biological and genetic perspective Flashcards
Basic assumptions
personality traits:
1)reflect physiological differences between people
2)largely genetically determined
3)rooted in evolutionary history
Pre-scientific approach: phrenology
physical features of head are associated with specific functions(sloping forehead=criminal prone)
Modern view:
1)its in the brain not the head
2)its not that specific
Galen’s 4 humors
believed personality was a reflection of 4 fluids/humors that make up our bodies (if 1 fluid was dominant, personality would be associated with fluid)
Yellow bile: bad temper, irritability (Choleric)
Black bile: gloomy,pessimistic (Melancholic)
Phlegm:sluggish, non-excitable (Phlegmatic)
Blood:cheerful, passionate (Sanguine)
***modern view: neurotransmitters are responsible rather than fluids
Modern Genetic Approach
genes are the building blocks of personality
*inherited through evolutionary processes
*shape personality and behavior by shaping physiological responses
*behavioral genetics=the study of how genes shape behavior
Assumptions of Behavioral Genetics
1)nature vs. nurture(behavior is shaped by genes and environment)
2)genotypes are genetic potentialities(genes for eye color)
3)phenotypes are manifest (apparent) characteristics(actual eye color is influenced by mix of genes and environment)
**genetic determination(if you have a gene-> then phenotypes, nothing to do with environment)
**gene-environment interactions(if you have a gene and particular environments, then a particular phenotype)
genetic heritability
heritability is the extent to which individual differences in a trait, within a group of people, are due to differences in genes
**heritability can only apply to groups->based on individual differences
**does not mean how much of a trait within a single person is due to genetics
Behavioral genetics
*used to identify differences between individuals WITHIN a group
*allow researchers to determine extent to which individual differences in a trait are due to genetics and to environment
Misconceptions about heritability
group differences are NOT explained by genetic differences
avg IQ is lower in african americans than white americans, but not due to genetic differences but to__________
group differences are caused by environmental differences between groups
white and black people differ in socioeconomic status so their environment is different
Twin studies
help us understand the importance of genetic and environmental influences on social development
Twin study research diagram
Monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins have same environment
Monozygotic twins have same genetics, but dizygotics twins have different genes
Twin studies: compare concordance (similarity) of trait in MZ vs DZ twins
If MZ twins are more similar than DZ twins, that means trait is partly heritable
Adoption studies:
If biological kids are more similar to parents than adoptive kids, trait is partly heritable
Equal environments assumption(Is the amount of shared environment really the same for DZ vs. MZ twins)
Not totally clear if the environment is completely the same because MZ are treated the same because they look the same, but DZ might be treated differently cus they look different
Caveats of adoption studies
-adopted parents treat kids differently from biological parents
2)selective placement
-adoptions centers try to pair kids with parents by matching genes
certain genotypes and environments may be associated with each other(genotype-environment correlation)
selection of certain environments (Passive)
manipulation of environment (active)
reactions from others(reactive)
twin studies have revealed 3 important influences on personality
1)genetic influences:genes individuals inherit from parents
2)shared environment
3)non-shared environment
genetic effects
what parents pass on to children
100% shared in MZ twins
50% in DZ twins
Environmental effects
shared:family and environmental influences that affect twins similarily
nonshared:family and enviornment influences that affect twin differently (ie: differnet teacher,diff friends)
personality is influenced little by
shared environment
what has strong impact on personality?
non-shared environment
Do parents matter?
*The unique relationship between mother and child predicts the unique self-esteem of each child(non-shared environmental effects)
New zealand twin study:Does unique parenting(non-shared environmental effect) influence self-esteem?
does not affect self esteem at ages 5 and 7(largely due to genetics at that age)…. but there is small effect
*All personality traits are at least partially heritable
*The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes
*Much of the variance in personality is not due to genes or shared family experiences, but influenced by unshared, unique parent-child relationship