✅Jesus Flashcards
Who was jesus?
Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate.
This means god in human form
Christians refer to God as the trinity, the father, son and Holy Spirit
What does the bible consist of?
66 books written by different people. Contains poetry, history, prophecy, laws et.
Split into 2 parts, the old which is 39 books, and the new which is 27 books.
What does the Old Testament include?
History of Jewish people from the creation story until the time of Jesus
What does the New Testament include?
4 gospels (Mathew, mark, Luke and john), who provide accounts for the life of jesus from his birth to resurrection.
Acts: details of the works of the disciples after Jesus’ death and growth of Xn
Letters: written by several early Christians, including paul, to early Christian communities outlining beliefs and behaviours expected.
Why is Jesus important?
Humans were created in God’s image, God gave humans free will, humans make mistakes and therefore Jesus redeemed humanity by taking away our sins and brings salvation to all who believe in him.
What was the chronological order of events which God gave to the world?
Creation Adam and Eve disobeyed god Humans were punished Relationship with God was broken Sends prophets Sends jesus Jesus is crucified Christians can share sacrifice Path to God and eternal life
What are the problems with salvation history?
Why is God allowing humans to be born, that have no chance of reaching salvation?
If God knows everything, why did God send the prophets to the people of Israel knowing their message wouldn’t be accepted?
If god knows everything and is powerful enough for creation, why didn’t he just create humanity differently to avoid these problems?
Why would non atheists believe there was a Jesus?
There is more primary and secondary historical information to suggest the human being, Jesus of Nazareth, existed as a travelling religious teacher in 1st century Palestine.
What is the historical background of Jesus?
He was born in a Jewish family, know little about his childhood, between The age of 12 and 30 no information about jesus was in the bible.
For the last few years of his life, he travelled round Palestine teaching revised interpretation of Judaism.
Jesus gained a reputation as a wise teacher who performed miracles.
Why was Jesus sentenced to death?
He attracted many followers, male and female. He became so popular and is teachings were so threatening to some of the Jewish authorities at the time, that he became a significant threat and it was decided to have him “removed”.
Sentenced to death and recited Roman executing of crucifixion.
How did Jesus knowledge of God indicate he was he SOG?
It want like any other religious teacher at the time. He spoke about God with an intimate knowledge that showed he had knowledge of God that only divine would be able to have.
What was Jesus and Gods relationship like?
Was like a young child and a protective and caring parent. Seuss called God “Abba”. (Mark)
John quote about jesus
“The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”
What was John interested in showing?
Wanted to show that jesus was at the beginning f time than writing about the beginning of his human life on earth.
What is logos
“Word” in Greek. Concept that outlines the creation of the universe happened as a result of the creative energy or vibration of Gods knowledge being spoken.
What is Christian proof that Jesus i Gods son?
During his baptism, a vice form heaven said “you are my son” (mark).
Disciple peter referred to Jesus as Christ, but jesus warned the disciples to not use the term for him as they would be arrested for blasphemy.
“Again the high priest asked him “are you the Christ the son of the blessed one” “I am” said jesus
Mark 1:61
What % divine is Jesus?
100 % divine and 100% human
What is the council of Chalcedon?
600 bishops in the Roman empire with the primary purpose to re-affirm the central Christin beliefs.
Is Jesus the son of God, or A son of god?
Unsure if the centurion meant Jesus was THE son of god or a son o god. It is clear that he considered that jesus was more than a mere mortal.
Believed jesus was fully mortal and fully God
What is christology?
The area of Christian theology concerned with the nature of Jesus Christ’s relationship with God
What is christology from above?
Focuses on jesus divinity an Gods act of bringing humanity back int relationship with him. High christology isn’t something which can be proved for it replies on faith
What is christology from below
Focuses on jesus message, example and teaching. Salvation focuses on how people reposed to jesus and the way this helps to develop their relationship to God and the world.
Exodus quote abou jesus
God said to Moses “i am who i am”
What is the anointed one?
Messiah or Christos, son of god and The son of God
How is Jesus’ divinity expressed?
