purely as an instrument.”
Have liberation theology engaged too much or too little with Marx?
Criticism of LT
Gutierrez argues that they can’t be combined, followed Vatican’s lead in challenging LT for its engagement with it
1984, Ratzinger chaired the creation of “instruction on certain aspects of theology of liberation”. Sympathetic to those who use the term liberation,
Why does many think Marxism is critical?
Dangerous to take parts of Marx theory and use them in theology
LT stresses political freedom
Makes trueth only available to those who practice praxis
Danger that violet revolution will take place precedence over evangelism
Who is Oscar Romero?
Born in El Salvador, ordained priest in 1942. He was assassinated whilst celebrating mass. The say he was killed, he gave an influential radio sermon in which he waded the army’s soldiers as Christians not to continue murder and exploit the poor.
Why does kloppenburg argue LT is wrong?
Emphases practiccal opposition and oppression above the message of gospel
Emphasises structural sin and not personal, despite Jesus
Places too much emphasis on people being able to devliver salvation
Concerned with action, not given suffiecnt weight to theology
What does Richard McBrien think of LT
Focus almost exclusively on some themes like poverty, exodus, concern for the poor, kingdom of god etc
Have liberation theology engaged too much or too little with Marx?
Alistair Kee, Argues not engaged enough,
“My criticism has been that it is not Marxist enough”
Real problem lies in fact LT which use Marx hasn’t tackled Marx’s fundamental premises, only licks out little bits and ignore premise he built them on
Strong spiritual sense which gives way to the drive of a better world.
LT too conservative and this is why it failed.
Miranda- deeper dialogue between M and LT
Why should Christians side with the poor
Father Pedro Arrupe uses phase “preferential option for the poor” in 1968. Idea that duty of privileged Christians to side with the poor and act against exploitation
Reflects in bible- marginalised
What does Juan segundo think about LT siding with the poor?
Whatever criticism were levied at LT for its use of Marx, there is an authentic Christian response in the preferential option for the poor
Believed humans being in gods Image means they couldn’t stand and watch oppression.
What happened in 1991?
Pope John Paul II, the preferential option for the poor because key to Christianity teaching when he used the term,
What was the 2013 election?
Pope Francis rejected many of the luxuries associated with his role, and called on the church to be a poor church for the poor
What do the Boff brothers believe in?
Theological motivation, god of bible is immanent
Christian motivation, Jesus sides with poor
Eschatological motivation, sheep and goat
Apostolic motivation, after Jesus death the first apostles raised a levy to help all poor
Ecclesiological motivation, all Christians should seek to transform society
Is it right for Christians to prioritise one group such as the poor?
Makes society awaken and take act
Actions and teachings of Jesus
KOG isn’t utopia, because the promise is false consciousness
Boff, topia. A place where the present social conditions are transformed
Is it right for Christians to prioritise one group such as the poor?
The Vatican argues it is wrong to prioritie one group over needs of another
John Paul said wrath doesn’t shelter people from spiral poverty
Parable of the lost son
Emphasising one group as mattering more prs danger in forgetting universal salvation
Jesus doesn’t iodolise poor, rather his aim is abundance for everyone
Does Christianity tackle social issues more effectively than Marxism?
Social issues are wide ranging, include poverty to drug abuse etc. Everyone is marginalised,
Right action beofre right belief.
How has orthopraxis been develops by Christ workers?
First act praxis is pre theological, begins with simple realisation that injustice is wrong, this is preliminary stage according to Boff.
Second act praxis, the 3 meditations , seen as theological but inspired as pastoral. Gutierrez wrote “theological rise at sundown”
Marx’s critique of the economic situation
Social analytical mediation
Where socio economic reasons for the oppression in a particular situation are analyses and discerned,
What are 3 ways in which people use mars to think about cause of poverty, by Boff brothers
Empirical poverty, result of ignorance
Functional poverty, results do backwardness
Dialectical poverty, result of oppression
What is the hermeneutical stage?
Involved reflecting on a situation of oppression from a Christian perspective,
What is practical meditation?
Stage leads to action empowered the poor to bring about change. Marx doesn’t provide any comfort for those oppression, but Christianity brings love and hope.
What is alienation
Occurs when a person is treated as a ring or object
What is capitalism
Human society flourish best when operating in a few competitive market
What is cemtesimus annus
Encyclical written by Pope John Paul in 1991
What is conscientisation
Social concept from Marxist critical theory
What are feudal lords
Entitled to allegiance and service, person who has general authority over others
What is liberation from sin?
Fight poverty by addressing its source, sin
What are serfs
Agricultural labourer bound but the feudal system who was tired to working on his lords estate
What is structural inequality
One category of people are attributed an unequal status in relation to other categories
What does Marxism teach about alienation?
All processes covering by physical material forces. Alienation is rooted in capital mode of production itself. Humans contribute to material conditions, history indicates that societies rarely manage long periods of harmony and it collapses and has to be built up again
What does mars mean when he said humans are dehumanised and unable to live fulfilling lives?
Primary cause of exploitation and alienation is ownership of the means of production,
In communist manifesto 1848, what matters ins production of goods, everyone becomes dehumanised
When does exploitation happen?
When socialism and communism do not meet. People no longer have a connection with a material source
How does Marxist view link to poverty violence and injustice?
Capitalism occurs everywhere. But excessive dehumanisation is the contrast of rich and poor. Areas where there aren’t many jobs, people are being exploited. Violence occurs when people don’t want to be exploited.
What does Marx say about capitalism
Major source of alienation and exploration. In a harmonious society, everyone would be willing to share their material and goods. But capitalism competitive nature makes this impossible. Carries seeds of destruction
Proletariat is exploited
What does the quote “opiate of the masses” mean?
Critique of Hegel philosophy of right, 1843. Marx comdemed religion for making the class . disadvantaged masses complacent in the face of injustice
“Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature”
Religions purpose is to create illusory fantasise for the poor.
How does Marxism link to liberation theology?
Both agree with even though humans life is good, human nature has been the source of human misery. LT finds Marx’s analysis of the ensign between mature all and historical conditions useful as it refocuses theology
What does Marx’s “Let the ruling class tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chain, they have a world to win!” Mean
Workers have nothing to lose in order to rebel against capitalism
What does
“Democracy is the road to socialism”
System of government where the means of production are xoailly owned. This is brought about by democracy, a system of government t
What does
“Social progress can be measured by the social position of female sex” mean?
Social progress can be seen by the position that females hold,
Not applicable today p
What does
“The ruling ideas of each age have ever been ideas of its ruling-class” mean
Inventions and ideas of businesses and governments are only those ideas of those who already have power, the lower class has no say in any matter.
What does
“Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrence it cannot understand?
Religion is what the human mind seeks and when they feel helpless about the matters in their life which they don’t understand, they turn to religion. P
What does
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion”
Problems, abolition of religion will never he in action due to the majority of the population being religious.