Physiology I -Exam 2 - Neurophysiology and Sensory Organs (From Review Slides) Flashcards
What is a Motor neuron pool?
A group of neuronal cell bodies in the CNS that innervate a single muscle
According to the definition, an upper motor neuron is
A motor neuron that lies completely in the CNS, A motor neuron that controls a lower motor neuron
What is the function of a motor neuron pool located the medial part of spinal cord’s gray matter?
Innervation of axial and proximal musculature, control over musculature that maintains posture
What is the name used to described a loss of voluntary motor coordination?
What is the term used to describe involuntary repetitive eye movements?
Where is the vestibular system located?
Inner ear
What type of receptor is shown in the picture Kinocilla + stereocillia present
Secondary receptor cell
The receptor organ detecting rotary acceleration and deceleration of the head is located in the:
Ampulla of the semicircular duct
CSF is formed at the:
Choroid plexus
Obstruction of CSF flow at the cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius) would lead to dilation of the:
Lateral ventricles
Which one of the following structures is not involved in reflex responses?
The Cerebral Cortex
The parasympathetic nervous system (multiple answers possible):
Controls daily function of visceral organs,
Stimulates the intestinal motility
Which of the following descending brainstem motor pathway controls distal limb musculature associated with skilled movement?
Rubrospinal tract
How does the alpha 1 adrenergic receptor work?
it increases DAG and IP3
The CSF in the third ventricle enters the fourth ventricle via
Cerebral aqueduct
The muscle spindle …
is composed by intrafusal muscle fibers surrounded by a connective tissue capsule
Pacinian corpuscles are rapid adapting, whereas Merkel’s corpuscles are slow adapting skin receptors
In darkness, photoreceptors are depolarized because of the opening of cGMP-activated Na+ channels
Motor tracts descending in the lateral white matter are:
excitatory to lower motor neurons for distal flexor muscles
The adrenal medulla
receives only sympathetic innervation