Physiology-Descending Motor Pathways Flashcards
What are the higher motor areas in the cerebral cortex?
Prefrontal motor cortex, lateral premotor area and supplementary motor area
What is the definition of a lower motor neuron? What are the 2 places lower motor neurons original from?
Nerves that directly innervate muscle. They can come from the spinal cord (alpha motor neurons) and the brainstem (cranial nerves)
What are the different types of inputs that go into the lower motor neurons?
Pattern generators (repetitive movements like walking), reflex interneurons and upper motor neurons from the CNS
Describe the somatotopic arrangement of the lower motor neurons in the spinal cord.
Medially: lower motor neurons innervating trunkal muscles. Laterally: more distal parts of the limbs. Dorsal: flexors. Ventral: extensors.
What are 3 descending motor pathways that originate in the cerebral cortex?
Corticobulbar tract (cranial nerves), corticospinal tract (all crossed) and other tracts that originate in the cerebellum.
What regions of the brain contribute fibers to the lateral corticospinal tract?
Premotor cortex, primary motor cortex, somatosensory cortex
What path does the corticospinal tract take on its way to the spinal cord?
Cortex -> Corona Radiata -> Posterior limb of internal capsule -> Crus cerebri -> Basilar Pons -> Medullary Pyramid -> Pyramidal decussation -> Lateral funiculus down the whole spinal cord
A patient comes to see you in clinic complaining of difficulty drawing pictures. He also has trouble with other fine movements of his hands. What region of the corticospinal tract may be affected in this patients spinal cord?
Lateral region
What path does the rubrospinal tract take on its way to the spinal cord?
Red nucleus -> Midbrain decussation -> Lateral funiculus -> Lateral region of ventral horn in cervical area
What muscles may be affected if a lesion impinged the rubrospinal tract?
The flexor muscles of the upper limb
What path does the anterior corticospinal tract take on its way to the spinal cord?
Cortex -> Corona radiata -> Midbrain -> Spino-medullary junction -> Anterior funiculus of the spinal cord to the cervical region
A patient comes to see you in clinic with a lesion in his spinal cord and difficulty with postural movements of the head and upper extremity on the right side. Where in the spinal cord is the likely location of this lesion? What side of the CNS do signals originate that go through this pathway?
Anterior corticospinal tract. Note that these fibers do not cross over at the spinomedullary junction and travel on the ipsilateral (right in this patient) side of their location in the CNS.
What path does the vestibulospinal tract follow on its way down the spinal cord?
Lateral vestibular nucleus -> Ipsilateral side of the spinal cord. Medial vestibular nucleus -> bilateral descent down cervical spinal cord
A patient comes to see you because they slipped and fell on the ice. He cracked his head open because he did not have any reflex to maintain his balance. In what region of the descending motor system does this patient have a problem?
Medial descending system: specifically the lateral vestibulospinal tract. This system is responsible for extensors of the upper liimbs, lower limbs and the righting reflex.
A patient comes to see you in clinic with problems coordinating his head movements with his eye movements. He also has problems with head posture. Where is the likely problem in his descending motor system?
Medial vestibulospinal tract.