Through miracles and resurrection
What are jesus’ miracles?
Jesus had to power and authority to control and manipulate nature (walk on water etc), and could even bring a dead peons back to life. Only a divine being could chronology and use the forces of nature of life and death.
What is the miracle in John?
Jesus heals a born blind man/
What is the miracle in mark?
Jesus walks on water
How does his resurrection show he is the son of God?
Jesu was crucified, died and came back to life by showing his friends. The resurrection shows that Jesus as divine and that he had to power t avoid death, which shows he is the son of God.
What is incarnation?
Becoming flesh, or taking on human form
Which gospels wrote about the conceiving or jesus?
Matthew and Luke.
How is the virgin conception proof that jesus was the son of God?
The angel explains to Mary that the conception was no ordinary conception and the child would be no ordinary child.
Not a natural thing to happen, therefore evidence that Jesus is incarnate, fully Gd and fully human.
What did E P Sanders think about Jesus being the son of God?
There is no way that Christian claims a out the uniqueness of Jesus can be substantiated from evidence of history alone.
History and faith are 2 very separate things. His teachings on non violence, miracles and hope make him DIFFERENT to others, but don’t make him UNIQUE.
What is Sanders book?
Jesus and Judaism 1985
What does John Macquarie think about Jesus being the son of God?
Every life is unique. We all live our own way. Jesus was no different to this. Therefore we shouldn’t label him as unique.
BUT it isn’t just is 1 event that makes Jesus the SOG. What is ignificant is his place in history.
The events that lead up to his life, and the effects of his life, effects whole of human history. Called the CHRIST-EVENT, labelling his life as SOG, not an event.
What does Hick think bout jesus as the Son of God
The resurrection is a very powerful metaphor.
Metaphor for Christian hope. Jesus wasn’t literally the incarnation, he was just someone that was very open to god and his teachings.
Shouldn’t see him as unique
What did Dawkins say about God being a teacher?
“Jesus was a great moral teacher”
What does CS Lewis think about Jesus?
“Either this man was, and is, the sin of gos or lose a madman, or something worse”
If he wasn’t the son of god, he was a lunatic due to the things that he said. If he was just a man, he would be mad. Had to be son of god to be moral. HAS TO BE BOTH
What does Wittgenstein think about jesus as a teacher?
Found the truth an authority of Christianity lay in Jesus authority as a teacher of wisdom. What impressed Wittgenstein about jesus was his commitment to the truth and his courage to speak against hypocrisy and his simple life style.
What did Leo Tolstoy think about jesus as a teacher?
One of Russians greatest novelists, Leo tolstoy, argues the significance of Jesus’ life law in his moral teachings and he summarises 5 moral commandments:
Don’t be angry but at peace with all men, don’t see pleasure in sexual gratification, don’t swear anything to anyone, don’t oppose evil and don’t judge, and love strangers like your ow people.
What is the sermon on the mount?
Found in Matthew 5-7. Jesus’ longest teaching on ethics. Gospels deliberately present jesus as the new Moses going up the mountain to receive and deliver the law. 3 key aspects to the sermon cover: forgiveness and repentance, mora motivation, and personal responsibility
Jesus quote on the sermon on the mount
“Do not think that i have come to abolish the law of the prophets, i have not come to abolish them, but to fulfil them.. “
What is at the heart of jesus sermon message?
What is metanoia?
Means radical change of mind-set or heart and a desire to change your whole way of life.
What are samples of metanoia in the bible?
The tax collector Zacchaeus being called from his old way f life to follow Jesus and the parable of the lost soon which dramatically describes the spiritual and psychological effects required for true metanoia
How many times should a sin be forgiven?
“Seventy times seven” jesus responded. (Matthew).
What is the arable of the lost son?
The forgiving father represents god, the lost son represent all people and sinners, the brother represent people who already have a relationship with God.
What are the 3 parables jesus tells on the sermon?
The parable of the lost son, the sheep and goats, and the parable of the lost coin.
What does jesus outline on his teachings in sermon?
