Fungi Flashcards
Most common but least visible organism
Underground or with other organisms
Why are Fungi Important?
Recycling cycle
Symbiotic Fungi: Mycorrhizae
Symbiotic relationship of hyphae of certain fungi and roots of some plants (hypea goes into roots)
Fungi part gain surgar and nutrients from photosynthesis
The plant part gain nutrient form the soil (phosphorus)
Plants can not germinate without mycorrhizae (overdependent)
develops food in harsh environments (plant gives nutrients in nutrient defect)
Symbiotic Fungi: Lichens
Detects/sentivtive air pollutants
combo of Green algae or cyanobacteria (photosynthetic cells) and fungus growing together
-mycelia of fungi wraps around photosynthetic cyanobacteria
Fungi give algea co2, h20 and structure support
- Alge gives fungi carbohydrates
Harmful Fungi
Cna cause dieases to plants and animals
ringwork, corn smut, rot wood
Classification of Fungi
Used to be in a group with plants
-many organelles
-cell wall
-suspended by soil
-sexual or asexual reproduction
Plants vs. Fungi
- 1 nuclues per cell
- mainly autotrophs
-Store Energy as starch
- Have roots
-Cell wall with cusllose/fiber
- repoduce by seed
-Many neucli
- Hetreotrophs
- less storage molules
- No roots
- cell wall made out of chiten
- do not repoduce by seed
Fungi Adaptation
Digestion and Reproduction
happens outside cells
mycellium secrets digestive enzymes, decomposes nutrients and obtains them
absorbed by mycelium, a mesh like network of fliments called hypea
mycelium is fuzzy (mold)
undercap of mushroom has gills containing bacidum, spore cells. Inside is haploid nucli which combine to create diploid nucli (1/2 +1/2=1). This makes zygote
The zygote goes through cell division to make 4 haploid nuclei (1 spore with 1/2 DNA). Spores are released and will produce hypea. If 2 spores meet, it will merge to create a cell with 2 nucli, later into mycliem and an organism
fruiting body
reproduction varies, but can be sexual or asexual
Examples of Fungi
Mushrooms, mold spores and toadspools
used to classify as plants but do not share many charaterics with kingdom eukayra
Fungi and ecosystems
Decompose matter, cycling nutrients for organism growth
Fungi and plants
Help plant growth and devolpemnt by Mycelium breaking down/absoring raw material
symbiotic relationship with plants to help them obtain nutrients
Fungi and food
yeast helps make breads rise, beer fermenting and viens on blue cheese
Fungi and medicine
Devolped antivirals, antibitics and cancer therapy
Used in chinese medicine
Key features
- swimming spores
- some are in bread anf furitt
- form sybomtic relationship with plants
- yeast helps humans
- decomposer sthat icnlude mushrooms and puffball