Introduction to Plants Flashcards
dominate most land on earth
known very little by humans
Evolution of Plants
thought to have evolved from charophytes, a group of prostis green algea
charactertistics of plants
- multicellular
- prokaryotic
- most preform photosytheis
- cell wall is made out of cellulose
- immobile (Sessile)
- reproduction of alternations of genertaions
Alternation of generations
life cycle that alternates between diploid or haploid states/generations
diploid produces spores
haploid produces gametes
asexual phase
diploid stage
form axseal spores
spres start growing into gametophyte
sexual phase
gameetotyhype start to mature and producide haploid sex cells (gamtes)
go through fertilization to become diploid zygotes
they grow into sporohytye, an dthe cyle countinues
- famlar group= mosses
- evoled many of thier features to make other terresial plant ssuccessful
-does not include vasulcar system or seed - use osmoisis, duffison and active transport to survive
not true roots
found in bryophytes
limted capicty for nutrients
lack of achorage
Mosses: Pioneer plants
- the first to establish themselve son inhabitated areas
- ex. rocks and soil
- they enhance the eviomrnet when they die and descompose
- they provide organic matter that enhance soil and plant growth
are all plants called mosses, mosses?
lichens are not mosses
spanish moss is not a moss
moss pinks are not mosees
peat moss
- very useful moss
- pinoeer in ecosystem
- used in gardening
- feul is erupoe and asia
- can be chemically changed to make coal
- cna be an antiseptic
- clean up oil spills
- in WW1, it was used for surgial dressings, diapers and femine products
Have a vaslucr system
earliest vasular plant to evolve
reconiable feature is the leafy portion called frond
have no seed (spores)
Ecological Succession
ferns and poinner plants help in ecological succession
can grow on bare, exposed rocks, open bogs, volcanic ash and after forest fire and marshes
are all plants called ferns, ferns?
aspgraus fern is not a fern
Fiddlehead Ferns
- young curled fronds of young ferns harvested as a vegetable
- have omgea 3, iron, fiber, ongea 6
Known as seed plants
sudivsion of vasular plants (tracheophytes)
have roots, stem and leaves
variety of colours, odouers, shapes and sizes
recenlty evolved
- reprodction not dpeneted on water
- hav ea seed which has plabt embryo
pines, jupers, spures, redars and other plants with cones
thin needles like leaves which helps plant survive harsh dry, hot and cold climate
has deep pentrating roots
has hard waxy cuticle
paclitaxel (chemotherapy drug) can be isolated from the tree bark and needles of yew tree
Types of Spermatophytes: Angiosperms
- flowering plants
-many kinds - all are tracheophytes becaus ethye have vauslar tissue
- have flowers and fruit for repdouction
- example is rice
seed of certian grass species
most grown for human consuption
many kinds
Catgeiroes of plants
Sperophyes : germnophyes, aginospheres