Inner Purity
Why does jesus talk about inner purity in the sermon?
Bringing about a deeper meaning or some of the commandments. He states that if your eye causes you to see things you lust and desire, you should pluck it out as it is Better to lose a part of yourself than to lose the whole of you and fall into hell.
What is a Rabbinic Hyperbole?
Use to make a point, there are occasions where is is so damaging it is best to remove yourself from it.
If you look lustfully at someone, there in a sense you have already committed the act in your heart.
What does jesus address in the teachings of Matthew on he sermon?
Murder Adultery Divorce Eye for an eye Love for enemies
What did jesus have to say about personal responsibility?
Basis or social justice, ensure all have a day free from work each week- keeping the sabbath was enshrined in Jewish law and is the 4th commandment.
Hypocrisy of the Pharisees who allow an ox to be fed on the sabbath but forbade to treat a sick human.
What did Hick argue about Jesus being a teacher?
Is Jesus JUST a teacher of wisdom?
“Jesus without the incarnation can be seen as a moral guide to how we should live”
Jesus is aware f gods will is not unique to jesus, but found in other historical poets such as Moses, Muhammad etc.
Hicks series of essays title
“The myth of God incarnate” 1977
What are the problems with jesus being a teacher of wisdom?
Clearly acceptable for people who find his divinity hard to accept.. however, for others such as Wittgenstein, etc, the power of jesus and authority of his moral teachings does rely on real engagement an affirmation on life.
If Hick is right, then what DOES give jesus special authority?
Is CS Lewis is right, criticised those who accepted jesus as not a son of god.
Bonhoeffer links incarnation to human salvation and we must meet god in human beings. Without incarnation, a connection is lost with the idea of encountering god in human lives
What is Geiser and Turek extract?
“I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist” 2004
What do geiser and Turek discuss in their extract?
The message jesus was giving is that “no one comes through the father except by me, the father and i are one”. You wouldn’t think wow, he’s an amazing oral teacher, you would think he is crazy, because he is claiming to be GOD.
What does Hick view jesus as?
As a gift to the world. He argues reinterpretations the supernatural events in jesus life as symbols of his close relationship wth god.
Why I’d jesus show personal responsibility in the sermon?
Jesus wanted to encourage others to be responsible and respectful towards other humans. Shows this by saying the sabbath was made for man… etc. He pointed out the hypocrisy of early jesus teachers and said it wa wrong, should breath sabbath rules to do the right thing.
What is a liberator?
A freer for the people. Stood up for oppressed and sought to liberate their people
Who are examples of liberators?
Grandi, Martin Luther king, mother Teresa, Oscar Romero, Desmond Tutu.
Why is Jesus seen As a liberator?
E commonly did acts to free people from social convention, religious restriction, political domination and someone who wanted to liberate people from sin. Evidence in teachings that jesus was biased to poor and oppressed
What was the problem with democracy when jesus was alive?
Jewish people were under roman occupation. There were unpopular taxes and oppression of many.
What happened to the democracy when jesus died?
In 73AD, a final revolt led to thousands of people being enslaved and over a million deaths and destruction of the Jerusalem temple.
One group in particular were the zealots.
What are zealots?
Political revolutionists. Trying to overthrow roman occupation at the time of Jesu life.
What did SGF Brandon argue about jesus being a liberator?
Jesus was a politically driven freedom fighter and that later presentations of him in the gospel were toned down and some passages were re written to make him out as a pacifist.
What was Brandons book about jesus as a liberator called?
“Jesus and the zealots” 1967
What did Jesus any (quote) to. Suggest that he was a zealot?
“I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” Mathew
What is some proof about his disciples to show jesus was a zealot?
Jesus followers had weapons which they used to defend themselves at the garden of gethsemane.
They also had suspicious names, eg simon the zealot, and Judas iscariot, which means dagger man, which is another nam for a zealot.
What did Reza Aslan think of jesus?
Identifies jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem the week before his death a key moment. As he enters, some spread cloaks on the floor like they did for jehu when he was declared king.
