ANAT GIT - Week 6 (incl. Workbook) Flashcards
Which vessel, aorta or IVC, is more anterior and where?
IVC is more anterior until the umbilicus, where the aorta becomes more anterior.
What separates R and L lobes of the liver?
Falciform ligament.
What separates caudate and quadrate lobes of the liver?
Define ‘portal-systemic anastomosis’
Vascular anomalies that connect portal circulation with the systemic circulation - diverting portal blood away from the liver.
What is portal hypertension?
Increased pressure in the portal vein.
Potential complications of portal hypertension
Increased pressure = increased chance of rupture, ascites…
What structure does the median arcuate ligament arch over?
3 sites of typical ureter constriction.
Pelvico-ureteric junction, crossing of the pelvic blum, entry into bladder wall.
From where does the SMA erupt (i.e., what lies superiorly & inferiorly).
SMA erupts under the inferior border of the pancreas and above the L renal vein.