Plant Anatomy Flashcards
Plant cells
Basic building blocks
They support eachother and survive by working together
Merismatic tissue
specilized cells preofrm specific functions
they are devolped from unsepcilized cells called mersimiatic cells which are found in:
-growing tips of roots and leaves
-a special layer of thier step called cambium
mersticic tissue stays for enterire plant life
epidermal tissue
cells and tissues are the exterior of the plant
clear and thin layers of cells
create a protective outer covering
allows for co2, h20 and o2 exchange
has guard cells and stoma
Guard cell and Stoma
when the guard cell opens, it looses h20 and 02 but gains co2
h2o cells in guard cell swell/get bigger when they are full, opening stoma
when stoma is open for long period of time or drought, the plant will deflant and lose h20 (osmomsis)
ground tissue
makes majoirty of plant
Depending on where it is, the function will be different
- in the roots ground tissue is involved in food and water storage
- in the leaves it is involved in photosynthesis and gas exchange
Called the mesophyll - in the stem it provides strength and support
picture of ground tissue
top part that is neatly organized is palisad mesorphell (photosythesis factory), surgar and o2
lower part that is scaterred part is called spongy mesophyle (movement of gas exchange)
helps stoma
Vascular tissue
transport water and nurtients(sugar) throughout the plant
made up of xylem and phleom
movement of water and nutrients from the root to stem and leaves
travels in one directions
xy to the sky
transports sugar produced in photosythesis from leaves to other parts of plant
travels in two direcetions
Xylem vs Phloem
Xylem cells are dead/non living
- Hollow cells with only a cell wall
- transports water an dissolved minerals
Phloem cells are alive/living
- lack nuclus and organelles
- transport organic meterial (sugar)
the hidden half
functions in root include:
- achnorage
- absorbation of water and dissolved minerals
- storage of sugar and starch
- move water and nurtients
made up of epidermal, vasular and ground tissue
xylem is biger to take in nurtients
root epdiermal tissues
root epidermal tissue:
- helps with protection and water absorption
- has specialized cells called root hairs
-this increases the amount of area to surface environment
-this will help absorb more nutrients because of osmosis or diffusion (high to low). The more areas there is, we create more lowconcentrations creating more diffusion (more effective)
Root ground and vasluar tissues
root ground tissue:
- povides support
- stores sugars, starchers and other subtances
vascular tisse:
- made up of xylem and phloem
- helps with transpoation of mterials
usually above ground
- supports leaves and fruits
- transptes water and sugar through xylem and phloem (happens in central stem)
made up of epidermal, ground an dvasular tissue
cross section looks differnet form root
Stem tissues
epdiermal tissue provides protection
- may have waxy cuticle to prevent water loss trichrome hairs for protection (thorns)
ground tissue
- supports plants, stores materials and help photosynthesis if green (do some photosytheis)
vascular tissue
- made of both xylem and phloem (transportation of materials)
Inner stem
Dicot stem: Valsuar bundles are in circular pattern, surrounded by ground tissue. They are bigger
Monocot stem: vasular bundles are spread out (less ordered), more smaller and there is more of them
Outer stem
Herbaceous: More frail, green, plant like stem
Woody: Hard outer proctive layer, bark, trees
Photosytheic factory
main fuctions is to do photosynthesis to give plant food
co2 (g)+ h20 (l) yeild (snlight, chloroplast c6h12o6 (aq) + o2 (g)
made of epidermal, ground and vascular tissue
Leaves tissue
- may have waxy cuticle and staoma/ gaurard cells for gas exchange (found at bottom)
- made up of xylem and phloem for transpited meterials
-called mesophyll
- performs photosythiss
- spongy part allows for gas exchange