Others had palm leaves in the air remembering Maccabees who liberated Israel 2 centuries before.
These sent messages that the long awaited king of the Jews had arrived to free Israel from bondage.
Where found inspiration of jesus as a zealot?
In Latin America during 1970 and 1990, during the time f the civil war and massive exploitation of the poor. Found inspiration in the zealot portrayal of Jesus
What was Reza Aslans book called
“Zealot the life and times of jesus of Nazareth” 2013
What has aslans book been criticised for?
Criticised as there are many instances recorded where jesus rejected violet revolution. He stoped his disciples form defending him with violence in the garden of gethsemane. He didn’t confirm the title of King of the Jews , etc
What evidence is there to suggest Jesus wasn’t a zealot?
If Judas was a zealot, his decision to betray jesus may have been because jesus wasn’t revolutionary enough for him.
Jesus said taxes should be given to Caesar.
He stressed “blessed are the peacemakers”.
Jesus said his kingdom wasn’t part of this world, and he didn’t seem interested in political change
Jesus was a carpenter, this is a high end job, therefore he wasn’t poor.
What did Nietzsche call slave morality?
Jesus calling “blessed are the peacemakers. Led him to call Christianity a slave mortality
What is liberation theology?
Freedom. Radical movement in South America in 1960’s, as a response to poverty and the ill treated. Movement explained “if jesus were o earth today he would be a Marxist revolutionary.
Who is leonardo Boff?
Catholic priest. In 1992 he left his priestly ministry because he felt like the church was ‘fossilised ‘ and too stuck in its ways.
What did liberation theology say about the church?
Church should derive its legitimacy and theology by growing out of the poor. Church should be a movement for those who were denied their rights and turned to poverty. Poor should take the example of jesus and use it to bring about a just society.
What were Leonard’s thoughts on jesus as a liberator?
Believed if jesus was a liberator, jesus would haveto of considered the was o life, for. Example money social and society. If oppressed in anyway, they needed to be fixed.
What did liberation theologians see in jesus’ actions?
Biased towards poor and exploited. These people are who liberation theologies describe as underside of history
What do liberation theology call jesus biased
Underside of history
What did Boff think about liberation theology?
Liberation means liberation from oppression. Begins by informing oneself about the actual conditions in which the oppressed live and the various forms of oppression. It can be ANY oppression, race, ex, economy etc,
What did boff (quote) say about liberation?
“A christology that proclaims Jesus Christ as the liberator seeks to be committed to the economic, social and political liberation of those groups that are oppressed and dominated”
Who is Gustavo Gutierrez?
1928, Peruvian catholic priest and theologian who lived and worked with the poor in Lima. Often seen as father of liberation theology
What did Gutierrez argue about jesus?
Although emus may be seen as a zealot, he was much more than that. Jesus didn’t set himself up to be a national leader, and its frequently recorded in the gospels that he told people not to think of him in political messianic terms.
Jesus mission wasn’t to restore Israel but all of human societies.
What is the liberation jesus offers according to Gutierrez?
It is universal and integral.
It transcends national boundaries, attacks the foundation of injustice and exploitation and eliminates politic religions confusions
Who is Oscar Romero?
Archbishop of El Salvador. 1917 to 1981.
What is the timeline of Oscar Romero?
Born in El Salvador.
Declared a vocation to the priests
Ordained a priest, known as quiet, conservative man.
He was made archbishop in a safe appointment, and Martin a status Quo, within 3 weeks this changed. Their talk on injustice threatened the way of life on rich and powerful.
Oscar visited pope in Rome to show injustices in El Salvador.
Shot dead in a mass, “may God have mercy on the assassin”
Assassination in 1980.
What happened to Romeros friend?
Radical priest Father Rutilio Grande.
Brutally murdered in Aguilares.
He lived in poverty along landless peasants, believing this was what jesus would have done.
What was the consequences of Romero’s friends death?
Romero was shook and decided to take action. He ordered a 3 day mourning and funeral mass in the cathedral, despite advice to the contrary.
What was Oscar romero awarded in 1981
Nobelpeace prize. He was nominated in 1978
Who did jesus help?
