Physiology of Hearing and Balance Flashcards
what frequencies do human receive?
state the healthy hearing range of a heathy 20 year old male
state the congenital deformity where the pinna (external ear) is underdeveloped
state the TM:OW ratio
state the pressure gain due to TM:OW ratio
state the ratio of malleus handle to incus long process
state the theoretical mechanical gain of the ratio of malleus handle to incus long process
actually nearer 20-25dB
name the structure tat acts as a ventilation pathway for middle ear mucous
eustachian tube
the resting state of cartilaginous tube of eustachian tube is closed but opened by what 2 muscles?
tensor veli palatini & levator palatine muscles
dysfunction of the Eustachian tube leads to ________ pressure
dysfunction of the Eustachian tube leads to NEGATIVE pressure
name the 2 openings to the cochlea to the middle ear
oval window
round window
what permits transmission of pressure wave in enclosed canal and vibration of the basilar membrane?
the oval and round windows
name the curved spiral part of the cochlea
there are 2 1/2 turns around the central ________ in the cochlea
there are 2 1/2 turns around the central MODIOLUS in the cochlea
scala vestibuli/tympani goes into the round/oval window
scala vestibuli/tympani goes into the round/oval window
scala vestibuli goes into the round window
scala tympani goes into the oval window
name the fluid between the membraneous labyrinth of the ear and the bone which encloses it
scala media (____lymph) suspended in between scala tympani & scala vestibuli (____lymph)
scala media (ENDOlymph) suspended in between scala tympani & scala vestibuli (PERIlymph)
name the receptor organ for hearing that is located in the cochlea
organ of corti
name the important part of the brain involved in hearing:
Left/Right Anterior/Posterior Superior/Inferior temporal gyrus
Left Posterior Superior temporal gyrus
name the mnemonic for learning the central pathway in hearing
Eighth cranial nerve
Cochlear nucleus
Olivary muscle
Lateral lemniscus
Inferior colliculus
state the inter week ago of a foetus in which it can:
(a) hear
(b) respond to sound/voice
(a) hear - 18 WEEKS
(b) respond to sound/voice - 26 WEEKS
one in how many infants have bilateral severe/profound hearing loss, many more will have milder losses?
profound hearing loss in newborns is identified by newborn hearing _________
profound hearing loss in newborns is identified by newborn hearing SCREENING
cochlear implants are inserted into the scala _______
cochlear implants are inserted into the scala tympani