Alimentary System – Diagnostic Exercise Flashcards
33-year-old grey horse gelding was losing weight, not eating, oral pain (while eating) and was eventually euthanized. This is a picture of his left dental arcades.
What is your diagnosis?
Dental Attrition –> step mouth with malocclusion
33-year-old grey horse gelding was losing weight, not eating, oral pain (while eating) and was eventually euthanized. This is a picture of his left dental arcades.
What can be seen in this image?
Tooth at level of gum, impaction of feed
Close up of broken teeth and impacted feed material within the gingival crevices.
33-year-old grey horse gelding was losing weight, not eating, oral pain (while eating) and was eventually euthanized. This is a picture of his left dental arcades.
Pull teeth out, severe pain.
Teeth worn down
Dental attrition –> Periodontal disease
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
morphologic diagnosis: Focally extensive area of ulceration in the esophageal portion of the stomach
etiologic diagnosis: Finely ground feed
The lining of this ulcer = fibrosis
This is chronic
3 year-old Shar Pei; Hx of vomiting and diarrhea.
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
What is the morphologic diagnosis? Multifocal necrotizing and ulcerative glossitis
What is the etiologic diagnosis? Uremic glossitis
Lesions for uremic glossitis are common on the edges and ventral surface of the tongue
Renal failure –> Amyloidosis
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
What is the morphologic diagnosis? Multifocal necrotizing and ulcerative glossitis; fibrinous
What is the etiologic diagnosis? Renal disease
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
What is the morphologic diagnosis? Venous infarct due to diaphragmatic hernia OR gastric dilation-volvulus
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Die of bateremia, endotoxemia
Spleen is congested, enlarged, rounded borders
Spleen is normally on the Left side but here it is on the right side.
Cranial displacement of diaphragm.
Engorged with food, drank a lot of water
Distension of stomach –> torn
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Mdx? Enamel hypoplasia, BVD (if in calf)
Cause? Canine Distemper virus
Hyperkeratosis of foot pads = key lesion
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Bronchial intestinal pneumonia
Hepatization of lung?
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Diagnosis: Oral neoplasia
What is the morphologic diagnosis? Focally extensive proliferative lesion
What is the etiologic diagnosis? Neoplasia
DDx: Oral melanoma, gingival hypoplasia, epilus, SCC
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Age related dental attrition, dental loss, hyperplastic changes
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Multifocal necrotizing ulcerative esophagitis
Reflux esophagitis/Gastric reflux
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
This was one of several steers presented to the AVC teaching hospital
because of grain overload (ruminal acidosis)
Multifocal ulcerative fibrino-necrotizing rumenitis
Chemical rumenitis due to grain overload –> secondary mycotic ifnection
Outside of body –> multifocal alopecia due to Ehrlichia ticks
10 y-old Boxer (M). Hx: “Stop eating for some time”…RSVM, OI
Body weight: 30 Lbs
Peritoneal carcinomatosis
Location: lesser curvature
Possible Dx?
10 y-old Boxer (M). Hx: “Stop eating for some time”…RSVM, OI
Body weight: 30 Lb
Gastric sarcoma
SCC arises from the nonglandular portion of the stomach
Gastric adenocarcinoma arises from the glandular portion of the stomach
Which portion of the stomach pictured below is glandular? Nonglandular?
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Glandular on left, nonglandular on right
Etiology: blister beetle toxicity in horses –> cantharidin; painful urination, few grams of beetles will produce toxicity.
Morphology: erosive, ulcerative gastritis
Blister beetles
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Erosive/ulcerative gastritis
Parasitic gastritis
No clinical disease
rarely associated with rupture of stomach
What is the morphologic diagnosis?
What is the etiologic diagnosis?
Focal nodular esophagitis
S. lupi in dogs
Location: distal esophagus
Parasitic esophagitis can transform into?
- Neoplasia
- Marie’s disease –> space occupying lesion in the thorax