The marginalised. People who were on the fringe of society. Often referred to as ‘sinners’, of in the Greek, ‘hamartloi’ which means ‘those who missed the mark’
Also helped the people of the land
Who are examples of ‘sinners’?
Tax collectors, dung collectors, prostitutes, and religious heretics like the Samaritans. Contacts with these groups would necessitate washing ceremonies to make you clean again.
Who are people on the land?
The uneducated, included fishermen, farmers, servants and labourers.
What did Robert Webb think of jesus?
Thought at the time of jesus, there was a movement of ‘social banditry’ which sought to free the poor peasants form their life of poverty. Much like Robin Hood.
What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?
Shows jesus a a liberator. Was revolutionary, as it uses sinners and people of the land to show a moral life.
The parable uses a Samaritan to illustrate the true love of a neighbour in ‘Luke’
A man is eaten up and eft for dead, 2 Jewish leaders pass. The Samaritan man caries out the central commandment of law of love god with all your heart.
Jesus touches on the conscience and prejudices of his audience
What is the parable of the healing woman?
Jesus has been touched by a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years. Means it would make you unclean. In seeing her action as one of faith and in accepting her, jesus challenges some of the predictable attitudes towards women and their bodies.
What does jesus show about the tax collectors on table fellowship?
Jesus frequently keeps table fellowship with tax collectors, prostitutes and thieves. Sharing meals with others meant keeping very high standards of religious rituals. By rejecting these table fellowship rituals, jesus demonstrated his teachings that :
“The last shall be the first and the first last”
Was jesus a revolutionary Jew?
Mark depicts jesus as being i confit with 3 main religious Jewish groups.
The Sanhedrin, the Pharisees, and the sadducees.
Jesus made criticism of the Temple and threw out of the temple the money changers as they were exploiting the poor.
What did Gerald O’Collins write about jesus as a revolutionary Jew?
“Much in jesu’ activity to provoke them; his initiatives towards sinners, reinterpretation of the Sabbath obligations, claim to unique religious authority, and promise to salvation to the Gentiles”
What did Geza Vermes think of jesus as a liberator?
Thinks jesus was more Jewish than Christians admit. He had concerns that the gospels add storied to suggest tension between Xn and Judaism. Eg it was unlikely that the Pharisees were waiting to pounce on the disciples for picking some grain.
Jesus lived life as a Jew.
Jesu monetise disagreed with the application of the Jewish law but didn’t actually reject it
Jesus rejected the term messiah. At the feeding of 5000, they wanted to make him king, he withdrew again (john)
Wofhart pannenberg
Jesus resurrection visible and unambiguously, reveals him as god
Was he truly unique?
If he was just one of may teachers and liberators, it undermines him, therefore he must be to have relationship with god
John 14:6 about jesus uniqueness
“Jesus gives the way, the truth and the life”
Shows Jesus’ uniqueness.
What did e p sanders say
There is no way that the Christian claims about the uniqueness of Jesus can be substatiated from evidence of history alone.
History and faith are 2 different things
His teachings on non violence and miracles and hope make him different, but not unique.
He is an empiricist, therefore sanders rejects resurrection
What did John Hick say about Jesus uniqueness
Resurrection is a very powerful metaphor. A metaphor of Christian hope. Jesus was not literally the incarnation. He was just someone that was very open to god and his teachings
HOWEVER, he trips of hope over despair is not a unique idea or claim
It should be considered unique
This is one thing we should all aim to achieve
What did John Macquarie say about Jesus uniqueness
Everyone’s life is unique. We all live or own way. Jesus was no’s different. We shouldn’t label him as unique.
But, it is not one event that makes jesus the son of god. What is significant is the place in history, the events which led to his life and effects on his life, and on human history afterwards, these all show jesus was entirely unique and the son of God.
Does jesus think he is unique?
He wouldn’t often refer to him as son of god. “That’s what they say I am”.
But. He does say when he was asked “are you the son of god” he says I am.
God is referred to in the Old Testament to “i am”