PHYS Renal Tubular Mechanisms & Fluid Osmolarity & Electrolytes - Week 10 Flashcards
Describe pathway of paracellular tubular reabsorption.
Via tight junctions.
Describe pathway of transcellular tubular reabsorption.
Apical or luminal membrane -> cytosol of luminal cell -> exists via basolateral membrane -> interstitium -> endothelial membrane of capillary -> plasma.
In which tubular segment is the greatest percentage of Na+ and H2O reabsorbed?
What is the transport max? What happens to excess?
Transport maximum - for most substances that are actively reabsorbed, there is a limit to the rate that the solute can be transported (back into the peritubular capillaries) – due to saturation of available carrier proteins and or leakage back into the lumen (gradient-limited systems) -> excess excreted via urine.
The filtration rate of glucose is proportional to
Plasma glucose concentration, until Tm (transport max) is reached - often considered a sign of glucosuria.
Glucosuria cause. Clinical sign of what condition?
Tm glucose reached - due to increased BGL & GFR. Clinical sign of DM.
Reduced afferent flow has what affect on PGC & GFR?
Afferent arteriole constricted -> reduced blood flow -> reduced PGC -> reduced GFR.
Reduced efferent flow has what affect on PGC & GFR?
Efferent arteriole constricted -> increased PGC -> increased GFR.
Increased efferent flow has what affect on PGC & GFR?
Efferent arteriole dilated -> reduced PGC -> reduced GFR.
Increased afferent flow has what affect on PGC & GFR?
Afferent arteriole dilated -> increased PGC -> increased GFR.
What is the relationship btw increased GFR & reabsorption?
High GFR -> inadequate reabsorption -> loss of substances via urine.
What is the relationship btw decreased GFR & reabsorption?
Low GFR -> increased reabsorption -> wastes not excreted.
Small changes in GFR correspond to: small OR large changes in the volume of filtrate that must be processed?
Large (e.g., 10% increased in GFR = 18L more filtrate which must be processed).
If an increase in hydrostatic pressure occurs, how does the afferent arteriole respond?
An increase in hydrostatic pressure against the afferent arteriole walls-> activation of stretch receptors -> initiate vasoconstriction to return GFR to normal -> via opening calcium channels in the vascular smooth muscle cell membrane -> calcium and vascular smooth muscle cell contraction -> vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole -> reducing GFR to normal range.
Myogenic mechanism vs tubuloglomerular feedback as intrinsic mechanisms involved in autoregulation of GFR & BP.
- Myogenic mechanism – constriction/dilation of renal arterioles (via Laplace’s law) to maintain relatively constant GFR level in response to changes in BP as detected by smooth muscle cell receptors (responsible for dilation/constriction of arterioles).
- Tubuloglomerular feedback – constriction/dilation of renal arterioles due to changes in concentration of filtered load of sodium & waste products as detected by macula densa cells (see below).
Macula densa response to increased GFR.
GFR increased -> flow through tubule increases -> increased luminal NaCl concentration in filtrate -> macula densa cells sense increase/decrease in renal flow rate -> release adenosine which acts on cells of afferent arteriole -> constriction -> resistance increases -> hydrostatic pressure increase -> GFR decreases.
(& macula densa cells also secrete renin which acts on cells of efferent arteriole -> dilation).
Is RBF, GFR, urine flow autoregulated?
RBF & GFR is autoregulated via intrinsic mechanisms, however urine flow is not.
What is pressure natriuresis?
Increased renal perfusion pressure leads to a decrease in tubular reabsorption of sodium and an increased sodium excretion. The set point of blood pressure is the point at which pressure natriuresis and extracellular fluid volume are in equilibrium.
Main inputs of Na+ from the body.
Main outputs of Na+ from the body.
Sweat, urine, faeces.
Pathway of increased NaCl intake on CVS pressure
High NaCl intake -> increased osmolarity of ICF & ECF -> increased ECF & reduced ICF (cells shrink) -> increased CVS pressures (as CVS is a closed system).
Natriuresis means
Excretion of Na+ via urine.
What receptors detect changes in total body concentrations of Na+?
CVS stretch-sensitive receptors & baroreceptors as well as renal sensors (e.g., macula densa) will detect changes in Na+ concentrations.
If MAP has a sustained decrease, then what is the effect on Na+ & H2O excretion via urine?
If MAP has a sustained increase, then what is the effect on Na+ & H2O excretion via urine?
Tubular Na+ reabsorption is controlled by what hormone.
From where is aldosterone secreted?
Zona glomerulosa cells of adrenal glands.
Na+ movement across descending tubule.
Aldosterone function & effect on late distal tubule & collecting duct cells.
Aldosterone travels from suprarenal glands via bloodstream -> peritubular capillaries -> diffuses across basolateral cell membrane into late distal tubule or collecting duct -> binds to mineralcorticoid receptor in the cytoplasm -> travels to nucleus -> modulates transcription & translation -> increases Na+ transporting proteins.
BP, Na+ plasma concentration, K+ plasma concentration in Addison’s disease vs aldosteronism.
Addison’s - low BP, low Na+, high K+
Aldosteronism - high BP, high Na+, low K+.
RAS system affect on sympathetic activity.
RAS system affect on Na+, K+, water movement.
Na+ reabsorption. K+ excretion. H2O retention.