physiological approach,evolutionary approach, learning and behavior Flashcards
Physiological approach
Temperament:Biologically based traits present at birth (can predict future characteristics in adult hood)
Which personality traits have strong biological basis
extraversion and neuroticism
Adult traits related to temperament
sociability+activity level (extraversion) and excitability (neuroticism)
Eysenck’s Theory of Personality
Extraversion and introversion represent different levels of physiological arousal
Below optimal level (under-aroused)
*Seek out social interactions for stimulation
above optimal level(over-aroused)
*Avoid excessive stimulation
doesnt mean theyre shy
Eysenck’s Theory: Evidence:
introverts prefer and perform better in quiet environment (library)
-extraverts set volume higher than introverts
-introverts are morning people, extraverts are night people
-extroverts tend to use stimulants and introverts tend to use sedatives
Alternate Theory: Gray
Reinforcement sensitivity
how sensitive you are to rewards and punishments
Grey’s Two systems
1)Behavioral activation system (BAS)
-hypersensitive to reward
*positive emotionality
*seeking out good things
*seek novelty
2)Behavioral inhibition system (BIS)
-sensitivity to punishment
*very fearful,insecure
*negative emotionality
How can we integrate Gray and eyesenk?
Grays dimensions are a rotation of Eyesenck’s dimensions
High BAS=impulsitivity=E+N+(high extroversion, high neuroticism)
High Bis=Avoidance=E-N+(low extraversion, high neuroticism)
Dopamine and mice
High dopamine mice very active, explored their cage
Low dopamine mince are lethargic, dont eat/drink
Linked to high Behavioral Activation System (BAS)
Genetic Basis for Sensation Seeking
Long version of dopamine receptor gene (D4DR)= high sensation seeking
Short version of D4DR= low sensation seeking
Negatively related to Behavioral inhibition system (BIS)
high serotonin=low BIS
low serotonin=depression,anxiety
serotonin drugs
MDMA(recreational drug) increases serotonin
*Lowers inhibitions, increases feelings of warmth
SSRIs (medical drugs) like Prozac, Lexapro, and others also increase serotonin
*Reduce depression and anxiety
Linked to aggression (Eyesenk’s Psychoticism)
Men are higher in Testosterone, also more aggressive in all cultures
Neuro-Anatomical Approach to personality
There are regions in the brain associated with particular aspects of personality and behaviors
Patterns of brain activity associated with personality
Right prefrontal cortex: withdrawal (BIS)
Left prefrontal cortex: approach
Orbitofrontal cortex:anticipation of rewards and punishment (BIS AND BAS)
Medial prefrontal cortex: self referential judgments
Amygdala: fear, emotion regulation
Evolutionary Perspective
We are biologically programmed to engage in behaviors that facilitate survival and reproductions
Result is a human nature that reflects behaviors that have been adaptive through evolutionary history
inclusive fitness
Explains behaviors that seem maladaptive
Altruism,self sacrifice
Prediction:more altruism(self sacrifice) toward kin than non-kin
Inclusive fitness has been used to explain gay gene
Evidence for the evolutionary perspective on personality
Humans across cultures and non-human primates show similar social behavior:
-Status hierarchies
-Competitions for resources
-Emotion expressions
-Sexual jealousy
Universal emotions:
people in all cultures share same emotional expressions
Why are emotion expressions adaptive?
Send message that can save lives of sender and receiver
fear-avoid danger
disgust-this food will make u sick